Wednesday, July 21, 2004

So much for my Happy ending...

Here are the lyrics to the most recent Avril Lavigne song playing on the radio,  "My Happy Ending"

I dig the words. The tune is pretty good as well.

She's the new Alanis Morrisette, In my humble opinion.  How a sixteen year old girl learns the intricacies of adult relationships, well, that's up to the people that write her lyrics for her, or at least help her by handing her the Grown-up Coles Notes version of romance, or lack thereof.

I actually stumbled upon her stuff before she became big, one day when I was in the MSN chat rooms before you had to pay for them. (Whatever they sucked anyways, no big loss.) Her band members were pimping her music, in particular the tune "Complicated" in the Canada chats.

I thought her tunes was alright when I checked out her website a few years ago, but I still don't like her rendition of "Knocking on Heaven's door."

Hey, whatever works right?  I guess it worked just fine. However, I swear if I see another teeny bopper trying to be "original," walking around wearing a blue and red striped tie with a wife beater on, I'm going to scream. All of the sudden, everyone was being "different," Punk rock was hip, and my ex-boyfriend Erik's clothes were trendy again. Kudo's to sticking to your fashionista guns, Erik. No one pulls off red and blue plaid multi-zippered bell bottoms like you do and can actually make it look hot.

To each their own.

*As an aside. I haven't listened to Z95.3 in ages, but put it on because my discman ran out of juice. The station hasn't improved much. I remember why I switched my alarm clock to Rock 101.1. I think I've heard the same artists three times in the past two hours.  Or maybe they all just sound the same now. (Oh Gawd. I'm starting to sound like my Dad.)*


Linds said...

Oh, of course Alanis has lots left in her, she's brilliant lyrically, I can't ignore that fact. She's just gone past her Diva like state, and into something more deep now, almost Bohemian. You don't really hear about Alanis as much anymore, unless you're paying attention. Whereas Avril, has to start out in those angst ridden footsteps and then branch off into her own path. I just hope she doesn't ride the pony too long, if ya know what I mean.

Linds said...

And it's REALLY weird that I wrote my comment to your post exactly twelve hours after you did. Freaky deaky.