Thursday, July 08, 2004

Gawd, do my feet hurt.

A synopsis of Today:

7 AM: I wake up. Apparently my body clock doesn't let me sleep past this time anymore. I'm lucky if I get to sleep in till past 9 AM. I mess around the apartment, killing time, check my email and respond to any of my business stuff, chat on Yahoo for a while, and then get my butt in gear, hop in the tub, get all squeaky clean. I do my makeup and plan on getting a hair cut, because it's getting rather Mullet like and takes half my available product to do what I want it to do. And damnit, that's not cool. If I was a man, I would definitely be a Metrosexual.

10 AM: Head out the door, and make a pit stop at my Mailbox, and Huzzah! my GST cheque. Nice, nice. Back upstairs to drop off the rest of the mail, and then down the stairs to head off to MetroTown. That place should be called MetroHell. I can't believe the thing is packed at Ten thirty in the morning, on a Thursday. Don't people work or something? (Just a tidbit of information, its the Second largest Mall in Canada, dwarfed only by West Edmonton Mall in Edmonton. Of all the crazy places!)

11:30 AM: by this time, I've bought myself a purse, wallet and shoes. Gawd. I'm a shopping whore. someone give me an IV drip, or the Shopping patch. But, please, make sure it matches my new shoes and purse.

I'm starving, so it's off to the food court. Which has moved. But apparently I can watch a video of the subsequent destruction of the former food court. Not too terribly fascinating. There are no half naked construction workers in there. Actually, there are no people in there at all. Thusly no point in me watching the T.V.

And anyways, I'm hungry.

I go on this wild food court hunt, following signs on the floor, almost walking into people, trying to figure out where the fuck they've put this thing. On the way, I book an appointment at the hair salon, with a rather brusque hairstylist. I fear for my magnificent Glamazon locks, but book the appointment anyways. I'm not about to pay 50 bucks at the other place to get a friggin haircut. I eat, I go back, after phoning Ryan with a harrassing phone call to "Get the fuck out of bed." of which he responded with grunts and groans attempting to be words. I tell him I'm going to bother him when I'm done getting my hair chopped.

12:15 PM: Okay, here we go. Cut it off. Every mullet-like inch. She doesn't listen to a word I've said to her, but it still looks good. Thanks Colleen. Try working on customer relations. Ryan calls it my Butch-Dyke cut. Gosh. I'm happy now. Who's You're Daddy? (Uhm....You are Linds?) Ryan is speaking legibly now. He's on his way to Lougheed, and I'm on the Skytrain, headed to ANOTHER mall.

1 PM: Meet Ryan. Drink coffee. get told I look "Faaaaaaabulous." Trade insults with him and finish each others sentences for about 20 minutes. Buy bathroom stuff, and mosey on around the mall. We drop all my shit off at home, and GO BACK to Metrotown. Frig. By now, I hate the mall.

2:30 PM: We hit the bank, and then go through the Crystal Mall. Basically it's Chinatown in concentrated form. Ryan prices out some stuff for his computer that all sounds greek to me. I just stand there and look pretty. We trade insults some more and finish some more of each other's sentences. We go eat some food and I watch Ry ogle guys, occasionally commenting on my own sightings.

5 pm: Ryan and I split ways, I head home and die exhausted on my shiny new computer/deck chair. It doesn't break. Hallejulah. Praise Jeebus.

8 pm: Start doing laundry, and on the way back up to my apartment from the basement, not even five minutes after I've used the elevator, I find out that some poor lady is trapped in it between floors one and two. Jeeeeeeesus. NO thank you. I hate elevators. Techs are on the way. Poor thing.

I bet she'll take the stairs from now on though.

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