Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I Have...

A small rant about something. I was going to tackle the Karla Homolka issue, since I'm fired up about that, and have been for weeks; but I think I've got enough steam to go off of for a while on this issue alone.

It seems today, that I have my panties in a knot regarding a few current events. Usually I'm pretty liberal minded, accepting the oddities of day to day life, without so much as batting an eyelash. I have my opinions, but unless they are uncontrollable, I manage to keep them to myself. These are not controllable opinions, however, and I need to have an outlet. Lucky for me, I have GSD, and a readership that tolerates my occasional lapses in control.

My issue, is this.

The lady in Utah that had GOLDENPALACE.COM tattooed on her forehead for ten thousand United States dollars for her son's education.

Okay. I'm a tattoo enthusiast. I have the utmost respect for individuals that get tattoo work done, mainly because it's expensive, permanant, and usually symbolic of something to that individual, whether it be easily concealed, or no. I have NINE tattoos. All of them mean something extremely meaningful to me, becoming a part of me as an individual. I DID NOT choose to have ink slammed into my skin pell-mell, heedless of the consequences, knowing that by having my entire back covered in permanant markings, I was choosing that for life, or until I decided, (most unlikely) to have them removed. I boned up on this before I decided to rant from several different sources (which is always a wise thing to do) when stating this opinion.

Now, this woman had one inch high, solid black lettering saying the words GOLDENPALACE.COM plastered on the upper center of her forehead, for 10,000 United States dollars? Ten thousand USD?

Wait, wait, wait... Back that gravy train up.

Are you fucking kidding me?


No, sadly, this is no joke.

I'd like to say a few things about this woman's decision.

i.) (In my opinion) She is showing serious disrespect to the tattooing community by having something like that written on her forehead without having a personal meaning to it. You sold your forehead space on EBAY for fucks sakes. She "think(s) it's funny". I guarantee you that in a year, you're going to be spending about 50 bucks a week on coverup. And that, darling, isn't so funny. Except for the cosmetics industry, who's going to yuk it up, after she shells out fifteen dollars a pop on the thick layers of coverup that are necessary to slap onto her forehead. I hope you enjoy your family portraits on your Christmas cards.

ii) I refuse to get the name of someone I ADORE tattooed upon my flesh, merely because the likelihood of me no longer being in a relationship with that person could, in fact, occur. No matter HOW much I love them, I wouldn't get their name branded on my flesh willingly. This is just me, and this has been a standing statement of mine since the moment I started getting tattoo work done. What makes you think that this casino company is going to be in business ten years from now? Or even five? How much do you think it's going to cost to have it removed, burned painfully via laser, millimeter by millimeter, when you've upheld your end of the contract you signed to have this hideous thing slammed into your skin?

Yes, yes. I understand, she loves her son. This is a mother's job, to provide for her child. I respect that. A mother's love knows no boundaries. HOWEVER, I think that she went about this entirely the wrong way.

She was quoted as saying,
"To everyone else, it seems like a stupid thing to do. To me, $10,000 is like $1 million. I only live once, and I'm doing it for my son."
Sure, you're doing it for your son. HOWEVER, I'd like to ask her how much private school funding she thinks 10,000 bucks is actually going to provide for her child, where tutoring, (even from peers) would also been as beneficial? How many years of private school do she honestly think that 10,000 USD is actually going to buy? She should spend some time HELPING her son with his schoolwork, instead of opting for the easy (easy?) money by renting her dome out on EBay... I mean, come on, public school ISN'T that bad, lady. Hell, I went to public school for my entire education, and I'm no nitwit. Your kid is going to school in Utah, not the school from the movie Dangerous Minds. Though, you might need to grow your bangs out like Ms. Pfeiffer, and dye your hair a dark brown, or black to look minutely presentable.

"It feels like someone is taking a pin and just stabbing you with it,"

Yes, that's EXACTLY what it is, you great ninny. L'od almighty. The tattoo artist (Brouse) was brusque, to the point of rudeness; and stern with her while outlining the letters on her head. (I watched the video in abject horror.)

"Will it go numb?" she asked. "It'll go as numb as your brain," Brouse replied. "My brain is already numb," she said, laughing.

Good grief, Charlie Brown! He and his fellow employees in the parlour spent approximately seven hours trying to convince this woman that having this tattooed on her head was a really fucking BAD idea. Well, no shit. If I was that tattoo artist, I'd tell the woman to get the fuck out of my parlour, and never come back with as ridiculous a request as that. As the tattooist, you have the right to refuse servicing a potential customer. This is where he should have exercised this right. Noteriety or no, it's not a way to make a reputation, if that's what the tattoo parlour was going for.

Yeah, I've carried on to no end about this broad, and I'm absolutely disgusted with her, and the company that seems to think that tattoos, and tattooing their brand on idiotic individuals is an effective advertising technique. Perhaps for exposure, yes, but ethically, I find this repugnant. The entire notion of these people buying advertising space on human flesh (This has been done before, on someone's entire back, by the same company) is getting tired very VERY quickly, not only for me, but for a large portion of the community these guys seem hell bent on offending. Tattooing is not a lark, and I'm livid over the fact that these people seem to think of it as something trivial.

*sighs* I'm sure I'll face some sort of scorn for voicing such a boisterous opinion, and if that's the case, so be it, but honestly, can't people find BETTER things to do with their time, flesh and commitment?

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