Saturday, July 10, 2004


Today I was up at 5 AM to be at work at 6, I spent the morning frying doughnuts. It's not my favourite job to say the least. It actually started off pretty shitty, and I thought it was going to continue that way. Not to mention that I had the theme song from "SpongeBob Squarepants" running incessantly through my head. *He lives in a pineapple under The Sea... (SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!) Aarrrgh! Get it out! Get it out!* And I don't even watch television, Fer fucks sake.

Oh Linds. You are SO wrong. This is NOT going to be a bad day.

My boss, was in an unusual mood. He was nice. It almost made me wonder if I was going to get written up for some misdemeanor that I wasn't aware I had committed.

He had to cut some hours, and I had agreed to go home early. After four hours. He was joking around, and teasing me, which I STILL don't quite know how to deal with, but lightly bantered back with him, trying to not offend him. He was fairly jovial until about 9 AM, When my Assistant Manager asked him where the cake decorator was. (Apparently, when you have the option of going store to store to do the jobs that cover other people while they are on vacation and have days off, you also have the option to not show up.) A bit of a panic ensued, and I thought "Oh here we go... This is how it's supposed to be in here." Nope. He comes up to me and asks me how well I can decorate. (He's dangled this particular carrot in front of my nose before, teasing me with the idea of decorating and then saying "No, sorry. We can't let you do that right now.") I told him, again, that I had had lots of training in my old store, with basic techniques, He took that to heart. I spent the rest of my shift prepping (or base icing) cakes, and doing some decorating next to the Bakery Assistant Manager, and ended up staying my full shift. I even got the boss coming up to me, patting me on the shoulder and saying "Good job, kiddo." (Gee, thanks Gramps.) at the end of my shift. I almost fainted from receiving actual praise from him, I didn't, however, but managed to nearly split my head in two with my grin.

On a whim I decided to go swimming after work, finally breaking in that 11 free swims pass that I got from my First Boyfriend's Mom, four years ago for my 20th birthday. I had forgotten how tiring it was, and also, how awesome, and relaxing it is to immerse yourself completely in water. My muscles have that lovely dull, warm, achy feeling you get from working them. Considering I did about 35 laps in one of the swim lanes, played around in the water, and relaxed my lower back in the whirlpool. All in an hour and twenty minutes or so. It's definitely rekindled my love affair with the twelve feet deep end in a pool of chlorinated water. I'm planning on going at least three or four times on my vacation.

So, back from Bonsor, and I stop by my Apartment Managers suite, to talk to her about the new apartment that Elizabeth and I are moving into on the 15th. She takes me upstairs, I hand her the cheque, she hands me the keys, we chat for a bit, and then she leaves. And I look around at this HUGE, SPACIOUS, CORNER SUITE, TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT. With new Linoleum, fairly new carpets, SCREENS on the sliding doors, (not to mention a sliding door that doesn't sound like your slaughtering a dozen alleycats when you open the damned thing) I think I almost had an orgasm. It sure beats the hell out of a cramped one bedroom that Elizabeth and I have been sharing for six months or so.

Design ideas are racing through my head. I'm walking from room to room, and my head is spinning. The view is PHENOMENAL! I can see the mountains, We're on the Third floor, away from the ghetto apartment building across the alley, that was our previous view, Away from the giant, divebombing moths, and, ANNNNNND! I have a dimmer switch for my bedroom light. Yeeeah.

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