Thursday, October 13, 2005

Just to whip off a quick note...

To the cocksuckers that stole my laptop from MacStation a week and a half ago, who will most likely READ this, since I've got GSD set up as my homepage.

"Fuck you."

I hope, in my heart of hearts, you learn what it's like to have your private work stolen from you. I hope, that you learn what it's like to have your identity trampled on. I spent over six months working on the work on that machine, and over four years, collecting the music on it, as well. I feel violated, and I have you to blame.

Good luck figuring out my admin password, fuckwad.

Yeah, I know you just logged on to it, because you booted me off of MSN. I got news for you, bitch. Watch yourself. If I ever find out who you are, somebody gonna get a hurt REAL bad.

Oh, by the way... That G4 powerbook in your filthy, thieving little hands? It's Hard Drive is going to fail in about Hmm. let's see... Three weeks. However, you get an A for effort, what with the concept behind your break in. Unfortunately, I have to follow that up with an F for "Fucking up", when the alarm went off three seconds after you guys got in the building. Maybe you should have taken into account, that a computer store in the middle of Yaletown, would actually have a security system in place... Y'know... especially with those stickers saying "Alarm System" all over the windows n' shit. Instead, you dropped down, like some malignant spider, and when the bells and whistles went off, you grabbed whatever shit you could, including my comp. Unfortunately, you chose to break into the "repairs" section, and not the actual store itself.

Nice job stealing broken computers, retards. You disgust me.

MAN! Do I ever hate people sometimes.

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