Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Maintaining My Privacy...

I've removed all of my contact information from this blog, as I'm getting unsavory emails and some spamgalore in my IM everytime I logged in, so it's all gone from the main page.

Those of you that know how to get ahold of me, can still get ahold of me, those that don't, leave a comment on my entries, and I get a notification that I've recieved one in my email inbox.

I'm starting to get a little creeped out, so this was my resolution.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

I know I'm partial to Vampire Smut, but come on!!!

Dork online: hi

Dork online: im Brian

Dork online: nice to meet you

Dork online: im from england im a vampire

Linds: One would think you're retarded, with an introduction like that.

Linds: one would also think you would have better sentence structure if you were an immortal.

(To Jerilyn after copy and pasting the initial conversation:)

Linds says: Oh man, why do I get the idiots?

Jeri: hehe

Jeri: You'd think, that being an immortal, he would have had eons to perfect his pickup skills

Jeri: it's almost as bad as 'Hey, baby..wanna see my fangs?'

Linds: LOL

Linds: I am just shocked that someone would say that to hit on someone.

Jeri: THIS is why I don't date

Jeri: Dear Lestat, I have garlic, my room is covered in crosses...and I have a stake with your name on it...get lost!

Linds: Brian the vampire. how intimidating sounding eh?

Jeri: Ohhhh...poor guy...he's the geekpire.

Linds: lol

Jeri: None of the other vampires want to stalk victims with him.

Linds: He wears fangs held together with cellophane tape.

Jeri: hahahahha! Genius!

Linds: I looked at his message, which was an offline one, and actually snorted.

Linds: Cliff says I should have said, Hi Brian, I'm buffy, a vampire slayer.

Jeri: Cliff wins the internets.

Linds: lol

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Linds's Classic Apricot Marinated Roast Beast.

Cliff was the subject of experimentation from my past, tonight for dinner. My parents used to make this when I was younger, and it has been years since I've had it. Thankfully, we didn't die, and neither will you, if you eat my fancy shmancy Apricot marinated Roast beef dinnah!!

This meal is both sweet and savory, the apricot marinade/gravy adds a flavour you wouldn't expect into your dish! (and for those who think I'm crazy, what do you think HP sauce you have with your steak is made from? That's right, PLUMS, vinegar, and spices!!)


1- 2 or 3 pound Beef Roast, your choice in cut.
1- bulb of garlic, 1/2 of this bulb should be chopped into coarse chunks.
2- containers of pureed/strained apricot baby food
1/3 cup of White vinegar
3 tablespoons of fresh rosemary, chopped fine
15 or so bite sized baby white potatoes
1/2 pound of carrots, chopped in bite sized chunks
1 medium white onion, that has been cut into 5ths
approximately 10 large white mushrooms, cut into halves
extra virgin olive oil, salt and freshly ground pepper

Using a sharp paring knife, place strategic stabs into the roast and using your finger, stuff the roast with peeled garlic segments. (This feels quite dirty, to be honest. Ignore the slightly pervy sensation and continue to make your roast deeeeffinglicious.)

In a large plastic ziploc bag, place roast, chopped garlic, vinegar, apricot baby food, rosemary, pepper and mix thoroughly until roast is covered in it.

Zip up and place into fridge to marinate in overnight. A bowl works great to keep the marinade covering the entire roast as it sits there absorbing the flavours.

The next afternoon, take the roast out of the bag of marinade, but DO NOT throw the leftover marinade away. This will be used later. Add 1/2 a cup of water to the mixture.

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees Farenheit.

In a large cooking pot that is suited to being in the oven for extended periods of time, heat and drizzle olive oil in, and when the oil starts to smoke slightly, you know it's hot enough to sear the sides of the roast to keep moisture in during the time it's in the oven. Sear roast until it is browned on all sides, and turn heat off.

Wash your potatoes, mushrooms, and carrots, and layer them in however you want, I'd suggest carrots on the bottom, mushrooms, onions, and potatoes on the top, to get them all brown and gorgeous.

Pour your remaining apricot marinade over the top of the roast and potatoes, and place in the oven to cook.

When your roast is at the right level of done-ness, (depending on size and cut of meat, and center temperature) place the meat on a cutting board to rest for approximately 10 minutes.

While your roast is resting, take a strainer over a bowl, and pour your veggie/gravy mixture into the strainer, separating the gravy.

Pour the gravy back into the pot that you were roasting everything in, on low heat, simmer until it thickens into real gravy as opposed to Au jus, and slice your meat against the grain in thin slices to get the best results. Sometimes a bit of beef gravy mixture adds some more flavour. Add some salt and coarsely ground pepper into the gravy to taste.

I also placed the veggies back in the oven for about 5 minutes to add a bit of crisp to the potatoes.


Sunday, September 30, 2007

Heather and Linds

Heather and Linds, originally uploaded by Miss Linds.

We won tickets to go Chill in the effing SWEET Rogers corporate box at GM Place to watch the Blue Man Group perform on Saturday, September 29th, 2007.

We were well watered and well fed, it was good times! H is such a cutie!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

For The Record...

Happy Anniversary, Cliffy. My pirate, my cowboy, and my gentleman, all rolled into one.

You've held my hand during our tough times, shared our joy together during everything we've been through, and captured my heart for the past year. I thank whatever god(s) exists in this universe that I had the chance to go out with you one year ago today, for that dinner at the little neighborhood restaurant where we had our first date. I love the feeling of your body next to mine at night. I love that you want to make this relationship actually work. I love how you kiss me goodbye every morning, even if I'm so asleep I don't remember it until later that afternoon. I love the sound of your voice from the other room when you sing with the radio. I love how you smell after I haven't seen you for the entire day. Like male, and wood, and cologne you put on that morning and... I cannot find the words to do it justice... It just smells like... Home. Where I belong.

Just know, I love you. So very much.

P.S. Dinner? It was amazing. Dessert? Even better. *wink*

Friday, August 31, 2007

Stupid Chuffing Fish!!!

I've recieved 3 betta fish now, from my mom, one has survived, and is enormous, the other (red one) was apparently sick from the get go, and after copious TLC, finally bit the big one after coming back from my trip to Puntzi lake with Cliff. Damnit.

So, my mom gets me one more betta, to replace the now deceased Siddartha, (who I renamed "ugly" because of all of his hideous fish diseases. Seriously. That was one ugly fish...) I decide to get 2 mini catfish, and see if they will be the little tank cleaners that my mom's is with her betta. No dice. Both Blue (Gautama) and Turq, my new turquoise betta attempt to beat the snot out of these two, terrified little catfish. *grumble*

Well, fine! I'll put them in a new, smaller tank, unoccupied by my big, territorial guppies in drag. Lets put this one up on the shelf, and the two larger tanks (I purchased another, with gravel and awesome decorations, to house turq, that was another 50 bucks out of my pocket.)

Wait... I can't see them. They are BOTTOM dwelling fish. Super. Fine. I'll put them in the middle of the two larger tanks on the desk. Awesome, except they are algae and fish waste eating fish, and they are the only things in the tank, thusly no poop to munch on.

Okay. Lets go get some tetras. Harmless. 10 for 15 bucks at the pet store. Awesome cheap and easy, just like my women.

Linds: "Can I put these in a tank with no filter?"

Fucking stupid twat at pet store: "Oh yeah, no problem. These guys can handle it."

Linds: "Sweet! Gosh they are pretty."

I arrange tetras and catfish together in tank. Pretty little zippy fishes. Nice! Pooping and wasting all over the place, lots of nibblies for the catfish. What a great little ecosystem I've got!!

Later that night...

Cliff: "Hey, honey? Are they supposed to be swimming all at the top of the tank like that?"

Linds: "Uhm... They weren't doing that at the pet store. My guess is 'No'."

Cliff: "I think they need a bubbler or a filter or something... Don't tropical fish need stuff like that?"

Linds: "Dammit! That stupid bitch!!! I ASKED HER THAT! Now I feel bad! How irresponsible and money grubbing!"

Cliff purchases me a filter/bubbler at walmart, 20 bucks. I place it in the tank, which is now 1/3 filter, 2/3rds water and plants etc. I'm one catfish and one tetra short now. They've gone to the happy goldfish bowl in the sky. I've also picked up some catfish/bottom feeding tablets for the lone, sorry little catfish in the tank. another 8 bucks out of my pocket.

Linds: "Dammit!"

I pick up a tank with a built in gravel filter and bubbler that occupies the side of the tank. Awesome. 20 more dollars out of my wallet. My last resort, because the tank is too small, and I don't make shitloads of money at my job. I've probably spent close to 120 bucks in fish, fish supplies, tanks, gravel, filters, nets, aquarium salt, water treatment/dechlorinator, medication, and aquarium toys/decorations, including plants. I've followed instructions religiously, gradually aquainted these new fish into their living environment, and spent hours in the past 2 months, pampering these tempermental little shits.

I come home, to find little bodies floating in the bubbling water.

Linds: "Dammit!!!!!! DAMMIT! Waste of my TIME, WASTE of my MONEY, I feel so BAD! I killed these stupid effing FISH! Cliff I'm a bad fish parent!!! BAD!"

I scoop up turq, and toss him into the new, now happily (properly) bubbling tank. Hopefully he does well in there, it's got an adjustment for how much air comes through the filter, and will stay cleaner sans-catfish.

I swear to jeebus above and all that is holy, If these ones croak, I'm getting a pet rock. Zero responsibility, Zero cost, and zero disheartening experiences. This has to be one of the most expensive, effort wasting, time consuming hobbies I've ever decided to pick up. This is why I spend time reading. It costs me less and is far more enjoyable. Plus, I don't end up committing fish genocide.

Does anyone want to buy a couple fish tanks? I've got a 1.17 gallon and 2 - 0.5 gallon tanks, with toys. I need to recoup my funds after this whole fucking scenario.

I tried, I really REALLY tried to make this whole thing go smoothly, what the hell is wrong with me? I feel so crappy.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Oh Fish, Fishy, Fish, Fish, Fish...

I'm getting a present from my Mom, because she works at a pet store and I'm not allowed to have (due to space constraints and the fact that we're usually working more than home) a "real" pet.

So I'm getting 2 betta (siamese fighting fish) as a gift. One red, and one blue/purple. Obviously, due to their aggressive and territorial nature, I'm NOT keeping them in the same tank, since the delicate little buggers would butcher each other.

While sitting on my coffee break yesterday, inspiration! People eating sushi! I had a revelation, Asian fish, named "Sake" and "Wasabi". Both things pack a punch. Cute, humourous. Perfect. Great for fishes with temperment issues.

Then it hit me, like a mack truck, Dammit, these aren't japanese fish. They're Siamese ones. What language did they speak in Siam? Sanskrit. (Thank you, Anna and the King, and Suzie for remembering that...) Does Siam even exist? Nope, not anymore, it's now Thailand and the surrounding areas. What language did they speak in ancient Siam? Sanskrit.

Going with that theory, I looked up names in Sanskrit, for my wee angsty fishes. Meena is cute, it means "fish" in Sanskrit. You can't get any more literal than that, really. Except I'm getting male fish. Hrm. I don't want to gender confuse my guys.

In my profile, I admitted to collecting buddhas. I collect Fat, happy, Chinese style buddhas. Cliff made me a shelf at his work for my 11 or so figurines, and I wanted to put either tank on the ends of my shelf. Oh look! Boys names in Sankrit! How about "Siddartha" and "Gautama"? Siddartha means 'One who has accomplished his goal. A name of the Buddha. ', Gautama is literally 'the name of the Buddha.'

Since it's going on my buddha shelf, I figured, 'Hey, why not name them after buddha?' But wait! Siam/Thai buddhas are the slender, Indian style buddha. Dammit. Roadblocks everywhere!

So, my question for you folks, is thus.

Should I name my fish "Sake and Wasabi" or "Siddhartha and Gautama"?

Please, let me know your thoughts, I have until Saturday evening to name them.

Saturday, July 07, 2007


I've been very busy the last 2 months. I suppose it shows, what with lack of posts.

I suppose... I should give you some small details from the things that have happened in the last while, since I've neglected this page, for quite some time.

As of 3 weeks ago, I was pregnant with my first child. Yes, a big, momentous event, indeed. I was thrilled. Cliff was beyond thrilled. My parents were totally stoked. Unfortunately, on June 11th, at 5 am, I lost my baby, three and a half months into my pregnancy.

I was leery of writing about being pregnant, mainly for the fact that I wasn't over my first trimester, and I wasn't comfortable discussing it in a fairly public venue. I'm still not too comfortable discussing it in a public venue, but maybe that might shed some light as to why I wasn't writing very much. Most of the time I was sleeping, bitchy (not a big change from the usual...) and when I wasn't sleeping, I was working. Or eating. Or bitching. Or massaging my sore feet. One of those, just pick one at random.

I was... Am... Highly traumatized by the whole event, even though I keep on telling myself to "Get over it". I don't really want to discuss it. I've learned more about my mental state, or lack thereof, more than ever in the past 3 weeks. I spent a week lying in bed, mourning the loss of my baby, and recuperating, and the last 2 weeks struggling to make ends meet from that week that I had to take off of work, that isn't covered by medical leave from my work despite my bosses best efforts to make it that way. Fun? No. Not so much.

It's been very hard for me, to contemplate writing in here, when all I've been trying to do is clear my thoughts, and remain calm and collected. I'm not doing a very good job. It's really difficult to maintain a happy face when my thoughts are so troubled and cluttered with grief.

Once again, the brightest spot in my life is Cliff, who outshines my highest hopes and expectations, giving me love, affection, devotion and support; and expecting nothing else other than for me to be myself in return. I am a very lucky woman.

If I don't return to write in here for a while, I'll beg your pardon for the bloggus interruptus. I'm still sorting through how I feel and for once, GSD doesn't feel like a welcome, reliable outlet to gush my feelings out into. Nothing personal of course, it's just that this whole scenario hurts too much for me to put out there for the whole world to dissect.

I'll see you guys on the flip flop, when I've waded out of the mire in my head, and back into Glamazon Shoe territory.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Linds' Hot damn, that's a really good Penne Pasta Cassarole!

This is a massive layered pasta dish, with approximately 6 to 10 servings. Or my 2 regular servings and the rest for my boyfriend after a long day at work. He loves Loves *LOVES* this dish, and it's super easy to make.

I use a 5 by 9, 4 inch deep ceramic cassarole/lasagna dish to bake it in.

Ingredients required

1 bag of Penne Pasta
1 large white onion, diced
2 or 3 cloves of garlic, diced fine
1-2 pounds of lean ground beef (or ground turkey, or tofu, or whatever rings your bell)
1 to 2 pounds of shredded mozzarella
1 large container of either ricotta cheese or relatively dry cottage cheese
1 large can/jar of premade tomato based pasta sauce (any kind you prefer)
1 small can of tomato paste (I use garlic tomato paste)
various italian seasonings for the meat while browning.

optional ingredients

8 to 10 white mushrooms, sliced
1 large green and 1 large red pepper.


Preheat your oven to about 400 degrees.

Boil water with a teaspoon full of salt and add penne until it is al dente. Drain completely and take off of heat. It's okay if the pasta cools.

Sautee onions and garlic in a large deep sauce pan until onions start to get translucent. Add hamburger, browning until it is fully cooked, adding spices until you get it seasoned to your preference. This is where you would add the optional ingredients at this time, and let cook for approximately five minutes, on medium heat, until flavours start to mix.

I usually premix the canned pasta sauce and can of tomato paste, to make it easier to pour on top of the meat and ingredients in the sauce pan. Let meat sauce simmer on low heat for approximately 10 to 25 minutes.

As I mentioned before, this is a layered dish. Put a layer of penne on the bottom of the cassarole dish, until it's just under halfway full, and then spread the entire amount of ricotta/cottage cheese and half of the mozza on top of this pasta. Spoon half the amount of meat sauce onto the pasta.

Repeat the layer of pasta on top of this and then top the dish liberally with the remaining mozza. Place in the center of the oven, and let bake for at least 20 - 45 minutes, checking periodically to ensure that the cheese is not overbaked. It should be bubbling and the cheese should look nice and browned in places on the top, but not burnt!

This goes great with a salad, and though it's a bit high in calories and carbs, it's the best comfort food you can imagine when it's blah outside and you want some good ol' italian fare!


Friday, May 11, 2007

Safety First!

There's nothing as exciting as working in a "family oriented" shopping center, and experiencing the entire marvel comics cadre dressed up and MIC'ED up, blasting children's safety information at top volume throughout the mall.


Whilst I appreciate the whole 'safety oriented' factor involved, nevertheless, I'm quite sure it doesn't need to be that damned loud.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


She still lives.

Busy, busy me! Lots has been going on lately, and sadly to say there's not been a lot that I've been willing to write down, because it's not ready to be written yet...

I know it sucks for blog fodder, for you guys, and I'm sorry.

April 20th brings about the return of the Wiggler!?!, visiting his REAL hometown for a couple of days. I think Miss Ultrahonig, (the lovely Allison) and I plan on going out with Mr! Erik for dinner... I think. I'll need refreshment on the discussion. I think it's time to send out an email...

I've inducted Cliff into the addictiveness/triviality/internet cesspool that is Myspace, and hes got a whole 8 friends! Yay Cliff! I think a majority of my friends discovered Facebook at exactly the same time, from the looks of it, since we all started adding one or two friends over the past week.

I am learning more hockey knowledge than I know what to do with, now that I live with a hockey fan whose hometeam is in the playoffs. I learn it so that I don't look absolutely dumbfounded when he lists off a bunch of players names, or curses at the referee from the living room. I think I've outgrown the age where I can be sufficiently addicted to the sport known as hockey, which makes me a piss poor Canadian, doesn't it?

I've bounced back to my old job, finding that benefits, (given certain circumstances) play a more important role in my life at this moment in time, and the overall comfortability (is that a word? I don't think it is... Whatever.) of my position to be more suited to my desires.

Today's dinner special consists of Chili on a bed of rice, with a non-sardine inclusive Caesar salad and a glass of whole milk. Mmm. I'm hungry.

Saturday, April 07, 2007


Today, I'm cranky, tired and don't want to be at work. I want to be in bed. I CERTAINLY don't want to be talking to people. Ugh.

That is all.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

All Dressed Up, and Nowhere To Go...

This whole entry started with me being curious as to what a Partial birth Abortion was, and the lovely informative Google.

I decided to fill out the "survey" attached at the end of one website rather "pro-life" website, and along with questions like "which political party do you associate yourself with?" (the answer is democratic, or liberal, if I have to...) and what's my opinion on Gun Control (For, Duh.) and the Death Penalty (No definite Answer, it depends on circumstance.) it had a segment on where I could write my own "additional comments." I wrote and toiled and laboured on this, and finally, happy with my decision, clicked "submit" even sacrificing my valid email address, only to be greeted on the subsequent page with "Error... Error... My limbs are flailing wildly... Error, Will Robinson. Must kill Robinson Family... Destroy, destroy..."

Well, Fuck. I hit the back button, copy and pasted it into notepad, and here I am. Pissed that I wrote a pretty sharp arguement, and had nowhere to put it. It was all dressed up, and had nowhere to go.

So, I decide to post, in a rather more open forum, and hope I'm not going to kick myself in the ass because there are people out there who LOVE to argue and argue and argue this point until death. I decided "Here we go, Linds, let's piss some people off, because they disagree with my opinion... I'm probably inviting the vampires right into my humble abode by doing so.

Just remember, boys and girls, I'm TRYING to maintain a rather neutral standpoint. I CAN see it from both perspectives, I just choose to not agree as much with one over the other. I know you fuckers are going to bitch at me for it. Just refrain from saying stupid stuff like "why is it that you whining liberals always have to.. ..." into my comments box, please. I don't reply to assholes. Play nice with the commie pinko, okay? I promise I'll play nice with you, too, if you keep your discussion nice and mature, rather than cheap shots at the fat chick who writes on a website that only 12 people come to a day.

Without further Ado...

Let me start with saying that I have read your website from front to back, excluding the page that is quotations from the bible and religious officials, which being non-religious in any aspect, did not hold much relevance for me. Sorry if that seems close-minded but I honestly don't feel that it would have changed my opinion either way.

While I am still pro-choice regarding the right for a woman to choose abortion, I personally do agree in first trimester abortion, and do not agree in abortion after the first trimester. I definitely do not agree with the notion of Partial Birth Abortions. This is only my opinion however, and here is my reasoning.

If you haven't made up your mind that you're going to keep your baby or not within two months (most women do not know if they are pregnant until they miss a period, usually 1 month after conception and into their first trimester) then there are methods to go about to give a baby a safe home via adoption. I fully embrace adoption as a viable option for a woman to make. It is not an easy decision, but it is one that when taken into consideration and well thought out, can prove to be beneficial for all parties involved. Mother, baby and adoptive parents.

I consider a fetus a human being. I do not consider a fetus a person. To me personally, there are differences.

A HUMAN BEING is someone who is created from two human beings. You are human from conception. Yes, Human from conception! Man and Woman are human, therefore creating human offspring. That's it. Male dogs and female dogs make puppies. Male cats and Female cats make kittens. It's simple species definition. They bump uglies, sperm and ovum do a little tango, and zygotes happen.

A PERSON, is someone who has had experiences and a life outside of the one that is inside the womb. A person has an established identity, a name, a place in the world, and a life outside of being concieved and the symbiotic relationship with the mother. It may seem cold and scientific, but it, at least to me, is relevant and accurate.

I've sat next to my best friend while she had an abortion 2 years after having her first son, and now is pregant with her third, (and planned pregnancy with her husband,) and it was a complicated and intense situation, that no woman should take lightly. She felt no regrets regarding her decision, and knew that it was not yet time for her to have her second child. Now she has a happy, healthy 7 year old and a new baby on the way. It's all a matter of circumstance, and to blanket judgment an entire countries decisions based on what quite possibly might be the majority of the populace who does NOT believe in abortion, does not make this country a democracy, it makes it a dictatorship.

To make abortion illegal DOES take away the rights of women to make a choice. Not all women that find themselves with an unwanted pregnancy choose abortion, and that is what makes me the saddest about this debate. I think that women should be counselled regarding the options available, but sadly from my own personal experiences, most "counselling" is very biased, either in one direction or another, which is not the way it should be.

My personal experiences with the Pregnancy Crisis Center left me with a woman who sniped at me that I was an "angry little girl", (I was 20, terrified, pregant for first time, and I found this rather insulting, and completely unhelpful in any situation...) and who threw pamphlets at me when I had informed her of my leaning toward, but not fully decided to have an abortion, when I had arrived there for advice and hopefully, answers. The stress from this along with the confusion and nervousness caused me to miscarry a day later, a month and a half into my pregancy, thus negating the need to make a decision, but leaving a very sour taste in my mouth regarding the supposed "methods" of the Crisis Pregancy Centers.

The same center, when helping the previously mentioned friend who had decided to keep her first baby, treated her like a gem, and supplied her with many things. I found the responses from the "counsellors" in these centers very biased and negative. I was not decided if I was ready to have a child, and she was, therefore I get treated like dirt, and she gets treated like royalty? Support should be given regardless of decisions. They are both difficult and hard to make when a pregancy is unexpected and would be hard to care for after the baby was born.

I do not think religion and politics should play a role in a difficult, very personal decision like this. Women should be given the correct, unbiased facts and let them make their own educated decisions, regardless of the personal leanings of the "counsellors" involved. It is a disgustingly cutthroat society that would terrify and bully a scared, single woman when all she is asking for is help and advice.

I am not one of the raving, "bra burning" uber feminists out there, but I believe that when you take the rights of women away and safer methods of removing "problems" or "unwanted" pregancies from her, you are opening the doors for "coathanger" abortions in dirty, unsanitary places, and while yes, infections, deaths and the like DO happen ocassionally from legal, supposed "safe" abortions gone awry, it is a safer place when women are not trapped and terrified when they miss a period, that the time they are going through at that moment is going to change their life forever when they are not ready for it. (and even just getting pregnant is a life changing thing, wanted or not) Children born to parent(s) that are more prepared socially, economically, or emotionally to raise children, do better jobs and give those children better lives.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting...

But this is cheap Tuesday night entertainment.

From the ever so delightful Seanners, showing me what fantabulous delights he can do with the "face tracking" feature on his webcam.

Henceforth, you can call him "Sir Elton".

Love you, sweets. *giggles.*

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Digging Through My Bookmarks....

Uncovers three different web comics that have snagged valuable hours from my life, when I discover them, giggle, and then decide to read the entire thing from the first strip.

Danielle Corsetto's fantabulous "Girls with Slingshots" I got a message from "Jaime" on myspace a couple of weeks ago asking if I was her twin. (I grinned my fool head off and replied that my boobs weren't nearly that big, but that I was flattered she'd see the similarities.)

Paul Taylor's multicultural and crazy plot twisting "Wapsi Square" took two nights after work to browse through his entire 2001 to 2007 strips, but it was well worth the read and lack of sleep with the references to ancient mayan/aztec cultures, mixed in with modern life and the depths and heights of human emotions.

Bernie Hau's clever and creatively done "Alien Loves Predator". How can you not like a comic that takes two of the most vicious creatures in movie-kind, and gives them names like Preston Predator and Abraham Alien (Abe, for short) with a penchant for speed dating, naked chicks, and Chinese Food in New York City, that had Jesus for a room mate? ALP has permanantly ingrained the Engrish term "Frip-frops" in my head forever.

Good stuff.

Friday, March 23, 2007

A Thought...

When Cliff and I were born, both of our births were greeted with sorrow. Granted those auspicious days were a little over 16 years separated from each other, and sorrowful for completely related reasons. Both encompassing the loss of a child.

His because he was "unwanted" (but never in my eyes, or his adoptive parents and sibling...) and given up for adoption. Not that I think any less on a woman giving her child up to someone else, it is a huge sacrifice, and one not made lightly. He was given unto the care of an adoption agency.

When I was born, my twin sister was stillborn. Needless to say amidst the joy of birthing a whole, hale and wailing baby girl, the loss of the first, I think, at that moment overshadowed the birth of the second.

I hope, that one day when I have my baby, nothing but joy surrounds that birth.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Weirdest Thing...

So far about working my new job, is that most people come into the store, only to turnaround and get into a heated discussion with whoever they came in with. It's very odd... They walk in, look at something for a few seconds and walk out. Or they walk in this general direction, enter the store, and then sort of veer off into the direction of another location, and it seems that they have difficulty walking in straight lines, like they have an inner ear imbalance going on that prevents them from one place to another unless they walk like drunken idiots.

That's about it...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The One Word Meme

Currently listening to: "The Final Shakedown" by Groove Armada From the album "Love Box"

1. Yourself: Mellow.
2. Your Lover: Phenomenal.
3. Your Hair: multicoloured
4. Your Mother: Hrmph.
5. Your Father: Brusque.
6. Your Favorite Item: Bed. (Still, this is three times running, LOL!)
7. Your Dream Last Night: Unremarkable.
8. Your Favorite Drink: Juice
9. Your Dream Home: Larger.
10. The Room You Are In: Comfortable.
11. Your Pet: None.
12. Who You Are Now: Readjusting.
13. Who You Want to be in Ten Years: Linds.
14. What You Want to be in Ten Years: Mommy.
15. What You're Not: Motivated.
16. Your Best Friend: Working.
17. One of Your Wishlist Items: SLR.
18. Your Gender: Sugar...
19. The Last Thing You Did: Eat.
20. What You Are Wearing: Skin.
21. Your Favorite Weather: Autumnal.
22. Your Favorite Book: Multitudes.
23. The Last Thing You Ate: Granola.
24. Your Life: Haitus.
25. Your Mood: Chill.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

"Day 2"

day 2, originally uploaded by Miss Linds.

Of a Flickr group called "365 days" where I post a varied picture of myself. (Doesn't have to be my face... and no, not that, you sickos!)

This is at the new job! Three weeks in, and I'm doing pretty damned good! My boss has offered me the opportunity, thanks to careful constructive criticism on various advertisements published in newspapers; to do an ad for my company for some sort of hand out/publishment at the Merritt Mountain Music Festival! Woo hoo!

This would also be the first job where I've had the delightful opportunity to wear a cardigan sweater. Whoooo exciting! :P

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Rockstar in my Boyfriend...

Has escaped.

No you cannot borrow his tongue. It's all mine.

Monkeypaw of Moi...

Monkeypaw of Moi..., originally uploaded by Miss Linds.

Plain Jane, no makeup. No smiles, either. LOL!

Cliff, hot n' honky... Heee!

Cliff, hot n' honky... Heee!, originally uploaded by Miss Linds.

I've been at him for MONTHS to try this moustache/beard combo. Sexy sexy sexy! Mmmm!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

A Limerick...

"Eat me! bwahahahaha!"

The Witch from the West,
was evil at best,
and no one dared call her a stunner;
green warty skin,
and monkey's as kin,
She was sad 'cause no one would tongue 'er.


The Witch from the West,
was wicked at best,
and no one dared call her a stunner;
broomstick in hand,
it turned out quite grand,
as she "rode" her way to a home runner.

Courtesy of Andrew, Linds and Cliff.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

I Just Watched...

"Hannibal" with Cliff... While we ate dinner. Needless to say it was not my idea to watch a movie about cannibalism, whilst chowing down on my vittles.

However, I did enjoy commenting after every scene that showed Lector leering at various humans going "And I bet you'd taste GRRRREAT!" (In retrospect, it's funny, how I didn't immediately categorize Lector's character as "human"; instead delegating him as "other".) I think this was merely to allieviate the discomfort of knowing that Hopkins was playing a character who's very actions and intent were so unbelievably immoral. I suppose you could call that "The Chandler Method".

We apparently OWN this DVD. I certainly didn't buy it. My proclivities lean towards comedies.

I am. Very. Disturbed. 15 minutes before the movie ends, peeking through fingers, I look over at Cliff and say, (rather pitifully, might I add) "I don't think I can watch this movie all the way through, Cliff!" I think he enjoyed watching me squirm.

I am NEVER going to eat sweetbreads. Ever. (Not that I'd ever do that in the first place...) That ranks right up there with tripe, liver and kidneys in the "Ew! Fucking EW!" category.

Oh. I will also never be able to hear the words "Okie-dokie" again without thinking about Dr. Lector and his penchant for long pig.

Don't get me wrong, great movie. Kudo's to Sir Anthony Hopkins for portraying a brilliant, but seriously mentally unhinged antagonist.

But I almost puked. A few times.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Damn. I hate being sick. It leads to things happening like this:

Linds: you've seen "The Passion (of the Christ)" right?

Liz: yes...

Linds: did you think it was good?

Liz: I think so...

Liz: its been a while.

Linds: It's that movie about Jesus, just to refresh you. lol ;)

Liz: lol


Linds: hehehe

Linds: Oh god. I just made the weirdest noise instead of laughter.

Liz: I wish I could have heard it.

Linds: just think "Urkel".

Liz: lol

Linds: ... And Kitty from that 70s show.

Liz: OMG

Liz: Kitty and Urkel's love child!!

Linds: ...And snorting.

Liz: lol

Linds: Oh man. Cliff is SO laughing at me!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007



So I've been permanantly laid off of my job due to "Corporate restructuring" which is a nice way of saying "We have stores that don't make enough money for us so we're canning them". Ironically enough, lost my job because of I'm good at my job and became management. There aren't any Assistant Manager positions available due to the number of stores closing and the reshuffling of staff from said "restructuring", and I haven't had enough experience with managing to be entitled to a location of my own.

Well fine, then. *pouts*

This sucks. Sucks, sucks, sucks. My last day is tomorrow. Eugh. I've never been fired before. (Though technically, laid off is not considered fired... It's tantamount to the exact damned thing...) I found out on the 21st that I was getting laid off, but stayed until the 28th in order to get my severance pay. A week's notice. How lovely and oh so considerate. That being said, losing my job this way, looks better than getting fired because I'm incompetent and don't know how to do it in the first place.

However, I've had an interview this past Saturday with a small, local company that produces well known art for the "Nouveau Riche" in the Lower Mainland. Now, my interview seemed to go well, and I'm awaiting the reply from the company owner, with a mixture of trepidation and a little excitement... If I get it, it's going to be a neat experience, with potential room for expansion.

That being said, the nervousness comes from the fact that I'm not the sort of person that goes from one job to another without having it under my belt in the first place. It's unnerving.

I'm also, at this point in time, really, quite incredibly stoned on cough syrup. I'm Freezing cold and sweating, hyper as hell and trembling like a leaf at the same time, with a nice, dry barking cough that must incur lust in the strongest and most willful of men. My voice, sounds like Patty and Selma went on a binge-drinking, super-smoking, music-so-loud-you-have-to-shout-over-it Par-tay!

M'eh. It's time for dinner. Hopefully things work out the way I hope they do, and if not, you'll see me armed with a squeegee harassing the passengers and drivers of SUV's on Main Street and Terminal Drive, to wash their windows with urine tainted water.


Saturday, February 24, 2007

Friday Fifteen (Because Five Isn't Good Enough!)

1. What did you eat yesterday?

Cliff and I went out twice for food yesterday, Breakfast was scrambled eggs, sausages, chunky potatoes with red onion and pancakes, and dinner was chicken strips, french fries and Ceasar salad with cheese garlic toast.

2. Are you more likely to yell or give the silent treatment?

I'm far too verbal a person to not yell. That being said, I'll always stop, right before I say something really nasty. I'm a loquacious individual with a flair for really unique cutting insults when the mood strikes me.

3. Who did you last grieve?

My great Grandmother. She passed on a week and a half ago. She was 92.

4. What feels good today?

I got a new job. That was a relief since I was to be laid off from my current one as of the 28th of February due to company restructuring.

5. Friday fill in:

Thank you 'Cliff' for 'loving me despite my ridiculous mood swings and stressed behaviour. You really are amazing.'

6. Tell us about where you live:

I live in a quaint two bedroom apartment with my boyfriend. The living room is cozy and we have a central gas heating unit which is wonderful to stand in front of when it's going full blast. The couch and oversized chair is incredibly comfortable.

Our kitchen has a tiny apartment sized gas stove/oven and a little apartment sized fridge. The bathroom is comfortable and quaint, with van Gogh prints on the walls. The bedroom is mostly dominated by my queen sized captains bed. our apartment is full of books, and fully wired for sound and wireless internet.

Cliff uses the second bedroom as a hobby room for tying flies for fishing, which he does commercially when he isn't doing his day job.

7. If you could change one thing about your home, what would it be?

I'd make it bigger. Since I moved in we have discovered that both of us own too much stuff.

8. Do you do laundry on a regular schedule?

No. Much to my dismay. We don't have in suite laundry. It's a little frustrating to haul the stuff to the laundromat.

9. Describe the place that you sleep:

I have a fabulous queen size captains bed with a mattress that tempts me to sleep in it for hours and hours. There is art on the walls, and a bookshelf stuffed to the gills on my side of the bed.

10. This morning: was it easy or difficult to start the day?

Today was a very daunting day. I had a job interview at 2 pm. I did get woken up for breakfast, however, which was very nice.

11. Name one of your bad habits:


12. What do you expect from friends?

Nothing. Funny eh?

13. What is the last thing you wrote down?

My phone number for my new employer.

14. What is the last favor you did for someone else?

I stopped in at my current workplace which was packed with people on my day off and I covered for my co-worker for a few moments so that she could go to the bathroom.

15. What is your favorite TV show?

It's a tie between Iron Chef America and Restaurant Makeover. I don't really watch TV other than the food network in the evenings.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I Fuckin' Love Colouring!

Funniest pics I've seen all day. God those expressions. It almost looks like he's the same kid.

Sunday, February 18, 2007


NEW YORK (Reuters) - Police called to a Long Island man's house discovered the mummified remains of the resident, dead for more than a year, sitting in front of a blaring television set. (click here for rest of story)
Maybe he was watching "The Ring"? It just goes to show that television kills brain cells.

link courtesy of the Lovely Miss Elizabeth.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Accidental porn #2...

Even funnier, I think, than the first. Damned typos!

Accidental Porn #1...

Whilst Cliff and I browsed "Liquidation World" on Friday afternoon, I found 2 incidents of accidental porn.

Giggle to your hearts content.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

*Bitch, Complain, Whine*

I am having nothing but trouble with my browser and my blog ever since I've started posting embedded video into my blog via YouTube. So starting immediately, and backdated to all of the posts I could find marked "Picture/video" on my tags, I've deleted the posts and will be posting external links to the vids from now on.

That is all.


Friday 15, Because 5 Isn't Enough, Dammit!

1. What is one thing you always have with you?

A hair elastic or three. My hair is still in the "growing out phase" and requires brutal dominance to do what I want it to do at times.

2. What are two things on your night-table (or next to your bed)?

A Bottle of water and my beside lamp for reading at night.

3. What are three things you learned in the last seven days?

i) I really needed a vacation.
ii) Love grows stronger every day you're with someone wonderful.
iii) It gets boring when you don't entertain yourself enough.

4. What are four things parents always have to tell you?

i) Clean your room!
ii) Do your homework!
iii) Call if you're going to be late!
iv) Be Careful! ( I heard this from my dad on a regular basis growing up.)

5. What are five things you paid for in the last month?

Bus Fare, cigarettes, Food, Pop/water/juice, and a book.

6. How many times do you hit the snooze button on a typical morning?

I have an adjustable snooze setting on my alarm clock, so it's set to go off every 15 minutes. My alarm goes off at 6:45 am, and I get out of bed at 8 am., so 5 times.

7. How many cousins do you have?

I'm assuming we're talking 1st generation cousins. I have a big family.

Dad's side: Shannon & Andrew, Curtis, Ashley & Christopher.
Mom's Side: Dan & Ken, Sylvie & Paul, Peter & Eric.

8. How many bones have you broken?

None. I have had to wear a splint for muscle damage on my pinky finger when I slammed into a tree riding my bike, and also had to wear a cast from someone pushing me down an incline when I was younger, which bent my wrist completely backwards on my left hand.

9. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

We don't want to go there. I am a shoe whore. Payless Shoes is my crack cocaine.

Approximately 5 pairs of runners, 4 pairs of various sandals, 5 pairs of vintage style stilettos/heels, 3 pairs of boots, (2 mid shin and 1 pair knee high) and a couple pair of junker shoes that do well for camping etc.

10. How many things that belong in the kitchen are in your bedroom?

None. Surprise!

11. What word do you use far too frequently?

"Fuck" or variations thereof... Fucked. Fucking. Fucker. Fucks. Fuckable. I'm such a dainty lady.

It's just such an awesomely versatile and powerful word; It's verb, noun, adjective, descriptor, exclamation, emphasis word... It can be used in so many different ways. It can even be used to accent itself! "You fucking fuck!" is always one of my favourite nastier snipes at inanimate objects. All of which I shouldn't use in front of my Grandma. (And usually don't.)

My favourite fridge magnet I've got on the fridge says: "I suppose saying Fuck you would be unprofessional?"

Be afraid for my children, dear ones. They are going to be the kids that have a shirt that says something like "My dad could kick your dad's ass!" or "All daddy wanted was a blow job." I'm well on my way to being honky Surrey white trash.

12. What word do you use not frequently enough?

"Please.", when asking for things. Though I try my best to be polite at all times, "Please" is usually inferred in the tone of my voice when I'm asking for something, however, I shouldn't assume that people can always tell that.

13. What word do you use when swearing is not appropriate?

"Eff!" It works well at work when I've slammed my shin into something.

14. What’s the most recent new word you learned?

Crap. I learned a new word a few days ago, but I've forgotten it.

15. What’s a word you’ve invented?

I was chatting with Cliff in the car about something a few days ago, but I can't remember what it was anymore. I know I made a mashup of two words, but it was so dorky I think my brain has blocked it out. I'll have to ask him.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

50's Glamour style

50's Glamour style, originally uploaded by Miss Linds.

Fun with Photoshop.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Stolen from Sara...

Q: Do you still talk to the person you lost your virginity to?
A: Eugh. No, thank god.

Q: What would you do with 1000 plastic spoons?
A: Melt them down and make one GIANT plastic spoon.

Q: What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school?
A: New Kids On The Block. I had no taste. Step by Step, Ooooh Baby...

Q: What is the best thing about your current job?
A: That I get holidays. Sweet, sweet holidays. And decent benefits.

Q: Do you wish cellphone etiquette was a required class upon purchasing one?
A: YES! The number of people advertising personal information at top volume in public places is astonishing.

Q: What's the most messed up food combination that you've had that was actually good?
A: Strawberry Jam and Aged Cheddar cheese.

Q: Where are you going on your next vacation?
A: Home sweet home. I have heaps to do, and it's not technically a vacation since I'm working my OTHER job. At least it uses a different part of my brain.

Q: Are most of your friends new or old?
A: Most are friends I've known for 8 years or more.

Q: What's one of your most random pet peeves (something that annoys you)?
A: People who tell me their life story when I just want to know what the fuck they are looking to buy. Note to person: I may pretend that I'm listening, but really I'm visualizing what Homer Simpson sees about Chocolate town in my head and ocassionally going "Oh!", "Mmmhmmm...", "I'm sorry to hear that." and "Yeah, I hate it when that happens."

Q: What do you wish someone would buy you?
A: The winning lottery ticket.

Q: What are you wearing right now?
A: a blue and white horizontal pinstriped 3/4 sleeve double v neck T, and blue jeans, Undies n' stuff.

Q: When is the last time you had Mom's home cooking?
A: Christmas Day I had some sausage rolls she made. They were yummy.

Q: Do you like your parents?
A: Yes.

Q: Tell us about the last conversation you had.
A: Blabbing with the boyfriend over some groceries and how awesome cool the clearance store near my work is.

Q: Where do you see yourself in one month?
A: Back at work. Potentially a NEW work, depending on how I feel after my holidays.

Q: What is your favorite smell?
A: The boyfriend wearing Eternity Night by Calvin Klein. Satsuma orange, Chocolate.

Q: What do people label you as?
A: Nice. Sometimes nice enough to be walked all over, especially by subordinates at work.

Q: Do you consider yourself bipolar?
A: No, I don't think so. Potentially? Ergh.

Q: What's your current problem?
A: Cramps. and the fact that I feel really cold. Ow. Brrr.

Q: What are you doing right now?
A: Doing a Meme, lounging on the bed, being satisfied with the birthday present I made for the BF's sis, and hoping that she'll like it. Contemplating a nap. Hearing the hockey game from the living room, smelling spaghetti sauce on the stove being made, .

Q: What's one type of person that really bothers you?
A: People that talk when I'd like some quiet.

Q: What's one type of person that you enjoy being around?
A: Open, optimistic people.

Q: What random things make you happy?
A: BF cuddles, Happy movies, chai tea, Vanilla lattes, chocolate, beef, oral sex, sleeping in, country music, vampire romance novels, pretty shiny things, being creative, love.

Q: If you could go back and change something, what would it be?
A: More than likely, it would be going to college. Sometimes I think that was the worst decision I've ever made in my life. Sad, huh?

Q: If you could be any animal or creature for one day, what would it be?
A: A cat. Things would smell so neat, and exploring would be fun.

Q: Ever had a near death experience?
A: Not that I'm aware of.

Q: Name one obvious quality you have?
A: Sweetness.

Q: What are some song lyrics you have stuck in your head right now?
A: None, surprisingly enough.

Q: Are you happy today?
A: Every day I've been with Cliff, I've seen what happiness is.

Q: Do you believe in Heaven?
A: I'm not sure.


How many of these movies have YOU watched? Copy and paste, then put an X in the brackets for the ones that you've seen. Total them up and see what your number is.

(X) Grease
(X) Pirates of the Caribbean
(X) Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest
( ) Boondock Saints
(X) Fight Club
( ) Starsky and Hutch
(X) Neverending Story
(X) Blazing Saddles
(X) Airplane
Total: 7

(X) The Princess Bride
( ) AnchorMan
(X) Napoleon Dynamite
(X) Labyrinth
( ) Saw
( ) Saw II
( ) White Noise
( ) White Oleander
(X) Anger Management
(X) 50 First Dates
(X) The Princess Diaries
() The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement
Total so far: 13

(X) Scream
( ) Scream 3
(X) Scary Movie
(X) Scary Movie 2
( ) Scary Movie 3
( ) Scary Movie 4
(X) American Pie
(X) American Pie 2
(X) American Wedding
(X) American Pie Band Camp
Total so far: 20

(X) Harry Potter 1
(X) Harry Potter 2
(X) Harry Potter 3
(X) Harry Potter 4
(X) Resident Evil 1
(X) Resident Evil 2
(X) The Wedding Singer
( ) Little Black Book
( ) The Village
( ) Lilo & Stitch
Total so far: 27

(X) Finding Nemo
(X) Finding Neverland
(X) Signs
(X) The Grinch
( ) Texas Chainsaw Massacre
( ) Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning
( ) White Chicks
(X) Butterfly Effect
( ) 13 Going on 30
(X) I, Robot
(X) Robots
Total so far: 34

( ) Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
( ) Universal Soldier
(X) Lemony Snickt: A Series Of Unfortunate Events
( ) Along Came Polly
(X) Deep Impact
(X) KingPin
(X) Never Been Kissed
(X) Meet The Parents
(X) Meet the Fockers
( ) Eight Crazy Nights
(X) Joe Dirt
(X) King Kong
Total so far: 42

( ) A Cinderella Story
(X) The Terminal
( ) The Lizzie McGuire Movie
( ) Passport to Paris
(X) Dumb & Dumber
(X) Dumber & Dumberer
(X) Final Destination
( ) Final Destination 2
( ) Final Destination 3
( ) Halloween
( ) The Ring
( ) The Ring 2
( ) Surviving X-Mas
(X) Flubber
Total so far: 47

(X) Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle
( ) Practical Magic
(X) Chicago
( ) Ghost Ship
( ) From Hell
(X) Hellboy
( ) Secret Window
(X) I Am Sam
(X) The Whole Nine Yards
( ) The Whole Ten Yards
Total so far: 52

(X) The Day After Tomorrow
(X) Child's Play
( ) Seed of Chucky
(X) Bride of Chucky
(X) Ten Things I Hate About You
( ) Just Married
(X) Gothika
( ) Nightmare on Elm Street
(X) Sixteen Candles
(X) Remember the Titans
( ) Coach Carter
( ) The Grudge
( ) The Grudge 2
(X) The Mask
( ) Son Of The Mask
Total so far: 60

(X) Bad Boys
( ) Bad Boys 2
( ) Joy Ride
( ) Lucky Number Sleven
(X) Ocean's Eleven
(X) Ocean's Twelve
(X) Bourne Identity
(X) Bourne Supremecy
( ) Lone Star: State of mind
(X) Bedazzled
( ) Predator
( ) Predator II
( ) The Fog
(X) Ice Age
( ) Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
( ) Curious George
Total so far: 67

(X) Independence Day
(X) Cujo
( ) A Bronx Tale
( ) When Darkness Falls
(X) Christine
(X) E.T. - this is the first movie I ever saw in theatres.
(X) Children of the Corn
( ) My Bosses Daughter
(X) Maid in Manhattan
( ) War of the Worlds
(X) Rush Hour
(X) Rush Hour 2
Total so far: 75

( ) Best Bet
(X) How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
(X) She's All That
(X) Calendar Girls
(X) Sideways
(X) Mars Attacks
( ) Event Horizon
(X) Ever After
(X) Wizard of Oz
(X) Forrest Gump
(X) Big Trouble in Little China
(X) The Terminator
(X) The Terminator 2 - Judgement Day
Total so far: 86

(X) X-Men
(X) X-Men 2
(X) X-Men 3
(X) Spider-Man
( ) Spider-Man 2
( ) Sky High
(X) Jeepers Creepers
(X) Jeepers Creepers 2
(X) Catch Me If You Can
(X) The Little Mermaid
(X) Freaky Friday
(X) Reign of Fire
(X) The Skulls
(X) Cruel Intentions
( ) Cruel Intentions 2
( ) The Hot Chick
(X) Shrek
(X) Shrek 2
Total so far: 100

( ) Swimfan
(X) Miracle on 34th street
(X) Old School
( ) The Notebook
(X) K-Pax
( ) Kippendorf's Tribe
( ) A Walk to Remember
( ) Ice Castles
( ) Boogeyman
(X) The 40-year-old-virgin
Total so far: 104

(X) Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring
(X) Lord of the Rings The Two Towers
(X) Lord of the Rings Return Of the King
(X) Raiders of the Lost Ark
(X) Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
(X) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Total so far: 110

(X) Baseketball
( ) Hostel
( ) Waiting for Guffman
(X) House of 1000 Corpses
(X) Devil's Rejects
(X) Elf
(X) Highlander
( ) Mothman Prophecies
(X) American History X
( ) Three
Total so Far: 116

( ) The Jacket
(X) Kung Fu Hustle - I saw this in Dallas.
( ) Shaolin Soccer
( ) Night Watch
(X) Monsters inc.
(X) Titanic
(X) Monty Python and the Holy Grail
( ) Shaun Of the Dead
( ) Willard
Total so far: 120

( ) High Tension
( ) Club Dread
( ) The Hulk
( ) Dawn Of the Dead
(X) Hook
(X) Chronicles Of Narnia The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
(X) 28 Days Later
(X) Orgazmo
(X) Phantom of the Opera
(X) Waterworld
Total so far: 126

(X) Kill Bill vol 1
(X) Kill Bill vol 2
(X) Mortal Kombat
( ) Wolf Creek
( ) Kingdom of Heaven
(X) The Hills Have Eyes
( ) I Spit on Your Grave aka the Day of the Woman
(X) The Last House on the Left
( ) Re-Animator
( ) Army of Darkness

Total so far: 131

(X) Star Wars Ep. I The Phantom Menace
(X) Star Wars Ep. II Attack of the Clones
(X) Star Wars Ep. III Revenge of the Sith
(X) Star Wars Ep. IV A New Hope
(X) Star Wars Ep. V The Empire Strikes Back
(X) Star Wars Ep. VI Return of the Jedi
( ) Ewoks Caravan Of Courage
( ) Ewoks The Battle For Endor
Total so far: 137

(X) The Matrix
(X) The Matrix Reloaded
( ) The Matrix Revolutions
( ) Animatrix
( ) Evil Dead
( ) Evil Dead 2
(X) Team America World Police
( ) Red Dragon
(X) Silence of the Lambs
( ) Hannibal


Not too shabby, eh? Lets see what you guys get.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I think I Just....

Came. Just a little bit.

Over these.

Delectable, "Minnie Mouse" wedge slingback sandals.

I have a shirt that matches. I think with white capris, they would knock socks off. Well, not literally, since they are sandals and if I wore socks with them, I'd be entirely unfashionable.

I MUST have.


(For anyone willing to purchase them as gifty's, size 11 will be just fine. Thanks. ;) )

Saturday, January 20, 2007


I entered a photo I'd taken approximately 22 months ago into a Hewlett Packard Graphic Design/Artists contest. It was one that had been lurking in my Flickr.com photostream for just about as long, in the hopes that I might end up "winning" some recognition in the contest.

Guess what?

I did. Take a look for yourself.

In case you have trouble finding it, since it's only going to be up for about a week, to the best of my knowledge, It's the one that looks like this.


(You can click the image for the full sized picture.)

Did I win mass amounts of fortune? I wish. Heaps of glorious fame? Nope. Just exposure to the design/artist community. Which is equally as cool.

Yay! I won something! :D

Friday, January 19, 2007

Meet The Parents...

My parents.

Who apparantly read GSD.

Wow, Uhm... *scratches the back of her neck absentmindedly while looking askance. Then back up again...*

Hi, Mom, Dad. Welcome to GSD territory.

I love you.

But if you think I'm gonna censor anything on here... I'm not. Fuck it. You've read it already. There's no sense in playing shy now, eh?

My parents ≠ Canadian Broadcast Standards Council of Linds.

I mean, cripes, I've already written about half a dozen things that probably raised your eyebrows, more for the fact that you didn't need to know stuff about my sex life, (slightly awkward, but whatever... Yes I have sex. It doesn't bother me...) Or my deep dark secrets that I've confessed... Of which there aren't any, really. That being said, if I chose to put it out here on "teh intarweb", then I can't really complain about having my folks reading it, so "Wilkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome." You guys have a good sense of humour anyways, Who else would I have learned it from?

Have fun. Don't trip on any shoes lying about.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Of Exes and Oh's...

Between a conversation with myself and a friend online, discussing whether or not X's represent kisses, and O's represent hugs.

The term is hugs and kisses, or X's and O's. So based on Dave's logic, hugs are X's, and kisses are O's. My logic states that O's are huglike in shape, being the two arms going AROUND something, so that O's are hugs, and X's are the shape of pursed lips, being kisses.

His stance? X's are hugs, O's are kisses.

Mine: O's are hugs, X's are kisses.

Which is right? What do you guys think?

Monday, January 15, 2007

I Should Readily Admit...

That not a day goes by where I don't think politely to myself "Hey! Linds! Hi honey, how's it going? Good, good. Glad to hear it. Hey listen, why don't you write something in GSD? You know... It's kind of been a while."

Then I tell myself, "Well, Miss Linds, it's not really your fault, is it, that it's because you've been so awfully busy, what with management changes and the unholy mess left after Christmas/Boxing Day sales have blown through my store like the wild typhoon of commercialism and the "Spirit of Giving". (Sure, "Giving" yourself an enormous credit card bill...) And me a giant headache.

The resulting exhaustion from running around like maniacs during the season, and remerchandising the store AFTER the loss of two salespeople due to "seasonal hiring adjustments"... Not to mention the upcoming inventory which should be right fucked, considering the state of my workplace over the past 6 months... *sighs* Things are coming together but God! What an enormous pile of shit to wade through until it's finished... (though, it never really gets "finished".) I'm very, very tired. Bone tired.

However, that's not the only reason...

And then I tell myself it's because I've been so happy, living with my boyfriend, and just puttering along, on my/Our own little cloud nine. How much could I really write about how nauseatingly, incredibly, fantastically WONDERFUL my relationship is, and how complete it makes me feel before I become some sort of online I Heart Cliff fanclub, and I'm his number one super-awesome happyfuntime fangirl? Who the hell wants to read that sort of stuff? Yeah, you're happy, Linds, we get it. Good for you. Excuse me while my teeth rot and then fall out.

Who wants to hear that shit? No one, right? Right.

Well, I am really damned happy. So there. I do Heart Cliff. But trust me, it won't lead up to that point where I've uploaded sparkly MySpace animated gifs for every bloody day of the week up here, and if it does, someone please point it out, by, like, slapping me?

But no, that's not it, either.

It's that I have nothing else to write about right now, and I honestly feel unmotivated to write anything in general. I feel obligated to post in here, instead of wanting to.

I could tell you I did an IQ test on Tickle at 11something pm, a week ago and it told me I had an IQ of 122. (What with Cliff poking his nose in and distracting me, while I was trying to answer in a timely fashion.) I'm sure I could have scored higher.

It told me my strengths lie in art/creative projects, writing/communication and logic/problem solving... Well, goodness golly me... You think? Thank you Tickle.com. Whatever would I do without you? Let me write it out on an online weblog and tell all the people that don't give a shit the stuff I knew already!

I could tell you I got my ring that I got for Christmas sized for my left middle finger, but honestly, it's boring. Well, no... Wait. Not the jewelry, I LOVE the ring, don't get me wrong, but it's not "write worthy" material.

I could write and apologize to my readers that I still have yet to post my compilation album for 2006, "Biologique" up for grabs, because I've been busy. Real busy. Honest Injun. I have holidays starting on the 3rd of February, where I'll have 10 days of doing absolutely nothing in between having crazy-hot sex with my boyfriend and sleeping in obscenely late in the afternoon, to ensure that these tracks and the album art get posted up here. You'll just have to wait for your free music, imported under exceptional bitrate and quality, so really, I'm very sorry. I appreciate your patience.

Oh wait, this is under the assumption that I actually still have readers after this diatribe.

Just... Give me a bit, okay? I know it leads to a more boring work day for you guys, but I'd like to focus on the book I've been hemming and hawwing over, which I'll probably scrap entirely and start anew on. I'd love to work on my website for design that I've been neglecting to work on for months and months. I'd like to put the finishing touches on my digital portfolio, and then go and get the same thing printed all shiny and glossy and posted by my own hand onto some gorgeous charcoal grey 140 weight card stock, in a stunning black, butter-soft, leather folder.

I've just got some stuff on my plate, and my mind in other places right now. That doesn't mean I don't think your sexy and don't want to be with you anymore, baby. Once this stuff is dealt with, I'll be back, and better than ever. I promise.

Listening to: Beyoncé - "Irreplaceable" from the album "B-Day"

Friday, January 12, 2007

Huh Hah!

Huh Hah!, originally uploaded by Miss Linds.

Stolen from the lovely Miss Liz, via the lovely miss melissa. tres funny.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Sometimes, I'm such a genius it hurts.

Cliff from the living room:
"Why are they showing a yeast infection medication commercial during the middle of a war movie?! Gee, you guys sure hit your target audience right on the head! Idiots!"

Me, from the bedroom: "Hey! Girls like war too, you know!"

Previously in the day, discussing dinner:

Cliff: "I added peas to the stew last."

Me: "That makes sense. Peas tend to disapparate when they overcook."

Cliff: *looking at me oddly* "Disapparate?"

Me: "Wait. No... I meant "dissipate"... You know, dissolve."

*smirks at me*

Me: "Fall apart into mush blending in with everything else in the pot, like peas tend to do!"

Cliff: *tries to stifle laughter*

Me: "Damn those Harry Potter books!!"

Saturday, January 06, 2007


Courtesy of The Mayor, from one of his "linkie love" posts.

A very effective, thought provoking public service announcement directed at women, regarding A.I.D.S./H.I.V. (This is Not Suitable For Work.)

This P.S.A. was so eye-openingly different, that I wanted to do a little research to find out who made it. The creators of this Public Service Announcement, (which was broadcast on MTV during International World AIDS Day, December 1st) is an international advertising agency called Ogilvy.

I'd like to commend them on their... Well... Really, amazing work, for this public service announcement on an important issue, that needs to be addressed. It's not dancing around any issues, and certainly has a shock value that left me with a few tears in my eyes, and speechless for a moment or two.

I'll admit, I've behaved recklessly in my past, and I'm bloody well lucky that I haven't ever ended up with anything that would have made me regret my actions. This just kind of brought it home to me. Hard.


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

"Elf" Cliff

"Elf" Cliff, originally uploaded by Miss Linds.

I got what I wanted for Christmas! Plus, I even got to open it up early! Sweet!

We went to a Christmas dinner at the local little restaurant that we go to on a regular basis, and I snapped a photo with the trusty cell camera, that I just got to uploading now.

Monday, January 01, 2007


A wee roggy from browsing various websites on the internet... Mostly Myspace page layout and glittery graphics pages.

To the "webmaster" (who is more likely some pimply teenaged nerd who picked up one book on code and got daddy's credit card number for web hosting access): Did you actually LEARN how to connect hyperlinks to the pages they are supposed to link to properly? Ever? Did the thought even occur to you? One click on Burberry layouts, and I'm tits deep in Emo pictures. Eurgh! Myspace is the haven for shitty coding. CSS works, kids.

For instance, (though it makes me look completely geeky) take a browse at MY profile. it's simple, there are NO shiny shiny things on it. There's good, interesting music on it. It's not myspace default. This doesn't take much effort.