Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Ahhh yes. The 'thon is moving along nicely, and I've arranged a set playlist for the songs I'm going to toss in, also arranging a guest poster who is also posting in thier own 'thon entry, who I'll be trading shoes with for at least one post during the 24 hour event. Any requests for music, suggestions or anything else, perhaps another volunteer guest spotter, that gets to pick their own tune to slap up on the server for their designated hour. I'll also be doing my own post on thier site while they are here entertaining you guys with their own form of digital typography.

Small pieces of design will be tossed up randomly during my stint, which will also be printed and sent with the "winner" who pledges the most to the Canadian Cancer Society.

So what are you waiting for? I'm excited about this!

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