Sunday, July 04, 2004

Fresh and New!


So I was updating my profile here, and I was thinking what the Hell, Might as well play around with the random question feature that they ask you on this. WHO the fuck thinks up these questions? Some of them I have to say... Are REALLY messed up. They're very creative. But strange. Some of them are the require the most simple answers imaginable. For instance, If your tongue became a magnet, what would you use for cutlery? Well duh... Plastic cutlery. And if you took the little yellow bus to school, all your forks would have corks stuck on the prongs anyways. (And no, I don't know this from personal experience.)A lot of the questions seem geared towards tongues, and cutlery. I think someone has a food fetish. Or just an oral fetish. (OH! BTW, apparently people that chew gum all the time have an Oral fixation... You learn something new everyday.)

Now, I've been meaning to add a picture or dozen on here... Including one on my profile. But for some reason, that I can't fathom, when I try to log in on Hello, it says the page you have selected cannot be displayed. Maybe it's something to do with my firewall. I can get to the part where I send a pic to the bloggerbot, and it tells me to log-in, and once I type all that junk in, it won't let me. It gives me that dreaded error message. It's UBER frustrating. If anyone has any answers for me, do tell.

July 1st was Canada Day. I'm not terribly patriotic. I never have been. I'm a piss poor Canadian anyways, I don't even like hockey. I spent the morning working, and the afternoon with one of my best buddies Ryan, scoping out the festivities at Canada Place, and TRYING to find some bloody fire works displays, but no such luck. They stopped holding the fireworks downtown. personally, I think that's a really dumb idea.

My friend Devin celebrated his Birthday on the 3rd, down in Texas. And I'm assuming he's still nursing one fuck of a hangover. Or, at least I'm hoping he is. Dev has been working way too hard, and totally deserved a good booze binge with his buddies. I just wish I was there, to join in on the mischief... C'est la Vie. I called early Saturday morning, on my coffee break to sing him Happy Birthday in style on his voicemail. I hope He enjoyed it. You should check out his latest work if you appreciate baseball. its fairly regional, but very well done. Congrats Dev. And Happy Birthday.

My Cuz is leaving for Australia on the 8th,(The lucky bitch) for six months or more, and my family held a going away party for her yesterday as well. I ate so much food, I could have died, It actually HURT after eating it. Damn my family members are good cooks. I'm no exception. I can cook up a gourmet meal in half an hour, but since I worked a full shift beforehand, I didn't have to contribute. I've got lots of leftovers packed in my fridge now. And enough of Auntie Pat's pasta salad to kill someone. Low-carb my ass...

Roomie is still house sitting, and I actually miss her quite a bit, but I'm appreciating my time alone too. and I've been quiet a lil' Miss over here, just chillin, chattin online, reading, sleeping (but not nearly enough) and working my buns off. I've sort of been avoiding going out, to help with my finances, and also to take a break. My Vacation from work is coming up starting on the 15th. I swear, the nicest thing I have ever seen on the work schedule next to my name, is the word "HOLIDAYS." Giddyup!

It's been a while since I've had time off. Around my Birthday in early May of last year to be exact. (Well, I had a vacation in early November too, but it wasn't relaxing. I think I came back worse off then when I left. I got dumped the day my vacation started, so I was pretty down the whole time. Thank god for Liz and her consolation.) I think I've earned it.

I realized that I just passed my Fourth anniversary with Safeway on Tuesday, when I was on the phone with Ryan Wednesday evening. He asked me if I still worked for the "Big Red S." Yup, I sure do. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. It certainly shows I'm not afraid of job commitment. (Maybe I should commit myself for staying there that fucking long. It's a total Fun Factory in there, I tell ya...) I've basically earned the equivalent to an apprenticeship, IF Safeway and the BC Government still had the apprenticeship programmes running. Fuckers. I know for a fact that I would be making about seven dollars more an hour if they were. And because of this epiphany, and the raw spots from the ball and chain around my ankle from working at this particular job, I'm planning on a career change REALLY soon. Perhaps taking Massage therapy at a Theraputic College or something like that. All I know is that I need to get out of this rut. Kneading dough and kneading flesh aren't all that different. And I've never lacked in my massage skills.

Anyways. I'm off. I won't let the door hit my arse on the way out.

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