Friday, October 14, 2005

Keep on Rocking in the Free World... Friday Five.

Been a while since I tinkered with a Friday Five. I know, I'm bloggin' like MAD these past two days. I guess I have a lot to write about. Here, have some more.

1. What if any instrument do you play?

Guitar, but mostly I'm a vocalist. I can play two or three cover songs, and one that I wrote myself.

2. If you could choose to play an instrument what would it be?

Piano. That would rule.

3. If you were in a band, what would your band’s name be?

"The Immaculatemissconceptions", or just "Immaculatemissconception"

4. What type of music would your band play?

Uhh. If it's me playing guitar, then it's Bob Dylan cover songs. If it's someone else, that's actually got TALENT, well then anything but bubblegum pop, or death metal.

Probably "Alternative Rock".

5. Would you continue to be good for years to come, or would you and your band end up in Branson playing for bus loads of elderly?

Oh, we'd rock, we'd rock until WE needed the hearing aides and Depends®, baby.

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