Monday, July 11, 2005

Satan's Handmaiden...

Music Of The Moment: Conjure One, The album: "Conjure One."

Forewarned is forearmed. I'm about to go on one helluva political rant. (Left-wing, of course.)

I'm in the process of creating a moderately offensive piece of design. Okay, it's only offensive if you happen to be Conservative, American, Anti-choice and are pro the war against Iraq. Fortunately, that's not a large percentage of my readership, and it's a very small percentage of me. Pretty much none. Though, I have had some American in me, but I don't think that's really what I was going for. I'm enjoying exercising my political opinion. Sparingly of course, but I'm still saying something.

It's actually remarkably put together, as a collage piece, and if I deem it suitable it will be useful in my portfolio. If not this term, than next term. I've done a few pieces that are quite nice possible portfolio additions in the past two weeks, and I'm happy about that, I was feeling like I was in a rut for a while, but it's really that we've been spending so much time learning different programs, that we haven't had much of an opportunity to design stuff.

I spent a portion of my afternoon searching for images on Google images, of abortion, and various imagery from the war in Iraq of unpleasant things. My heart hurts. A few images almost had me in tears, and it wasn't all that pleasant. Such is life. I don't think I would have chosen such a difficult subject matter if I wasn't opinionated about the topics in it. and found them important to me.

I'm horrified at the method that the religious right in the United States and Canada has been using to scare women into not choosing an abortion, if that's what they are leaning towards, and seeking information online. It's devolved into using horrific images of diced up foetuses and foetuses in garbage cans (obviously manipulated imagery, I should know. Photoshop is a fantastic tool.) as anti-choice propoganda. These are NOT facts, these are pictures intended to arouse anger and resentment against those who are pro-choice. Thier sole purpose is so shock and offend. Offensive they certainly are. The goal of most pro-life organizations is to focus on emotion, rather than reason. focusing on guilt, on sadness, anger, and a majority of them focus on religious indignation. It's not the right way to approach something like this.

I'm all for women being able to get the information they need, but what they need is unbiased opinions on Abortion methods, or alternatives. Women that are experiencing an unwanted, (or even, an unsure pregnancy) need a place that gives them that information. I've had my own personal experience at the age of 18, walking into a clinic that unbeknownst to me, was pro-life, and once I told them the decision I had made, (in a questionairre, no less) I sat there and was berated, while the woman berating me called an "angry little girl" and told me that I didn't know what a horrible choice I was making. I left sobbing, very, very angry and most definitely NOT a little girl.. I left with handfuls of Christian propoganda that I read through, (Yes, even furious, I read through it.) and promptly tossed into the garbage. They were focussing on emotion, rather than reason. The same organization helped one of my best friends when she dealt with an unexpected pregnancy, giving her basic supplies for her son, prenatal vitamins, and other accoutrement when she had decided to keep her son. To each their own decision, and I couldn't imagine life without my nephew in it.

I'm pro-choice, in case you couldn't tell. Yes, that's right. I'm Satan's handmaiden, I'm the whore of Bielzebub, and I'll burn forever in the eternal fiery flames that are Hell. I'll manage somehow, I'm sure. Being pro-choice doesn't make me evil, it doesn't make me a bad person, or mean that I don't respect life. Excepting moths, which I'm more terrified of than disrespectful, I appreciate ALL life.

In Canada, women are not allowed to have an abortion after nine weeks post conception. I agree with this. If you haven't managed to get your shit together nine weeks after finding out that you've been knocked up, then you push that kid out, and you either manage to raise it properly, or you give that baby up for adoption. This is where I waver from the general consensus of my fellow pro-life libertarians.

Abortion should not be an out if you're using it as a regular birth control device.
That's what condoms and the birth control pill were created for. If you can't shell out seven bucks for a box of condoms, take a trip to the local pharmacy for the Morning after Pill, (9 dollars) or pay 15 bucks a month at Planned Parenthood for a box of birth control pills, well, then you shouldn't be fucking in the first place.

What I'm getting at here, is the fact that every woman, regardless of age, race, or ethnicity, has the right to decide whether or not she wants carry a pregnancy to term, or even if she's willing to become pregnant in the first place. (This is why I have such a beef against the Roman Catholics, and their refusal to accept Birth Control as a feasible method to control unwanted pregnancy.) By keeping abortion legal, you're keeping it safe, sanitary, and you're gaining the loyalty and patriotism of the individuals that have to go through that process. There's no way in hell that abortions should be self induced via coat hangers, turpentine or physical violence, threatening the life of the woman undertaking that prospect. That's just barbaric in this day and age when scientific and medical technology is so advanced. To tell a woman that she does not have a say in whether or not she brings a child into this world is a direct infringment upon her personal freedoms and individual rights. Why not take away women's right to vote, and hell, while your at it, clap those pesky African-Americans in chains again. Bomb Japan, hell, they deserve it. I mean honestly, get real.

George W. Bush is balls-out determined to rid the United States of Roe Vs. Wade, and I'm dreading what's going to happen if he ever manages to get that law revoked. The scariest part of that thought, is the fact that Dubya doesn't have to watch who's toes he treads on now. He's got a little under three years left in office, and he can't run for election again as U.S. president, having run for two full terms in power. That means he's going to push every single constitutional repeal he can think of, all the ones that his party stands against, or that he stands against personally, revoking the rights that people have fought so hard to gain.

Yeah, He's holy alright. A holy terror.
(And no, I wish I had done this image, but I didn't. It's clever though, eh?)

Oh, Hate mail can be directed HERE, but I'm warning you, I might just post hate mail and make fun of you.

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