Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Sara finds the neatest meme's.

Put whatever you'd like as the finishing sentence. Preferably a confession. A deep, dark, vile confession bearing the utmost concerns and dirty little secrets you have... Or some junk.

1.) I am: Well, at the moment I'm freezing my ass off. It's cold and miserable outside, and I live in the dungeon. More generally speaking, I'm confused... Well, most of the time. I'm torn between what I love to do, What I've chosen to do, what I need to do, what I want to do and what I HAVE to do. this might involve me having to resort to prostitution, becoming the madame of an opium den, and/or drug dealing, so that I actually HAVE an income, instead of dicking around making pretty pichoors.

2.) I think: All the time, and far too much. I think I think when I'm sleeping too... I think. I also think I'm too hard on myself, and have been told as much from everybody that knows me.

3.) I am pretty sure that: The hurdles I'm tossed now will eventually wear away, if not from surmounting them, then by throwing my mind and body over and over again at them wearing them down through sheer persistance and stubborn-ness.

4.) I'd like to believe: That Santa, the Easter Bunny, and Tooth Fairy exist. I envy the innocence of children.

5.) I really like to consume: Curry. Electricity. Chocolate. Vitamin D. Oxygen. Coca Cola. And heaps of other stuff.

6.) I'd consider stealing: The winning lottery ticket.

7.) I love: Music, (good) food, writing, music, sleep, design, sex, music, reading, music, art, theatre, singing, music, sex, Oh, and music. (Hey, did you ever notice that when you type a word over and over again, it just starts to look stupid? Like Design. Design. DE-sig-N. De-Si-GN. De-Sign... Damnit.)

8.) One time at band camp, I: Stuck my flute up my pussy. No, really. Didn't you know that's what band camp is all about? Discovering your sexuality?

9.) I last laughed: After writing out number eight. Before that, it was on the #15 bus on the way home at about 2 pm today, where a very congenial hippie made small talk and dirty jokes to myself and a classmate, and pretty soon the entire group of people in the front of the bus was laughing and chatting away. It was fun. I love it when shit like that happens. It breaks us all out of our little shells of isolation, and I think it's something we need.

10.) My most treasured possession is: You'd think it was my laptop, wouldn't you? While that's important, I'd have to say my bed, with it's 400 threadcount sheets, king size goose down duvet, and seven zillion pillows either tops, or equally competes with that. As much as I enjoy writing, browsing the internet, and designing stuff... Man I love my bed. That and my books and music.

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