Saturday, July 31, 2004

A song on the radio today.

I heard a song by Tim McGraw on the Radio today. I'm not a huge fan of Country music, but this one struck a chord in me. Its called "Live Like You Were Dyin'." Maybe it's something we all should do. The lyrics can be found here.

I'll have an in depth post coming up about a fabulous mixed Blues and Jazz CD that Luc made up for me soon.

See Ya'll on the flip side.

Thursday, July 29, 2004


If I could be any angrier at Devin right now, I swear, my head would explode.

Enneagram Personality Test.

The Enneagram is a personality system which divides the entire human personality into nine behavioral tendencies, these are my results overall, and it's divvied up into individual scores on each tendency below...

Conscious self
Overall self
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test

"Friendly and ambitious 2w3's are outgoing and focus on their connection with others to maintain their happiness."
This is very true. I am usually unhappy when the people around me are UNHAPPY. I hate it. It makes me feel like I have to motivate them to be not neccisarily cheerful but at least relaxed.

"They have Robust personalities and enjoy sharing themselves with others."
If I didn't enjoy sharing myself with others I wouldn't have this Blog now, would I?

"They can seem theatrical in their displays."
True enough. My life seems to be one big drama at times. Maybe It's a comedy. A black comedy perhaps?

Overall Self:

"You don't like being alone."
Yes. Correct. I am very, very afraid of being alone. I hate it. Actually.
And at the same time, I'm terrified of being with someone and fucking it all up. I seem to have lost the ability to be anything other than promiscuous lately. Maybe because I am searching for that other person that would complete me, maybe because I'm a big trollop. Maybe because I'm 24 years old and even though I want that stable life, I didn't date until I was 18, and am making up for lost time, maybe that's all just lame ass excuses and I really don't know why...

"You want control over most environments you are in."
Well, David, my darling "Big Red," you were right. You called me on that particular trait a few weeks ago. I'm a control freak. Although, you did use nicer terminology.

"You have a high level of self control, probably too high."
I have a high level of self control? What exactly am I supposed to be controlling? I'll be damned.. this goes along the lines of something that Dave said earlier last week too. To just let it go. *Sighs* I hate it when that bugger is right. He always rubs my nose in it.

"You prefer listening to speaking."
Most people I know ask me advice, and frequently come to me with problems. I'm still seeking an outlet for mine, and as far as I know, this blog is it. Other than Crystal,
my last true confidante, left me in the dust, without so much as an explanation. So fuck him, and the horse he rode in on.

"You are more guided by your feelings than your thoughts."
Well... That's pretty fucking obvious.


(This table is done in order of what has higher percentage on the chart below.)

2-53% I must be helpful and caring to get what I want.

4-49% I must be insecure and/or special to get what I want.*WTF?!*

3-42% I must be impressive and attractive to get what I want.

8-42% I must be strong and in control to get what I want.

6-41% I must be secure and safe to get what I want.

9-40% I must be peaceful and easy to get along with to get what I want.

1-40% I must be perfect and good to get what I want.

7-38% I must be energetic and entertaining to get what I want.

5-26% I must be knowledgeable and independent to get what I want.

"Special?" as in "retarded" special? What the fuck does that mean?! Oh, there I go being all "hypersensitive" again. Of COURSE I need to be special to be noticed. I mean, who the hell notices some regular broad walking the streets? No one, that's who. You have to have personality and sass. I'm fat, fer fucks sakes. No one pays attention to me unless I AM interesting. And I would rather be interesting or "special" than have a great rack and no brains. Okay. Maybe just a little less brains for a little bit better of a rack.

Enneagram Test Results
Type 1 Perfectionism |||||||||||||| 57%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||||||||||| 75%
Type 3 Image Focus |||||||||||||| 60%
Type 4 Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||||| 71%
Type 5 Detachment |||||||||| 37%
Type 6 Anxiety |||||||||||||| 59%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||||||| 54%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||||||||||| 60%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||||| 57%
Your Conscious-Surface type is 2w3
Your Unconscious-Overall type is 2w1
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test

(This test was rated by me on accuracy out of a score of 5, I gave it 5. It's worth the time you put into doing the 130 question test. At least I THINK its freakishly accurate, but then again I was told in another one that I am "narcissistic." So now I'm wandering around the place, wondering if I'm talking about myself too much, I talk less and examine everything I do say with a fucking magnifying glass. And now, I'm afraid to be ALONE? *Whimpers* I think I need therapy from all these damned psychological tests... Gah!)

I also did a Freudian Test, but, unfortunately, it seemed that I was orally fixated. Whatever the fuck that means. It didn't make any sense to me, so I didn't bother posting it.

Pain? No. Not really.

I've been getting tattoos since I was 20 years old or so. Despite the warnings that they are permanent, and the comments, "What about when your 80 years old and your skin is saggy, blah, blah, blah..."

Honestly, by the time I'm 80 years old, I'll be fat, in a Muu-muu, and no one will care if I have tattoos etched permanently on my skin, because they won't SEE them. Either that, Or dead, according to my results on

My choice in Tattoos, being mythical lizard-like creatures, (3 dragons, and a rainbow gecko) are for my own enjoyment. They hold special meaning to me, because of the development of my character over the past few years, and the things I have done while in the process of living life and growing up.

I must confess, I got my first tattoo to piss off my first boyfriend. He was controlling, abusive and "Didn't like tattoos." I chose to stand up for myself and get one anyways. I had wanted one since I was about 12 years old.

As far as I know, I'm the ONLY person in my family with tattoos. Other than my cousin Andrew, who, when he saw me get my first shoulder blade inked up, was inspired to then get his done after seeing the process. I chose all of mine, when I walked into the parlours where I got them done, on the day I got them done.

I have only pre-planned ONE tattoo. and that is my final one, which is going to be situated either low on the centre of my neck, or high between my shoulder blades. It's the Japanese symbol for "Hope." (Kibou) It took me a long time to find this symbol, and it was the only caricature I saw fitting, other than "Love," and perhaps "Music."

For me, hope, is sometimes all I have to hold on to. It can be something crushing and misleading, and also inspiring. For someone like myself who is ruled mostly by emotions, even when I am at my worst place mentally, when the world weighs heavily upon me, hope is something that helps me through it. I usually try to see things with a light at the tunnel even though it's exceedingly difficult at times.

Life is not pleasant right now. I feel lost, in my heart. I am so FUCKED financially right now It's not even funny, and I'm feeling lost in my life in general. You'll have to pardon the lack of enthusiam in my posts, or the somewhat down tone that it portrays. I'm working on it.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Tunes to Groove by... (volume 2.)

It's nice to get free stuff.

I won four CD's at The Roxy last night, and quite contrary to the belief that they are the shittiest prizes you can win on the "Molson Waaaaaallll of Prizes!" (But, only because it's not the MONEY) It's actually some pretty damned good music.

"Best of the British"
(Virgin records compilation sampler, Various artists, 2002, Annual release.)

This compilation, contains everything from The Who, "Babe 'O Riley," Rod Stewart, "Maggie May" (one of my favourite songs of all time.) Classic 80's kitsch band Madness with "Our House," Squeeze, singing "Tempted" which was used recently in a jeans commercial, (There's nothing like a song about infidelity to make me want a pair of jeans. *Smirks*) Joe Cocker singing a very soulful, blues/jazz live version of "She came in Through the Bathroom Window." (I love a unique voice. It's scratchy, and growly and utterly hot. Too bad this song was big in 1969.) Tricky, "Black Steel" (Trip-Hop from the frontwoman formerly known from her stuff in Massive Attack) Supertramp, "Bloody Well Right" to Stereo MC, "Connected." (I LOVE that song.)

Best of the British, "No Sunshine, Loads of Music."

(Virgin records Compilation sampler, Various Artists, 2003, Annual release.)

This compilation contains various songs, including Culture Club, "Church of the Poisoned Mind," David Bowie, "Heroes" a very inspirational pre punk era song by the Buzzcocks, entitled "Ever Fallen in Love?" Duran Duran, "Girls on Film" Talk Talk, "It's My Life." (Recently covered by No Doubt) And a FANTASTIC acoustic version of Dirty Vegas, "Days Go By" made popular by a recent car commercial, but slower and by doing so, shows fabulous versatility of the band.

Both are thoroughly enjoyable. And apparently, you can't purchase these in the Virgin records stores. They are "promotional use only" so only a select few people have them. Nice. (Of course, everyone that wins on that damned "Wall of Prizes" usually ends up winning one of these things. I just happened to win 4 of them. Oooh, lucky number 24.)

More updates on the other two CD's once I listen to them.

As an aside, apparently The Roxy is kaiboshing the Karaoke they've held there for five and a half years. Drag. The last bout of contestants to enter in "Vancouver Idol" is this coming up Monday. I'm not sure if I am going to go yet or not.

Late is better than never.

A quick thanks, even belated, to Melissa and Luc, who threw one hell of a boozefest "Just 'cause" party at their place in New West for a few friends. Awesome. Good company, HELLA good food and good drinkin.


Sunday, July 25, 2004

THE story...

Alright. Here goes.

I've come to the conclusion, even hung over, and exhausted from sleep deprivation and my first day back at work after ten days, that I can't stop thinking. My mind is always working, and half the time, it's thinking of ways to write a new entry for this effing blog. I woke up a part of my mind that had been dormant for a long time, and now it seems that the beast is quite restless.

I wanted to write about what I feel about "Online Relationships," but didn't want it to be some sort of bible-thumping rant.

Basically, I was involved in a six month relationship with someone I had never met. That situation ended abruptly, very recently.

You have to understand that for me, finding a man to associate with sexually, is not a problem. As a matter of fact, sometimes I feel that its entirely TOO easy to find someone to fuck around with.

What I had a problem with, was finding someone that I clicked with emotionally, and mentally. Someone that I felt I had a connection with other than physically. And an online relationship, is exactly that. (For me, anyways.) It's a way to find out about someone, to communicate, based soley on words expressed on a computer screen.

And it's horribly easy to be trapped in one.

So easy that its the third relationship I've had online. (And for the record, I've never really told many people this.) Call me naive. Call me foolish or stupid. But for me, that sense of emotional/mental bonding, was so incredibly alluring, that I found it hard to resist.

I met Devin on Hot or Not, as I've mentioned in a previous post, while I was dating someone else exclusively. He was a good friend. He was someone to banter with and tease lightheartedly. We had a lot in common. I was friends with him for about six months. We chatted online regularly, and on the phone occasionally, just as friends. Until my relationship with Erik, who I was devoted to, fell through.

Devin was there. He heard my misery, because the breakup with Erik was pretty unexpected, and the stories I had told him about Erik's and my relationship, after the split, I tried to keep fairly unbiased. He listened to me. He listened to me through my anger, and my pain and my regret. He lent me a sympathetic ear, and a calming perspective. He did what a friend was supposed to do. Even though he lives in Texas.

I had always been attracted to him, and after a while of being single, I found myself attracted to Him even more, based on that stability. Based on that caring, and all of the things we had in common. Based on his phenomenal personality, his intelligence and wit. And I fell for him. Even though I KNEW that he lived so far away, even though I KNEW that it probably didn't have a snowballs chance in hell of making it work out. And I said, to Hell with it, and tossed my inhibitions to the wind. "Love like you've never been hurt." they say. The communication with him never ceased, He sent me a Christmas present. I called him just to wish him a Merry Christmas and tell him I loved him, on Christmas Day. It was so difficult, being far away from each other, but it was so damned good at the same time. And it was unbelievably sweet. I loved him, probably more than I cared to admit. And I thought he felt the same.

His phone/net apparently was cut off in early January, of 2004, And I didn't receive a response from him for a little over 2 weeks to anything I sent him. I remained incommunicado with him for almost four months. I thought about him almost every day. On a whim, I had been looking at his blog and decided to see that if I provoked him with a response to one of his posts, if he would talk to me again. It worked. He had thought that my hurt questioning, wondering if he was alright, wondering if He had met someone and was too afraid to tell me, and finally just the words, "I give up." had blown his chances with me... No. I gave him another chance.

I don't think I should have.

He got a new job. He was working approximately 18 hours a day. Or so he says. I don't know what to believe anymore. I really don't. I tried my best to be supportive. But it was getting harder on me, to be alone, and I was dating around when he had stopped talking the first time. I paused on that momentarily, for about a month, and then continued to date other people. Hiding my status as "Long Distance Girlfriend" for the first while because I didn't want to feel stupid, and because most men, when they hear that phrase, they hear "Desperate for Loving. Will do anything."

And after feeling guilty for not being completely honest, I didn't bother to hide it at all, and made sure that it was one of the first things I said, to avoid leading them on. Because after all, I did have a sexual appetite, as well as a need for companionship that was not being fulfilled. I just clarified immediately that I was not looking for "A relationship." Because my heart belonged to Devin.

The loneliness got harder and harder to bear, I missed him. (How on earth you miss someone you have never met, is very difficult to explain.) I had discussed with him coming up here for a vacation of his own, and it was most likely going to occur to the best of my knowledge, when I went for MY holiday that I just recently had. However, unforeseen circumstances changed that, and I booked my holiday a week earlier than I had planned with him, because I had waited so long between them, and his trip was to be postponed until possibly September when I could schedule my next vacation.

I became somewhat demanding of his time, not that he had much to spare. And I can see from his perspective how that could have either irritated or freaked him out. Or both. But with me, if a relationship is not progressive, or if I am becoming unhappy with something regarding it (ie, our separation for such a length of time) I am most definitely going to speak my mind. I told him countless times, when he was at his wits end with everything around him, if he needed to confide in someone, to call me. If he needed someone to cry to on the phone, I would be there to be best of my ability. I tried my hardest to be what he needed, I tried my hardest to show that I was proud of him, and told him so on a regular basis, for all that he was struggling through and what he was achieving. But know that I failed in a lot of aspects. I can't lay the blame wholly upon myself, though.

I made the mistake of phoning him, after Crystal's barbeque, when I had had too much alcohol to drink and was feeling vulnerable, and alone, and leaving a rather emotional message on his Voicemail. But what else was I supposed to do? I had told him that I would be there for him, if not as a physical presence, than as a supportive, consoling, vocal presence. Was that supposed to be a one way street? I don't think so. That's not the way relationships, (even long distance ones) work.

Two days later, communication stopped. At least from HIM.

He stopped responding to my messages online, to my text messages, to my messages on his voicemail... He was online, and he wouldn't respond to me. That, I think was the most hurtful thing of all. You can block someone on MSN from seeing you online, and he didn't even bother to have the decency to do that. He just ignored me. I don't know what to believe anymore. I don't know what to think.

Is he married, and his spouse found out? Is he disgusted with me? Is he tired of having to keep up with my somewhat demanding attitude for attention? I have no reasons from him. He won't even acknowledge me. All I know, is that I'm in a world of hurt, and I have no answers for all the questions running through my brain.

And that I'm through chasing him. As curious/frustrated as I am about what is going on, I'm not desperate, and I have my pride.

He's off my lists on Yahoo/MSN, and I don't plan on contacting him again anytime soon. Elizabeth says I'm being entirely too nice to even THINK of contacting him with the intention of salvaging a friendship. Maybe, just maybe, I will a few months down the road, to see if he strapped on some balls and can perhaps act like a grown up. I won't slam him any further, however him leading me on most certainly makes me think he deserves a fuck of a lot more than the modest amount I have.

What bothers me the most is that I honestly thought he was a decent person. It really makes me reconsider the way I look at people, and the level of trust that I give them.

Friday, July 23, 2004

Tunes to Groove by...

I've been listening to:

"This is Not a Test"
(Missy Elliot, Elektra Entertainment, 2003)

For those of you that don't know, I'm a huge fan of Hip Hop in general as long as the content is progressive, stimulating and intelligent.

Missy 'Misdemeanor' Elliot. She's the ultimate BBW. (Big Beautiful Woman.) Rich, Gorgeous, and very, very talented. She also has shitloads of confidence and fantastically dirty lyrics. She's not afraid to say whatever the hell strikes her at the moment. Her stuff is very reminiscent of 'Old School rap.' Maybe its why I dig her so much.

Her partner in creative crime, Timbaland, has wicked mixing abilities and beat creation skills. Not to mention one of the hottest voices EVER. Check out the song "Let It Bump" where he does his own verse. I almost creamed my jeans the first time I heard his voice on it's own.

There is also the currently released songs on this album, being "Pass That Dutch" "Wake Up" (feat Jay-Z) and "I'm Really Hot"

She features several different artists on this album doing guest spots, including: Mary J. Blige, Jay Z, Elephant Man, Fabolous, R. Kelly (I hate R. Kelly. LOL) Monica, Beenie Man, Nelly, and The Clark Sisters.

These are the ultimate anthems for any club going bigger woman like me. Anything to psyche me up before I see the teensy trollops in their cummerbunds (A.K.A. miniskirts) or Paris Hilton wannabe skirts, and midriff bearing tops, the songs that makes me feel GOOD about my body before I head on out the door, although Missy has several that get me psyched. It helps along with a few bottles of false confidence, otherwise known as Smirnoff Ice.

But the one that works best for the club is called "Pump It Up." The lyrics can be found here.

(As an aside, this lyrics web site, is by far, the most accurate for a Hip Hop songs I've ever seen online. Well done. )

Poetic justice.

There's nothing like seeing a prick get fucked over.

It's the human mentality that when people see people in higher power (or a supposed higher power) struggle, or somehow face difficulties in something, they feel a little bit (or a lot, depending.) of joy inside.

I know. Savage kicks.

But I never said I was nice.

Its like working for someone, who is a total Asshole.  Who's harassed and tortured people at work merely because he is a supervisor and has the authority, for years, and then find out he's been diagnosed with rectal cancer.

Its actually a proper usage of the word irony. 

And though I find sympathy in his situation, I still think it's damned funny. 

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Enough of the melencholy shit, I'm better than that...

Remind me never to write at 5 AM again. Jesus. It's not like it did a lick of good anyways.

A new CD review is in order, to balance out the scales... Or some shit. Or maybe just because I feel like it.

Okay, okay, it's not technically new. It's from a few years ago. BUT, it might be new to you. So here goes.

Goldmember Soundtrack (Various Artists, 2002)
It's mostly remakes of funk and 60's tunes done by modern artists, and some new ones tossed into the lot.
With some BOSS tunes from the motion picture, including Beyonce's shtick from the flick,  which is a pretty good imitation of Funk,  a Dr. Dre remix of "Miss you" by the Rolling Stones.(Dre, is an UTTER GENIUS with the intricacies of beats and sampling.) And a phenominal vocalist that goes by the name of Angie Stone, (she's got some mad skillz.) singing a remake of "Groove Me" done originally by King Floyd. (This, and "Miss You" are probably my favourite tracks on the whole album) 

Toss in some Earth, Wind and Fire's  "Shining Star." Some trance tunes by Paul Oakenfield, and a remake of "Evil Woman" by Soul Hooligan Feat. Diana King. And you've got one kickass assortment of music.
Fuck, even my MOM liked this CD when I got it.

I originally hated the thing when I first bought it, (only for the "It's a Hard Knock Life" done by Dr. Evil, originally done by Jay-Z,) but the more I listened to it, the more I realized I LOVE it. It gets me going.


As an aside for my personal life right now. Good lord. It's a total distaster. It seems it goes well for a few months and then the fates decide its time for shit to hit the fan, and just douse me in it. Love life, *poof* Finances, *poof* I could swing a fast left at the fates right now and I would probably miss, knowing my luck.

Now they say bad things come in 3's. I'm waiting to be diagnosed with cancer or some stupid shit like that. (Knocks on wood) That would be the straw that broke the camel's back.

Stick that in your Blunt and smoke it. Yeah. I said blunt.

Up all night...

I'm watching the sun rise from the balcony, over the mountains, and it's beautiful.

But it doesn't move me like it used to.

I can't sleep.

I was tired earlier in the morning, but honestly, the thought of crawling into my bed, alone, AGAIN, isn't that terribly intreguing. Life was a lot simpler when I wasn't alone.

Or was it?

I can't tell anymore. When I wasn't wondering what the fuck was going on in my love life when it was simple.

Or was it ever simple?

When I'm dating around, feeling heartless. Feeling like I'm leading people on. Even though I'm completely honest. And I'm so torn inside.

I feel like a bad person.

I feel bad for having emotions.

I've been smoking too much, my chest hurts.  And thinking too much, because my head hurts too.

I feel bad for freaking him out. And I'm sorry I did, or even if I did. I'm sorry if a drunken phone call at midnight my time, made him feel pressured, or whatever the fuck else it did.  But I don't know if that's the reason why either.

I miss Him.

More than I let show. 

I miss his voice. I miss the conversations we used to have. I miss laughing at his jokes, or him laughing at mine. I miss him waking me up at 12:45 AM when I'm up at 5 AM and it doesn't fucking matter because it's him on his way home with a phone call.  And he has my heart. I would always pick up the phone if I was able to, for him.


I was angry on my way home this morning. Angry, and miserable inside. When you can't stop the tears when your on public transit at 1 AM kind of miserable.  Angry, miserable and questioning everything I was feeling.  And I didn't care. Let them see me cry. Let them think I was drunk, or nuts, or a combination of both, if it suits them. I still don't care. I wasn't any of those things anyways.

The sun is up.

It's another stunning morning.  

I'm going to go to sleep.

Or try at least.


Okay, to understand that title you would have to see the newest stand up routine done by Margaret Cho, entitled "Notorious C.H.O." 

By FAR the funniest damned stand up I've EVER seen, absolutely racy in content, she comments on everything from homosexuality, to her period (And how straight men would sound if they had theirs) to her routine on "Pussy." I laughed so hard, my head hurt. (Not to mention my ribs, and I think my cheeks took a serious workout.)

Thank you Ryan, for introducing me to the depths of Margaret's depravity. She's one fucking funny Korean woman. Her impressions of her mother, are hysterical. I would borrow the DVD from him, but I think he watches the thing religiously. Highly recommended by myself, and Ryan as well. I actually think its going to be the next DVD I purchase.

Just a short entry for tonight. It's been a long day.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

So much for my Happy ending...

Here are the lyrics to the most recent Avril Lavigne song playing on the radio,  "My Happy Ending"

I dig the words. The tune is pretty good as well.

She's the new Alanis Morrisette, In my humble opinion.  How a sixteen year old girl learns the intricacies of adult relationships, well, that's up to the people that write her lyrics for her, or at least help her by handing her the Grown-up Coles Notes version of romance, or lack thereof.

I actually stumbled upon her stuff before she became big, one day when I was in the MSN chat rooms before you had to pay for them. (Whatever they sucked anyways, no big loss.) Her band members were pimping her music, in particular the tune "Complicated" in the Canada chats.

I thought her tunes was alright when I checked out her website a few years ago, but I still don't like her rendition of "Knocking on Heaven's door."

Hey, whatever works right?  I guess it worked just fine. However, I swear if I see another teeny bopper trying to be "original," walking around wearing a blue and red striped tie with a wife beater on, I'm going to scream. All of the sudden, everyone was being "different," Punk rock was hip, and my ex-boyfriend Erik's clothes were trendy again. Kudo's to sticking to your fashionista guns, Erik. No one pulls off red and blue plaid multi-zippered bell bottoms like you do and can actually make it look hot.

To each their own.

*As an aside. I haven't listened to Z95.3 in ages, but put it on because my discman ran out of juice. The station hasn't improved much. I remember why I switched my alarm clock to Rock 101.1. I think I've heard the same artists three times in the past two hours.  Or maybe they all just sound the same now. (Oh Gawd. I'm starting to sound like my Dad.)*

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

WHAT is going on?!?!?

I'm in this fucked up exceedingly goofy sorta spaced out mood right now. It's somewhat melencholy.
I've had the laziest day in ages. It's my vacation, I feel exceedingly bummy. And as I was trying to explain to Liz on MSN, guilty for it. Stupid I know. both of us agree. Actually Tory agrees too. That makes three. (Momma, and Me, and Baby make three...)  Maybe its because I've gone so long having so much to do at once, that I'm completely unused to doing nothing. Gawd.
My music lately still seems to be Love Inc. Mmmmm throbbing techno beats.
I've been thinking about what I want relationship wise in the past few days. I want one person. He's too busy for me at the moment, so I've been dating around. They only seem to want sex. I dont want a relationship with anyone else. And quite frankly, sex with someone you dont care about isn't nearly as satisfying as sex with someone you do care about. It's actually quite depressing. The human obsession with sex is highly amusing, and understandable. People are sexual creatures, and I'm a highly sexual person too. But its not the end all and be all of civilization.
Truth be told, I'm highly uninterested in dating students. Or even men my age be it slightly older or younger. I'm not interested in dating people in unstable careers. people that can't hold a job longer than four months, Or even have careers that lead no where. I'm not interested in dating men that play videogames incessantly, or get savage kicks out of violence, or immaturity. (However, It's alright once in a while for the immaturity.) I once had a BF that told me that I was incredibly mature, for my age. I'm much older in my head, than the number it proclaims on my Birth Certificate.
Well, you deal with 4 years of abuse in your first relationship,  have a fairly horrific incident of sexual abuse happen to you from someone you trusted implicitly when your thirteen, and you tend to mature a lot faster. Not to mention that I didnt have siblings, and grew up around adults.  
Call me shallow if you will, or picky, or a bitch. I know what I want, and I don't want instability. I may not like my job that much, even though things are turning around, (And they are offering apprenticeships now)  But, I've been there for four years. Thats a lot more than most people can say.
On the same note, I'm sure I've excluded myself from people based on my personality, I can be negative sometimes, I can be whiny about my situation. I'm just sick of the SHIT that goes around.
To be quite blunt, I'm more than my pussy.
All I want, is someone to love and to love me for me, and for me to never doubt it. To have a sense of maturity and purpose that propels them forward in life. To have intelligence that makes them joyful to be around, to banter with. I might be greedy with my requirements in a relationship, but honestly, all I want in a relationship is affection and quality time. I'm quite happy living in a shitty apartment on the harsh side of town, with someone I mutually adore, than in a mansion with  someone I can tolerate.  I want someone I can spoil with love, that would do the same to me, all the while respecting self, identity and personal space.
This is are the qualities I see and the reason why I'm waiting for Devin. He might not see it, He probably wouldnt agree with me either. But I can. I've never really publicly proclaimed it before this. But all the people that know me know the reasons why I care about him. It's something that leaves me grinding my teeth in frustration. I can't be there to support him when he is in need, and he's not here when I need a shoulder to cry on. Some might call it stupid, but the people I care about, and that care about me in return, don't. (At least not to my face, and if they did, I couldn't begrudge them. I wonder sometimes, myself. But I stick to my guns.) That's how you can test the true value of a friend. When they stick by a friend that might have made a mistake.
You can't help falling in love. It just happens.

Looking for some HOT stuff, Baby, this evening, I need some HOT stuff, Baby, tonight...

Apparently there is a severe heat wave that should be hitting Vancouver come Thursday. Brutally hot in the Interior (upwards of mid to high forties Celsius) and getting up there in the Lower Mainland itself. (Up to the lower thirties Celsius.)
That, combined with electrical storms in the heavily wooded interior of BC, My spidey senses are tingling, telling me there will probably be a repeat performance of last summer's fire storms up north. No fun.
Time to turn on the A/C kids. Not to mention crossing your fingers. 

Monday, July 19, 2004

Dedicated to the One I Love.

This is one of my Favourite Mama's and Papa's songs, the Lyrics can be found here. Enjoy. It's bitter-sweet.

Ungh... Need... Coffee...

In the process of moving, I acquired a new queen sized bed, and sent my old double to the curbside.

This new bed, is dangerously addictive. (Thank-You SO much Tiana!)

It's soft, and HUGE, much bigger than im used to, and I think I'm in peril of sleeping there all damned day. All I need now is a cuddly bedmate, to waste away those hours of daylight.

I'm a nocturnal gal by nature, and what better choice for a career at this moment in time than working in a bakery where I get up at 5 AM. I'm notoriously grumbly until about 7 AM, which truthfully, makes me feel bad for the mixer when I walk into the shop in the morning and when he cheerfully greets me with "Gooood morning! How are you doing today Linds?" and I respond with the typical "Tired." Or even more eloquent, "Mmmmphhh."

Somehow, my male Co-workers, have accepted the fact that I don't talk, at least not for the first hour of my shift, and the same usually goes for at home, I'm quiet for the first few hours of waking up, usually choosing to write in here, and after a while of my brain chilling out in first gear, I kick it up to second. The unfortunate souls that hope to have an actual conversation with me on Yahoo or MSN when I first wake up, well, You're going to get the one word replies too... Sorry about that.

I don't usually drink coffee to wake up, for some strange reason. To be honest, we don't even have a coffee maker in our apartment. None of my apartments ever have. I was used to having my Mornings staggered all over the place for school at first, and then shiftwork after that. I mean, some of my shifts at work started at 4 AM, which was brutal. Toss in a few 6 AM starts and a 9 AM start, and your body clock is all over the place. Thankfully, I've learned to sleep at any time of day, for any length of time. And I still can.

On a side note, Liz and I managed to have the whole Apartment's worth of stuff moved up here on Friday afternoon and Saturday during the day. A special shout out for Steve, and Sean who did the heavy lifting, (Yes, you manly men you.) To my Dad, who helped me get my bed on Thursday, to Pete Marsz from work who scored us a gorgeous living room table for only ten bucks, Crystal for giving me the much anticipated bookshelf, Liz's folks for scoring us the free chairs for the balcony, living room, and dining area, and McCluckers who managed to harass me the whole time He was there on Saturday, when we were finishing up, joking how every piece of plastic on the floor was a condom wrapper, and all of my books, were pornographic. (And FYI, not all of them are. Just some. :P) Hey man, at least my favourite position isn't horizontal on the floor. (It's horizontal on the bed.)

The house warming party still hasn't been decided yet, but all who are invited will get a shout out, when we've decided to hold the thing.

Cheers! I'm gonna go load up my new bookshelf, and stay away from that bed until tonight.

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Day Three of my Vacation.

Sadly as of yet, I haven't had any time to myself.

The first three days so far have been moving, albeit with a brief hiatus to spend some time at Crystal's place for a Barbeque. I hadn't seen some of these people in years. Literally. Some of them were very good friends during highschool, some of them were Crystal's exes, and they're acquaintances.

Both Crystal and myself have a good track record for maintaining a friendship with ex bf's after we've split up.

It was phenomenal to see these people again. I hadn't seen Duffy since I graduated high school six years ago. (minus a few passing drive by's) He didn't know how to word it properly, He was worried that he would offend me. I mean how do you tell someone that has lost 120 pounds since the last time you saw them, that they aren't huge anymore? Simple.

You just tell them.

Trust me, you'll get the biggest smile on their face. I know I grinned from ear to ear, when he told me I looked absolutely amazing.

I really want some time ALONE. I am a private person, unless I'm around my partner, and I require my own space on a regular basis. It feels like my whole Vacation so far has been tugged and tossed around, really to no one's fault, but I honestly, just wanted to write, and read, and swim, go tanning, and stuff like that, where I don't have to think, just be there and relax.

Truthfully, I wanted someone in particular up here, for his vacation, to pamper the hell out of him, but a car accident prevented him from coming up here. So I decided to make due with reading, swimming, dance and archery. It's not nearly as satisfying. I'll figure it out somehow... Maybe He can come up here for my next vacation in September. Who knows. It would be nice.

Monday, was going to be Karaoke at the Roxy, by special request to Mizz Liz from me. I haven't been there in a month and a half or so. I was looking forward to it, but apparently it was cancelled for this week. (As an aside, anyone that has heard me do Karaoke, suggestions are always welcome for my song entries.)

Anyways. Enough whining.

I need to eat some food.

Ciao kids.

Friday, July 16, 2004

Tunes and Blogging...

It's a break from moving. *grumbles* I should get back to work. The hair on the back of my head looks like a furby. Gawd. Posted by Hello

Tunes to MOVE by. Literally...

I've been listening to a few CD's slapped into my discman tucked into my shorts while packing, moving and otherwise feeling like one of the most disorganized people on the planet. Our apartment is in total chaos, and split between two locations.

Lets put it this way. Breakfast today, consisted of a Bounty chocolate bar.

1. Much Dance 90's (2 disc set)
(MuchMusic Compilation,
Various Artists, 2003, Sony Music)

Okay, okay, have I dated myself enough? Yes, yes I have. It's all the dance music hits from when I was in early highschool, but it fucking rocks. I mean, "Ice Ice Baby" by Vanilla Ice?! (I can actually rap the whole damned thing. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I just know I can.) Or "Mr. Vain?!" Or "Hip Hop Hooray" by Naughty by Nature?! I have to love a song with the line, "She's as hot as a baker, 'cuz we're Naughty by Nature." Seriously! Awesome.

I mean, how dorky am I, when my cell phone ringer right now is "Bust A Move" by Young MC. (That, or "Safety Dance" by Men without Hats, or "Hey-Ya" by Outkast.)

2. Pulp Fiction Soundtrack
(Various Artists)

Old movie. Older music. Classic Motown, Funk. Gorgeous. As much personality as Quentin Tarantino puts into his character dialogue, I usually skip past the talking parts. This is the CD I first heard "Son of A Preacher" by Dusty Springfield on, about 10 years ago, that I do at Karaoke, which has earned me the title of "Mizz Motown." (That, and "Respect" by Aretha Franklin.)

3. Great Big Sea, "Up"
(Warner Music, 1995)

Good ol' Newfie tunes. Classic Canadiana. And it reminds me of my Grandpa. Fun to belt along with, Fun to bounce around the apartment to, and even more fun to drink to at the Blarney Stone.

4. Be What You Are.
(Various Artists)

A Christmas present from Devin. Some great tunes. Check out his Blog, he's got a listing of what's on there in the "Be What You Are" link. Or, just click that one right there cuz' I had to do some searching to find it.

5. Madonna, Greatest hits, Volume 2.
(Maverick Recording Company, 2001)

Mostly Madge's new stuff, but the GOOD new stuff. I'm a big Madonna fan, I blame my mother for that. Even if I can't sing "Like a Virgin" at Karaoke with a straight face. (Touched for the very first time! *Hah!* First time?! Oh, like a vir-er-er-er-gin....)

It has my all time Fave madonna song, "Music." It usually makes me ride the barstool at the club one hand gripping the seat between my thighs like a pommel, and one circling over my head with an imaginary lasso in slow motion. Yeah. It's a hot song.

6. Massive 2002
(Various Artists)

A collection of dance/trance/hip-hop/pop on one cd that I borrowed from Crystal D. Has everything on it from "Sandstorm" by Darude, to a remake of "Ordinary World" by Duran Duran but sung by a woman, some dance versions of Salsa tunes, and the song "The Summer." (I don't know who does that one, but I LOVE it.) This was the CD that we popped into her CD player in her Ford Escort Z2X, and zipped about Vancouver in two summers in a row. It Rawks.

Good songs to move by.

You can dance, you can dance. Everybody take off your pants... (And yeah, I know the lyrics arent actually that. It's just way funnier that way.)

Thursday, July 15, 2004

For the morbid people out there...

If you feel like seeing how long you have to live, check out Fun stuff. Apparently I die 2042. (age 62) Goody. But Hey! If I was Sadistic instead of Pessimistic, I would die at the age of 34. *Grumbles*

Thirty four? That's 10 years from now!

Jesus. Maybe I shouldnt be so Sadistic.

Apparently Elizabeth dies in the year 2069. She's got a few years on me. The bitch. :P

Fucking Optimists.

Heh. Funny.

On the bus on the way down Kingsway, I happen to notice a Japanese Karaoke Bar sign. (Only the word Karaoke was in English.) Sitting on top of the sign were two crows cawing at each other... Fitting?

Anyways, It made me laugh.

A little bit of History...

What was...

1. Your First Grade teachers name?

Mrs. Yamamoto. A wee little stocky Japanese lady, that was completely obsessive over the Vancouver Canucks (ah that Canadian obsession with hockey...) She blew up a balloon every day and if it was your birthday on that day, you got to pop it.  (I honestly don't remember what happened when it wasn't someones birthday.)

2. Your Favourite Saturday morning cartoon?

It was usually The Bugs Bunny Show. When I was living with my parents, I still watched it with my Mom and Dad. Granted it's on a 36 inch flatscreen now, but the laughter is still the same. I can watch the really old ones over and over again.

3. The name of your Very First Best Friend?

That's simple. Elizabeth. I've known her since I was five years old. We split ways in grade nine, hooked up again about a year or so ago, and now we're room mates.

Apparently, I was married at the age of three by my father, to the next door neighbor's son. I can't even remember his name at the moment. It'll come to me. (It's Michael. It only took me six days to remember it, but I did...)

There was also Aiden Varga. I think he was the first boy I ever fell in love with. He moved up north to Shushwap. I miss him. I miss a lot of my friends that moved away. I never really forget them.

My other "Best Friends" (If we're going chronologically) are Ryan (who used to be my nemesis) Crystal, who I met in math class in grade 10, and Crystal D. Who I met in Social studies 11 (I believe.)

Because I'm an only child, these people are my brother and sisters. They're as close to family as you can get. I would do anything for them. They know it.

4. My favourite breakfast cereal?

Honeycomb. Honeycomb? I Love Honeycomb! 

5. My favourite thing to do after school?

Well. I was never really involved in anything regarding after school activities as a child, I was very reticent, quiet, and shy. I was the fat girl with glasses, and other than Aiden and Elizabeth, I didn't really have many friends in Elementary school.

I read a lot of books. Repeatedly. From all genre's, but I usually preferred Science Fiction and Fantasy.

After I was old enough to be independent, I threw myself into choir and theatre. four days a week, my school days started at 7 AM, and finished at 7:30 PM. My passions are the arts.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Twenty, twenty, twenty-four hours to go....

And I SHOULD be sedated. Whoo. One more day of work, just one more stinkin' shift, and I'm off work for TEN glorious days. What the hell am I going to do with ten days of leisure?


My first day of holidays, I was supposed to go to a First-Aid class, but now work isn't sure if I was even accepted to go. If that's the case, that sucks royally, because I've been screwed twice then for the same thing that has been offered through work. AND I was really looking forward to giving that dummy mouth to mouth. Darn. In the evening, it's a Union meeting. Has work related stuff ENDED YET?

Apparently so.

Tomorrow, after my last shift before vacation, and Thursday during the day, are moving days. However, Liz and I have been shuffling some stuff over to the new apartment starting last night, and tonight is the bathroom, and kitchen shite. The rest should follow relatively easily. Well, except for the furniture and beds etc. Those are going to be a pain in the ass. Friday, is making sure we got all of our shit together, and unpacking the joint. (For me, anyways.) And I plan on attending Liz's Karaoke at the Duff, and actually being able to stay there 'til closing. Wow.

Saturday, I've been invited to a Barbeque at my girlfriend Crystal's place, it should be fun, I get to see some people I haven't seen in years, that I went to highschool, and were fairly well acquainted with and there will be burgers, and the booze shall flow freely. I'm anticipating it with some regard. Giddyup!

LOL, apparently my elementary school/High school crush is going to be there as far as Crystal knows. He's also her ex-boyfriend. That should be interesting to say the least.

My Holiday should include copious amounts of sleeping in and perhaps some imbibing of alcohol and straining of vocal chords at Karaoke. not to mention, swimming, reading, at least one medieval dance class, and I STILL haven't attended the archery lessons @ BCIT.

Fuck, what a slacker.

Annnnyways. More juicy deets to come at a later time. I need a nap.

Saturday, July 10, 2004

I forgot to mention...

I've picked up to two CD's lately,

The first one is Maroon 5, the album is titled: "Songs about Jane."
The lead singer has a sort of nasal/whiny voice, thats actually quite sexy (But can't compete with the ex lead singer from Sound Garden and current frontman of Audioslave, a Mr. Chris Cornell, A.K.A. Vocal Sex God.) but awesome awesome sensual lyrics, the one titled "Secret" is my particular favourite on this album. The lyrics can be found here.

And the second one, is the new Dido album, "Life for Rent." A particularly poignant song for me right now is one titled "Have a Little Time" The lyrics can be found here.

Happy Listening. I dig em lots.


Today I was up at 5 AM to be at work at 6, I spent the morning frying doughnuts. It's not my favourite job to say the least. It actually started off pretty shitty, and I thought it was going to continue that way. Not to mention that I had the theme song from "SpongeBob Squarepants" running incessantly through my head. *He lives in a pineapple under The Sea... (SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!) Aarrrgh! Get it out! Get it out!* And I don't even watch television, Fer fucks sake.

Oh Linds. You are SO wrong. This is NOT going to be a bad day.

My boss, was in an unusual mood. He was nice. It almost made me wonder if I was going to get written up for some misdemeanor that I wasn't aware I had committed.

He had to cut some hours, and I had agreed to go home early. After four hours. He was joking around, and teasing me, which I STILL don't quite know how to deal with, but lightly bantered back with him, trying to not offend him. He was fairly jovial until about 9 AM, When my Assistant Manager asked him where the cake decorator was. (Apparently, when you have the option of going store to store to do the jobs that cover other people while they are on vacation and have days off, you also have the option to not show up.) A bit of a panic ensued, and I thought "Oh here we go... This is how it's supposed to be in here." Nope. He comes up to me and asks me how well I can decorate. (He's dangled this particular carrot in front of my nose before, teasing me with the idea of decorating and then saying "No, sorry. We can't let you do that right now.") I told him, again, that I had had lots of training in my old store, with basic techniques, He took that to heart. I spent the rest of my shift prepping (or base icing) cakes, and doing some decorating next to the Bakery Assistant Manager, and ended up staying my full shift. I even got the boss coming up to me, patting me on the shoulder and saying "Good job, kiddo." (Gee, thanks Gramps.) at the end of my shift. I almost fainted from receiving actual praise from him, I didn't, however, but managed to nearly split my head in two with my grin.

On a whim I decided to go swimming after work, finally breaking in that 11 free swims pass that I got from my First Boyfriend's Mom, four years ago for my 20th birthday. I had forgotten how tiring it was, and also, how awesome, and relaxing it is to immerse yourself completely in water. My muscles have that lovely dull, warm, achy feeling you get from working them. Considering I did about 35 laps in one of the swim lanes, played around in the water, and relaxed my lower back in the whirlpool. All in an hour and twenty minutes or so. It's definitely rekindled my love affair with the twelve feet deep end in a pool of chlorinated water. I'm planning on going at least three or four times on my vacation.

So, back from Bonsor, and I stop by my Apartment Managers suite, to talk to her about the new apartment that Elizabeth and I are moving into on the 15th. She takes me upstairs, I hand her the cheque, she hands me the keys, we chat for a bit, and then she leaves. And I look around at this HUGE, SPACIOUS, CORNER SUITE, TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT. With new Linoleum, fairly new carpets, SCREENS on the sliding doors, (not to mention a sliding door that doesn't sound like your slaughtering a dozen alleycats when you open the damned thing) I think I almost had an orgasm. It sure beats the hell out of a cramped one bedroom that Elizabeth and I have been sharing for six months or so.

Design ideas are racing through my head. I'm walking from room to room, and my head is spinning. The view is PHENOMENAL! I can see the mountains, We're on the Third floor, away from the ghetto apartment building across the alley, that was our previous view, Away from the giant, divebombing moths, and, ANNNNNND! I have a dimmer switch for my bedroom light. Yeeeah.

Friday, July 09, 2004

Do you ever feel like you know too many people?

Recently, I did a scan of my Yahoo Messenger list. Sorting out my contacts of people I talk to regularily, and people that I haven't talked to in ages.

As a regular chat junkie on Yahoo chats, I get people adding me all the time, for various reasons: to either: Jerk off to my Webcam whilst I am unknowing of whats going on, adding me with hopes of getting a date or laid by me, they see my profile on the Yahoo Members Directory and click to add me because I have one thing in common in my hobbies or interests, or they Like my picture, or a combination of all the above, OR the rare few that actually find my conversations with them amusing.

Out of the One Hundred and Fifty contacts I have on my list, I sorted them out into two categories, "Close friends," which contains 28 people, and all the rest got stuck into a category called "friends."

It was getting to the point that when I logged onto Yahoo messenger, I was SWAMPED with about 20 IM's from people not even ten seconds after logging on. Half of them I had already put on ignore, either because they were graphically sexual, rude, or abrasive, that or they didn't even have basic english skills. I'm a patient person, but if I can't understand you, and your asking for my first name ten seconds into the conversation, or to see my tits,(or a multitude of other various body parts) I'm sorry but you're put on ignore. Immediately. No dice. I don't play that way. However, seeing as Yahoo Messenger ignore lists only hold 100 people, I'm pretty much shit outta luck when I've clicked them and my list is full.

I've gone and changed my Yahoo ID, and E-mail accounts a few times during the past eight years I've been on chats, because some people tend to associate me with negative things. or expect things of me that im not willing to accomodate. (As in Nudity on cam, or Head games, or whatever else strikes they're fancy.)Some people are pretty fucked up. Lord Jeebus bless Yahoo for making the newest version of Yahoo Messenger, where you can change "Stealth settings."

My MSN list is approaching 65 people, and a few of these people are on block as well.

So this is a shout out, to all the people that actually SEE me online, you're in the "IN" crowd. You are the people I enjoy talking to. You're the decent, intelligent, witty crew I love to chat with. Thank-you. Thank-you for not being pigs. Thank-you for not expecting things of me that some people would take for granted. And if I do happen to get lonely another Valentines Day night by myself, and drink another half a mini mickey of Fireball in twenty minutes and get trashed alone, (Not that it happens often.) Maybe you WILL get to see my tits.

Maybe. But dont count on it. *Smirks*

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Gawd, do my feet hurt.

A synopsis of Today:

7 AM: I wake up. Apparently my body clock doesn't let me sleep past this time anymore. I'm lucky if I get to sleep in till past 9 AM. I mess around the apartment, killing time, check my email and respond to any of my business stuff, chat on Yahoo for a while, and then get my butt in gear, hop in the tub, get all squeaky clean. I do my makeup and plan on getting a hair cut, because it's getting rather Mullet like and takes half my available product to do what I want it to do. And damnit, that's not cool. If I was a man, I would definitely be a Metrosexual.

10 AM: Head out the door, and make a pit stop at my Mailbox, and Huzzah! my GST cheque. Nice, nice. Back upstairs to drop off the rest of the mail, and then down the stairs to head off to MetroTown. That place should be called MetroHell. I can't believe the thing is packed at Ten thirty in the morning, on a Thursday. Don't people work or something? (Just a tidbit of information, its the Second largest Mall in Canada, dwarfed only by West Edmonton Mall in Edmonton. Of all the crazy places!)

11:30 AM: by this time, I've bought myself a purse, wallet and shoes. Gawd. I'm a shopping whore. someone give me an IV drip, or the Shopping patch. But, please, make sure it matches my new shoes and purse.

I'm starving, so it's off to the food court. Which has moved. But apparently I can watch a video of the subsequent destruction of the former food court. Not too terribly fascinating. There are no half naked construction workers in there. Actually, there are no people in there at all. Thusly no point in me watching the T.V.

And anyways, I'm hungry.

I go on this wild food court hunt, following signs on the floor, almost walking into people, trying to figure out where the fuck they've put this thing. On the way, I book an appointment at the hair salon, with a rather brusque hairstylist. I fear for my magnificent Glamazon locks, but book the appointment anyways. I'm not about to pay 50 bucks at the other place to get a friggin haircut. I eat, I go back, after phoning Ryan with a harrassing phone call to "Get the fuck out of bed." of which he responded with grunts and groans attempting to be words. I tell him I'm going to bother him when I'm done getting my hair chopped.

12:15 PM: Okay, here we go. Cut it off. Every mullet-like inch. She doesn't listen to a word I've said to her, but it still looks good. Thanks Colleen. Try working on customer relations. Ryan calls it my Butch-Dyke cut. Gosh. I'm happy now. Who's You're Daddy? (Uhm....You are Linds?) Ryan is speaking legibly now. He's on his way to Lougheed, and I'm on the Skytrain, headed to ANOTHER mall.

1 PM: Meet Ryan. Drink coffee. get told I look "Faaaaaaabulous." Trade insults with him and finish each others sentences for about 20 minutes. Buy bathroom stuff, and mosey on around the mall. We drop all my shit off at home, and GO BACK to Metrotown. Frig. By now, I hate the mall.

2:30 PM: We hit the bank, and then go through the Crystal Mall. Basically it's Chinatown in concentrated form. Ryan prices out some stuff for his computer that all sounds greek to me. I just stand there and look pretty. We trade insults some more and finish some more of each other's sentences. We go eat some food and I watch Ry ogle guys, occasionally commenting on my own sightings.

5 pm: Ryan and I split ways, I head home and die exhausted on my shiny new computer/deck chair. It doesn't break. Hallejulah. Praise Jeebus.

8 pm: Start doing laundry, and on the way back up to my apartment from the basement, not even five minutes after I've used the elevator, I find out that some poor lady is trapped in it between floors one and two. Jeeeeeeesus. NO thank you. I hate elevators. Techs are on the way. Poor thing.

I bet she'll take the stairs from now on though.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

As an aside. Some shameless promoting!

Just thought I would plug some Blogs of people I know, for the hell of it.

An ex-boyfriend and good friend of mine Erik's Blog. Witty satire and Political thoughts, his opinion on obscure and not so obscure music, and also some of his own stuff. Thoughts from an intelli-punk Rocker. "Love the sinner, but not the sin." His site addy is:

Some other friends of mine, that I met through Erik are the Folks at M.U.F.T.I. full of pictures, and exploits:

a Spinoff of the M.U.F.T.I. crew, a fellow Glamazon, (actually the one that coined the term Glamazon) Allison. Her site addy is:

And of course, my ever lovely and wonderful Room-mate Lizzie-poo. Her site is:

Last but never least, Devin, His site is:

Whew. A day off.

I Spent my evening and a large portion of my first day off this week sleeping. And I'm not joking... I slept for 18 hours. From 3pm in the afternoon on Monday, to 10:30am this morning. It's a completely disgusting waste of time, that I could have been out doing something during. Can't I just sleep when I'm dead or something? Honestly... I guess I needed it. I think I've come down with that annoying little cold buzzing about the city that makes you really tired and gives you the sniffles. Either that or I have mono. Which isn't really possible, considering the amount of action I've been getting lately. I think it's definitely the first option.

I missed dance class, which is slightly disappointing, and had three friends call to have me pick up the phone groggy and sounding like a six year old on the phone. Apparently I sound cute and sweet when people wake me up. (Crystal says she actually feels BAD for waking me up when I sound like that.) Too bad I'm not always cute and sweet. The thing my close friends don't realize, is that I have no problem picking up the phone at any time of day or night if they need to talk. I have call display, and if it's a number I don't recognize, they can leave me a message. Other than that, I pick up the phone. It's not like I turn the damned thing off anyways.

Perhaps the reason I've been so tired, is because I've been working production at work for the last month and it's probably the most physically exhausting work I've ever done. It's immensely satisfying, but we're so short-handed in the bakeries lately, that it's a two bakers, or a baker and a "Bakers Helper"(that's my position, BTW. Basically I do all the shit they do, and all the shit they think they are too good to do, for half the wages.) doing the entire production for the next day. In most jobs you get "downtime." in otherwords five or ten minutes of standing or sitting around in between tasks. I don't. I'm moving from six am to one pm, with two fifteen minute breaks. It's okay tho. Like I said. It's satisfying work. AND, my boss is starting to see that I do have the skills at work, now that he gives me the chance to show him. And quite frankly, it's the most satisfying part of the whole thing. But to be honest, it was very difficult on my body for the first week and half. I think I did break down crying at one point because I felt so exhausted. I recall telling my Manager, on a day that he was ragging on me particularly viciously, that "I couldn't take it anymore, and the first chance I got to get out of there I was taking." He told me I was too smart to stick around in that job anyways. Which is sort of a back-handed compliment from him,(You would have to know him. I swear the first six months I was working with him, he was trying to get rid of me. Whatever, I don't think he realizes quite how stubborn I am. I'm a VERY typical Taurus female.) I got over that feeling of uselessness quickly enough.

I spent the afternoon reading the third book in a trilogy that I've already read before. (Kushiel's Chosen, by Jacqueline Carey.) and happily chilling out on the couch. The television has been on a grand total of once while Lizzie-B has been house sitting, and that was only to see my buddy Murray (the Murr-man aka. Pookie) on CBC news for some funky thing they were somehow using to relate to the election last week about karaoke and the similarities with voting. (However the fuck that works.) I tend to chat online as my relaxation after work or do a blog entry, and Lizzie tends to watch the T.V. Whatever rings your bell, eh?

I've been listening to Love Inc. On my way to work, Its older Montreal based techno/dance music, as my co-worker Erica described it "Oh! That's Old School." Fuck. It's only from 8 years ago. Jeez, did that ever make me feel old. My favourite track is #9, which as far as I know, since I lost the cover ages ago is called "C'est Fantastique." It's the same chick that sings the rest of the tracks on the CD with DJ Chris Sheppard, but she's speaking in French in parts of it. Some moans and giggles in it that sound quite orgasmic, and the lyrics loosely translated are about how: "She's listening to the music, the music makes her body tremble, it's fantastic." Not terribly heavy content wise, but timeless beats. (y'know how some tunes are VERY dated? Not this stuff.) All in all, I wouldn't have it in my discman, if I didn't dig it.

Monday, July 05, 2004

One more pic for now. *smiles*

This is my FAVE pic of me, I took it myself, one night at Karaoke at the Roxy Cabaret Nightclub. Fun fun!  Posted by Hello

Figured out how to post the pictures. Thanks for the info Kaos.

Do I smile. Yes. Yes I do. Did I feel like smiling at that moment? No. Apparently not. Posted by Hello

White Ninja Comics.

Cute Comic that Tory showed me. He thought it was appropriate to put on my blog. I agree. You can find a whole bunch more of these at  Posted by Hello

Sunday, July 04, 2004

On a side note....

Today, as I finished posting my latest entry, I was in a rush to get out of my apartment. A girlfriend was waiting outside to hang out and chat with me at the Laundromat whilst she washed her unmentionables. (I also ran into my cousin and his girlfriend there, and a girl I used to go to elementary school with. I haven't seen her since grade seven or so. She looks pretty much the same, but I don't anymore. I look better. *winks*)

Y'know how you get off of a chair? You sorta push yourself up with your hands on the arm rests? Yeah... Well, my comp chair is one of those funky collapsible lawn chairs with a beer holder on the side. I push myself up, and boom. I'm on my arse. Whee, fun. Like I said before, I've got moments of brilliance that over shadow the klutzy-ness that is me. I think I inherited that particular gene from my Mother. Ah well. I love the woman regardless. She's a great person.


The "bolt" (It's actually a feeble little chintzy aluminum pin) holding the corner of the seat to the arm rest, snaps in half. Not terribly surprising since I lounge and sprawl all over the fucking thing. It's one of my favourite chairs. Needless to say, it was brought back to the store I got it at about an hour later, and exchanged. Lets see how long this one lasts. (And if it does break again, no biggie. I can always exchange it again.)

I swear I'm going to die young, from tripping off of something accidentally. Or, breaking my neck tripping on a flat, low pile wall to wall carpet in the hallway. Laugh all you want. I've actually done it. Much to my friend Crystal's amusement. I still get teased by her.

Maybe I should have gone to school in the little yellow bus, and eaten my food with a fork with a cork on the tines. Bugger.

Fresh and New!


So I was updating my profile here, and I was thinking what the Hell, Might as well play around with the random question feature that they ask you on this. WHO the fuck thinks up these questions? Some of them I have to say... Are REALLY messed up. They're very creative. But strange. Some of them are the require the most simple answers imaginable. For instance, If your tongue became a magnet, what would you use for cutlery? Well duh... Plastic cutlery. And if you took the little yellow bus to school, all your forks would have corks stuck on the prongs anyways. (And no, I don't know this from personal experience.)A lot of the questions seem geared towards tongues, and cutlery. I think someone has a food fetish. Or just an oral fetish. (OH! BTW, apparently people that chew gum all the time have an Oral fixation... You learn something new everyday.)

Now, I've been meaning to add a picture or dozen on here... Including one on my profile. But for some reason, that I can't fathom, when I try to log in on Hello, it says the page you have selected cannot be displayed. Maybe it's something to do with my firewall. I can get to the part where I send a pic to the bloggerbot, and it tells me to log-in, and once I type all that junk in, it won't let me. It gives me that dreaded error message. It's UBER frustrating. If anyone has any answers for me, do tell.

July 1st was Canada Day. I'm not terribly patriotic. I never have been. I'm a piss poor Canadian anyways, I don't even like hockey. I spent the morning working, and the afternoon with one of my best buddies Ryan, scoping out the festivities at Canada Place, and TRYING to find some bloody fire works displays, but no such luck. They stopped holding the fireworks downtown. personally, I think that's a really dumb idea.

My friend Devin celebrated his Birthday on the 3rd, down in Texas. And I'm assuming he's still nursing one fuck of a hangover. Or, at least I'm hoping he is. Dev has been working way too hard, and totally deserved a good booze binge with his buddies. I just wish I was there, to join in on the mischief... C'est la Vie. I called early Saturday morning, on my coffee break to sing him Happy Birthday in style on his voicemail. I hope He enjoyed it. You should check out his latest work if you appreciate baseball. its fairly regional, but very well done. Congrats Dev. And Happy Birthday.

My Cuz is leaving for Australia on the 8th,(The lucky bitch) for six months or more, and my family held a going away party for her yesterday as well. I ate so much food, I could have died, It actually HURT after eating it. Damn my family members are good cooks. I'm no exception. I can cook up a gourmet meal in half an hour, but since I worked a full shift beforehand, I didn't have to contribute. I've got lots of leftovers packed in my fridge now. And enough of Auntie Pat's pasta salad to kill someone. Low-carb my ass...

Roomie is still house sitting, and I actually miss her quite a bit, but I'm appreciating my time alone too. and I've been quiet a lil' Miss over here, just chillin, chattin online, reading, sleeping (but not nearly enough) and working my buns off. I've sort of been avoiding going out, to help with my finances, and also to take a break. My Vacation from work is coming up starting on the 15th. I swear, the nicest thing I have ever seen on the work schedule next to my name, is the word "HOLIDAYS." Giddyup!

It's been a while since I've had time off. Around my Birthday in early May of last year to be exact. (Well, I had a vacation in early November too, but it wasn't relaxing. I think I came back worse off then when I left. I got dumped the day my vacation started, so I was pretty down the whole time. Thank god for Liz and her consolation.) I think I've earned it.

I realized that I just passed my Fourth anniversary with Safeway on Tuesday, when I was on the phone with Ryan Wednesday evening. He asked me if I still worked for the "Big Red S." Yup, I sure do. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. It certainly shows I'm not afraid of job commitment. (Maybe I should commit myself for staying there that fucking long. It's a total Fun Factory in there, I tell ya...) I've basically earned the equivalent to an apprenticeship, IF Safeway and the BC Government still had the apprenticeship programmes running. Fuckers. I know for a fact that I would be making about seven dollars more an hour if they were. And because of this epiphany, and the raw spots from the ball and chain around my ankle from working at this particular job, I'm planning on a career change REALLY soon. Perhaps taking Massage therapy at a Theraputic College or something like that. All I know is that I need to get out of this rut. Kneading dough and kneading flesh aren't all that different. And I've never lacked in my massage skills.

Anyways. I'm off. I won't let the door hit my arse on the way out.