Friday, July 09, 2004

Do you ever feel like you know too many people?

Recently, I did a scan of my Yahoo Messenger list. Sorting out my contacts of people I talk to regularily, and people that I haven't talked to in ages.

As a regular chat junkie on Yahoo chats, I get people adding me all the time, for various reasons: to either: Jerk off to my Webcam whilst I am unknowing of whats going on, adding me with hopes of getting a date or laid by me, they see my profile on the Yahoo Members Directory and click to add me because I have one thing in common in my hobbies or interests, or they Like my picture, or a combination of all the above, OR the rare few that actually find my conversations with them amusing.

Out of the One Hundred and Fifty contacts I have on my list, I sorted them out into two categories, "Close friends," which contains 28 people, and all the rest got stuck into a category called "friends."

It was getting to the point that when I logged onto Yahoo messenger, I was SWAMPED with about 20 IM's from people not even ten seconds after logging on. Half of them I had already put on ignore, either because they were graphically sexual, rude, or abrasive, that or they didn't even have basic english skills. I'm a patient person, but if I can't understand you, and your asking for my first name ten seconds into the conversation, or to see my tits,(or a multitude of other various body parts) I'm sorry but you're put on ignore. Immediately. No dice. I don't play that way. However, seeing as Yahoo Messenger ignore lists only hold 100 people, I'm pretty much shit outta luck when I've clicked them and my list is full.

I've gone and changed my Yahoo ID, and E-mail accounts a few times during the past eight years I've been on chats, because some people tend to associate me with negative things. or expect things of me that im not willing to accomodate. (As in Nudity on cam, or Head games, or whatever else strikes they're fancy.)Some people are pretty fucked up. Lord Jeebus bless Yahoo for making the newest version of Yahoo Messenger, where you can change "Stealth settings."

My MSN list is approaching 65 people, and a few of these people are on block as well.

So this is a shout out, to all the people that actually SEE me online, you're in the "IN" crowd. You are the people I enjoy talking to. You're the decent, intelligent, witty crew I love to chat with. Thank-you. Thank-you for not being pigs. Thank-you for not expecting things of me that some people would take for granted. And if I do happen to get lonely another Valentines Day night by myself, and drink another half a mini mickey of Fireball in twenty minutes and get trashed alone, (Not that it happens often.) Maybe you WILL get to see my tits.

Maybe. But dont count on it. *Smirks*


Allison said...

Must admit I am nervous to check and see if I am part of the 'in' crowd! It feels like high school all over again. And hey, I won't ask to see your tits.

Side note: shit you're popular dude!

Linds said...

Well geez lady. Of course you're in the "IN" crowd. Was there ever any doubt? I do regularily communicate via E-mail with ya... :P