Monday, July 19, 2004

Ungh... Need... Coffee...

In the process of moving, I acquired a new queen sized bed, and sent my old double to the curbside.

This new bed, is dangerously addictive. (Thank-You SO much Tiana!)

It's soft, and HUGE, much bigger than im used to, and I think I'm in peril of sleeping there all damned day. All I need now is a cuddly bedmate, to waste away those hours of daylight.

I'm a nocturnal gal by nature, and what better choice for a career at this moment in time than working in a bakery where I get up at 5 AM. I'm notoriously grumbly until about 7 AM, which truthfully, makes me feel bad for the mixer when I walk into the shop in the morning and when he cheerfully greets me with "Gooood morning! How are you doing today Linds?" and I respond with the typical "Tired." Or even more eloquent, "Mmmmphhh."

Somehow, my male Co-workers, have accepted the fact that I don't talk, at least not for the first hour of my shift, and the same usually goes for at home, I'm quiet for the first few hours of waking up, usually choosing to write in here, and after a while of my brain chilling out in first gear, I kick it up to second. The unfortunate souls that hope to have an actual conversation with me on Yahoo or MSN when I first wake up, well, You're going to get the one word replies too... Sorry about that.

I don't usually drink coffee to wake up, for some strange reason. To be honest, we don't even have a coffee maker in our apartment. None of my apartments ever have. I was used to having my Mornings staggered all over the place for school at first, and then shiftwork after that. I mean, some of my shifts at work started at 4 AM, which was brutal. Toss in a few 6 AM starts and a 9 AM start, and your body clock is all over the place. Thankfully, I've learned to sleep at any time of day, for any length of time. And I still can.

On a side note, Liz and I managed to have the whole Apartment's worth of stuff moved up here on Friday afternoon and Saturday during the day. A special shout out for Steve, and Sean who did the heavy lifting, (Yes, you manly men you.) To my Dad, who helped me get my bed on Thursday, to Pete Marsz from work who scored us a gorgeous living room table for only ten bucks, Crystal for giving me the much anticipated bookshelf, Liz's folks for scoring us the free chairs for the balcony, living room, and dining area, and McCluckers who managed to harass me the whole time He was there on Saturday, when we were finishing up, joking how every piece of plastic on the floor was a condom wrapper, and all of my books, were pornographic. (And FYI, not all of them are. Just some. :P) Hey man, at least my favourite position isn't horizontal on the floor. (It's horizontal on the bed.)

The house warming party still hasn't been decided yet, but all who are invited will get a shout out, when we've decided to hold the thing.

Cheers! I'm gonna go load up my new bookshelf, and stay away from that bed until tonight.

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