Sunday, July 04, 2004

On a side note....

Today, as I finished posting my latest entry, I was in a rush to get out of my apartment. A girlfriend was waiting outside to hang out and chat with me at the Laundromat whilst she washed her unmentionables. (I also ran into my cousin and his girlfriend there, and a girl I used to go to elementary school with. I haven't seen her since grade seven or so. She looks pretty much the same, but I don't anymore. I look better. *winks*)

Y'know how you get off of a chair? You sorta push yourself up with your hands on the arm rests? Yeah... Well, my comp chair is one of those funky collapsible lawn chairs with a beer holder on the side. I push myself up, and boom. I'm on my arse. Whee, fun. Like I said before, I've got moments of brilliance that over shadow the klutzy-ness that is me. I think I inherited that particular gene from my Mother. Ah well. I love the woman regardless. She's a great person.


The "bolt" (It's actually a feeble little chintzy aluminum pin) holding the corner of the seat to the arm rest, snaps in half. Not terribly surprising since I lounge and sprawl all over the fucking thing. It's one of my favourite chairs. Needless to say, it was brought back to the store I got it at about an hour later, and exchanged. Lets see how long this one lasts. (And if it does break again, no biggie. I can always exchange it again.)

I swear I'm going to die young, from tripping off of something accidentally. Or, breaking my neck tripping on a flat, low pile wall to wall carpet in the hallway. Laugh all you want. I've actually done it. Much to my friend Crystal's amusement. I still get teased by her.

Maybe I should have gone to school in the little yellow bus, and eaten my food with a fork with a cork on the tines. Bugger.

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