Friday, October 14, 2005

That's ILL!

I feel like poop.

Flu stuffs have been zipping about the school for oh, two weeks now, and my Auntie Terri had a nasty bout of something when I was around mi familia last weekend, and now, head hurts, body hurts, and I feel like I'm thinking through molasses.

What does this mean? This means Advil (mmmmdrugs) bad comedy, cranberry juice and Ginger ale, and hopefully not tossing up my dinner. P'raps this is why my week has seemed so crappy, and I'm touchy on a bunch of subjects. Blech.

Though, I did talk to The Mayor of Mitchieville fame today on MSN, and he always cheers me up. Yay Mayor! *smooches!*

I missed you, you shiny topped gay penguin sympathizer.

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