Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Whew. A day off.

I Spent my evening and a large portion of my first day off this week sleeping. And I'm not joking... I slept for 18 hours. From 3pm in the afternoon on Monday, to 10:30am this morning. It's a completely disgusting waste of time, that I could have been out doing something during. Can't I just sleep when I'm dead or something? Honestly... I guess I needed it. I think I've come down with that annoying little cold buzzing about the city that makes you really tired and gives you the sniffles. Either that or I have mono. Which isn't really possible, considering the amount of action I've been getting lately. I think it's definitely the first option.

I missed dance class, which is slightly disappointing, and had three friends call to have me pick up the phone groggy and sounding like a six year old on the phone. Apparently I sound cute and sweet when people wake me up. (Crystal says she actually feels BAD for waking me up when I sound like that.) Too bad I'm not always cute and sweet. The thing my close friends don't realize, is that I have no problem picking up the phone at any time of day or night if they need to talk. I have call display, and if it's a number I don't recognize, they can leave me a message. Other than that, I pick up the phone. It's not like I turn the damned thing off anyways.

Perhaps the reason I've been so tired, is because I've been working production at work for the last month and it's probably the most physically exhausting work I've ever done. It's immensely satisfying, but we're so short-handed in the bakeries lately, that it's a two bakers, or a baker and a "Bakers Helper"(that's my position, BTW. Basically I do all the shit they do, and all the shit they think they are too good to do, for half the wages.) doing the entire production for the next day. In most jobs you get "downtime." in otherwords five or ten minutes of standing or sitting around in between tasks. I don't. I'm moving from six am to one pm, with two fifteen minute breaks. It's okay tho. Like I said. It's satisfying work. AND, my boss is starting to see that I do have the skills at work, now that he gives me the chance to show him. And quite frankly, it's the most satisfying part of the whole thing. But to be honest, it was very difficult on my body for the first week and half. I think I did break down crying at one point because I felt so exhausted. I recall telling my Manager, on a day that he was ragging on me particularly viciously, that "I couldn't take it anymore, and the first chance I got to get out of there I was taking." He told me I was too smart to stick around in that job anyways. Which is sort of a back-handed compliment from him,(You would have to know him. I swear the first six months I was working with him, he was trying to get rid of me. Whatever, I don't think he realizes quite how stubborn I am. I'm a VERY typical Taurus female.) I got over that feeling of uselessness quickly enough.

I spent the afternoon reading the third book in a trilogy that I've already read before. (Kushiel's Chosen, by Jacqueline Carey.) and happily chilling out on the couch. The television has been on a grand total of once while Lizzie-B has been house sitting, and that was only to see my buddy Murray (the Murr-man aka. Pookie) on CBC news for some funky thing they were somehow using to relate to the election last week about karaoke and the similarities with voting. (However the fuck that works.) I tend to chat online as my relaxation after work or do a blog entry, and Lizzie tends to watch the T.V. Whatever rings your bell, eh?

I've been listening to Love Inc. On my way to work, Its older Montreal based techno/dance music, as my co-worker Erica described it "Oh! That's Old School." Fuck. It's only from 8 years ago. Jeez, did that ever make me feel old. My favourite track is #9, which as far as I know, since I lost the cover ages ago is called "C'est Fantastique." It's the same chick that sings the rest of the tracks on the CD with DJ Chris Sheppard, but she's speaking in French in parts of it. Some moans and giggles in it that sound quite orgasmic, and the lyrics loosely translated are about how: "She's listening to the music, the music makes her body tremble, it's fantastic." Not terribly heavy content wise, but timeless beats. (y'know how some tunes are VERY dated? Not this stuff.) All in all, I wouldn't have it in my discman, if I didn't dig it.

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