Sunday, July 24, 2005

Well, I Guess I'm a Pro...

I shelled out the 31 dollars Canadian for a pro account on 20 megs of photos/design ends up zipping by pretty fast, and I think I topped my account in about ten days this month. Drag.

This marks the first occasion I've ever paid for something online. Whoo! I'm part of that modern day technology thing now. Fucking crazy.

I really have nothing other than that to say today, other than the fact that I was up until six this morning working on stuff, and woke up at noon. The only thing with that was that on Friday afternoon, the power went out momentarily in my house, leaving all of the clocks blinking their digital love at the humans in residence. I didn't bother to fix my clock but only got frustrated with that infernal blinking right in my face. So, I did what any person would do, and set it for one minute ahead of the four hours ahead of regular time that the clock was showing. so it was 6 pm, and my clock was showing 10:01 pm. I promptly fell asleep, since the clock wasn't blinking at me, thinking to myself that I'd set it properly when I woke up later that evening.

I didn't wake up until nine thirty the next morning, (I was bagged.) and had promptly forgot to change my clock back to regular scheduled broadcasting hours. So this "morning" when I woke up, I thought I had slept in until four thirty in the afternoon. I was so dissapointed in myself.

Dissapointed in myself for nothing.

See. Pointless story. Ah well. Life's like that sometimes.


Oh, and what I made, is really quite awesome looking. Here. Take a look. It was a present for Devin and Marty. So they could have artwork for their podcasts in iTunes. Just like that pretty one I made yesterday that echo's the GSD banner. It was fun going off of the original theme of "blender" and the term D uses all the time of the DAM. 'casts being "A Musical Blender, that's always set on Pureè". As you can see I went a bit abstract from there, and played up the idea of blended things and Mike G suggested a Meat grinder. Whatever. It speaks for itself.

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