Sunday, July 31, 2005


I'm feeling a little disheartened, (Depressed, even) since everything I wrote in Mitchieville was either poorly recieved, or taken the wrong way, and I've come to the decision that I'm not writing in anything other than GSD, since I seem to be so damned offensive, excepting my brief tradesies during blogathon 2005.

I just wish...

Well... What I really wish is that people would realize that there is a person behind the words on the screen, but somehow, that seems to elude some people. Yeah, I have a mildly offensive sense of humour to some people, and honestly, me writing in a largely conservative based blog was a bad idea from the get go. I was nervous about writing it, feeling obligated and not willing to say no because I wanted to make a friend happy, and honestly I had no idea as to what the hell to write, that wouldn't make me look horrid. The sad thing is, I feel like I've gone and alienated myself from someone whose friendship I value. Sorry, I didn't mean to fuck up.

Should I really care, that I've gotten a couple of people up in arms with something so harmless? No. But I do anyways.


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