Friday, July 01, 2005

Holy Christ on a cracker!!

Rick Mercer has a blog!

I *heart* Rick Mercer. I've had this stupid girly me, digging smart, East Coast Canadian men that are funny as fuck crush on him for YEARS! It's my upbringing, and East Coast Canadians have a very unique sense of humour, which is by far my favourite next to British humour. I heart Rick Mercer equally as much as I heart Jon Stewart from The Daily Show. Both deliciously, wicked humoured souls.

That and I dig brunettes. LOTS. (Hey, it's me, don't expect me to not be a little bit naughty.)

For those of you that don't know who Rick Mercer is, he's been the front man on 'This Hour Has 22 Minutes', 'Made In Canada', 'Talking To Americans' and 'Monday Report', all of which are Canadian political satire television programmes that I grew up watching with my dad. I'm sure if I watched television now, instead of immersing myself in homework, I would STILL be laughing at them. "This Hour..." is one of the only T.V. shows I'll allow myself the luxury of watching anymore.

He's a cynical bastard, with a dry sense of wit and great delivery, that ALWAYS has me laughing. Great at deadpan, and also smirking when he delivers a sharp line towards the conservative party in Canada. (Sorry Mayor, my darling, you may love me for my fantastic rack, and witty repartee, but my liberal roots are showing.) From what I've read, since his blog is quite recent; he writes much the same way he performs. And that, darling chilluns' makes me a happy, happy girl. I hope he keeps it up.

Very, very cool.

Consider him linked!!

*special thanks to Shatnerian, who unknowingly informed me of this coolness... Coolness? Jeeeesus, what am I? 16?*

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