Saturday, July 02, 2005

Vote For Pedro!

Okay, so I finally got with the times, and rented Napoleon Dynamite. I've so got my priorities backwards regarding technology, where I'm mired in computers day in and day out, and I haven't seen some of the latest new releases until months after they've been out of theatres.


I liked this movie. Quite a bit. Why? Well that's another story. Granted, it was full of absolutely stupid humour, but still, it had me laughing. Some scenes I was almost in hysterics, due to the sheer stupidity of the humour, though, I think that was half the brilliance of the film. The characters were... Gad, it's hard to describe. They were watered down. Half of the appeal of the characters was the fact that they were bland in demeanor. That only strengthened the movie, in my opinion. The characters HAD personality by totally lacking it. Maybe it's more that they were acting like the very shy people their characters were, and by doing so, it was fantastically well done. It was slow moving in parts, but still kept your attention. Continuity was there... sorta.

*sighs* It's so hard to explain. I'm sure someone could do it better than I could.

Things happened in the movie that had no bearing on anything else, obscure, pointless, and merely for comedic effect. In particular the "steak" scene had me laughing until my ribs hurt, and the dance segment had me grinning like an idiot. I enjoyed the slow, gentle smile that Pedro had, and the contrast of the confidence that he displayed in his actions and the bland-ness of his character. Both at the same time. I enjoyed the shy, sweet spirit that Deb's character had, and I know that was exactly the way I was in highschool. Remember, I never had the personality I have today, when I was 16.

I think the best way to describe it is that you have to imagine living in a middle American small town, (unless you already do.) and that you have to sympathize with geeks. Complete and utter nerds. Obviously, I do. Hence why I liked it. You have to like Kitsch, because this movie is loaded with it. There were parts where I was expecting something a little more adult oriented to happen, but that's just my dirty mind not expecting a relatively clean movie. You have to be willing to just relax and zone out on a movie and not over analyze it to death.

I'd recommend it, but if you can't handle stupid humour... I dunno man. Maybe not.

Either way, it's developed a huge cult following, and maybe it's worth seeing what all the fuss is about. At least then you can understand what the hell some of your co-workers are talking about during the day.

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