Sunday, October 16, 2005

Feet & Technology.

For a couple of people. A fresh pedicure, and my laptop. (admittedly, this photo *is* from my when I had my old laptop, and my nails are now metallic baby blue.) I'm thinking of having a Feet and technology Sunday night/Monday, every two weeks, because, Hey, I pamper the hell out of my feet, and not many people ever get to see them in the winter, even WITH a new coat of polish, and I love macs.

If you like mac's, if you like toes, this is a fairly fetish specific photograph. Just for the hell of it, I have no excuses, nor do I need any. I just feel like catering to a specific target group, that may or may not read GSD, ever. I don't really care. This is the abstract artist in me tossing up my odd piece now and then. I'm appeasing myself, here.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go finish my homework. The complete random-ness of this post is done now.



Hey. Does my toe look funny the way it curves? or is it just me being Toe-judgemental? What kind of DRUGS did I smoke today? Gawd.

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