Thursday, July 29, 2004

Enneagram Personality Test.

The Enneagram is a personality system which divides the entire human personality into nine behavioral tendencies, these are my results overall, and it's divvied up into individual scores on each tendency below...

Conscious self
Overall self
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test

"Friendly and ambitious 2w3's are outgoing and focus on their connection with others to maintain their happiness."
This is very true. I am usually unhappy when the people around me are UNHAPPY. I hate it. It makes me feel like I have to motivate them to be not neccisarily cheerful but at least relaxed.

"They have Robust personalities and enjoy sharing themselves with others."
If I didn't enjoy sharing myself with others I wouldn't have this Blog now, would I?

"They can seem theatrical in their displays."
True enough. My life seems to be one big drama at times. Maybe It's a comedy. A black comedy perhaps?

Overall Self:

"You don't like being alone."
Yes. Correct. I am very, very afraid of being alone. I hate it. Actually.
And at the same time, I'm terrified of being with someone and fucking it all up. I seem to have lost the ability to be anything other than promiscuous lately. Maybe because I am searching for that other person that would complete me, maybe because I'm a big trollop. Maybe because I'm 24 years old and even though I want that stable life, I didn't date until I was 18, and am making up for lost time, maybe that's all just lame ass excuses and I really don't know why...

"You want control over most environments you are in."
Well, David, my darling "Big Red," you were right. You called me on that particular trait a few weeks ago. I'm a control freak. Although, you did use nicer terminology.

"You have a high level of self control, probably too high."
I have a high level of self control? What exactly am I supposed to be controlling? I'll be damned.. this goes along the lines of something that Dave said earlier last week too. To just let it go. *Sighs* I hate it when that bugger is right. He always rubs my nose in it.

"You prefer listening to speaking."
Most people I know ask me advice, and frequently come to me with problems. I'm still seeking an outlet for mine, and as far as I know, this blog is it. Other than Crystal,
my last true confidante, left me in the dust, without so much as an explanation. So fuck him, and the horse he rode in on.

"You are more guided by your feelings than your thoughts."
Well... That's pretty fucking obvious.


(This table is done in order of what has higher percentage on the chart below.)

2-53% I must be helpful and caring to get what I want.

4-49% I must be insecure and/or special to get what I want.*WTF?!*

3-42% I must be impressive and attractive to get what I want.

8-42% I must be strong and in control to get what I want.

6-41% I must be secure and safe to get what I want.

9-40% I must be peaceful and easy to get along with to get what I want.

1-40% I must be perfect and good to get what I want.

7-38% I must be energetic and entertaining to get what I want.

5-26% I must be knowledgeable and independent to get what I want.

"Special?" as in "retarded" special? What the fuck does that mean?! Oh, there I go being all "hypersensitive" again. Of COURSE I need to be special to be noticed. I mean, who the hell notices some regular broad walking the streets? No one, that's who. You have to have personality and sass. I'm fat, fer fucks sakes. No one pays attention to me unless I AM interesting. And I would rather be interesting or "special" than have a great rack and no brains. Okay. Maybe just a little less brains for a little bit better of a rack.

Enneagram Test Results
Type 1 Perfectionism |||||||||||||| 57%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||||||||||| 75%
Type 3 Image Focus |||||||||||||| 60%
Type 4 Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||||| 71%
Type 5 Detachment |||||||||| 37%
Type 6 Anxiety |||||||||||||| 59%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||||||| 54%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||||||||||| 60%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||||| 57%
Your Conscious-Surface type is 2w3
Your Unconscious-Overall type is 2w1
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test

(This test was rated by me on accuracy out of a score of 5, I gave it 5. It's worth the time you put into doing the 130 question test. At least I THINK its freakishly accurate, but then again I was told in another one that I am "narcissistic." So now I'm wandering around the place, wondering if I'm talking about myself too much, I talk less and examine everything I do say with a fucking magnifying glass. And now, I'm afraid to be ALONE? *Whimpers* I think I need therapy from all these damned psychological tests... Gah!)

I also did a Freudian Test, but, unfortunately, it seemed that I was orally fixated. Whatever the fuck that means. It didn't make any sense to me, so I didn't bother posting it.

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