Saturday, April 09, 2005

Answers, Answers.

I promised, and so I follow through. If you haven't read this post, then you might wanna. It really doesn't matter.

1.) If you had any Dream job, (or several dream jobs) what would it be and why?

i) I've always wanted to be a DJ, spinning and scratching records in a club.

ii) I've always wanted to be a professional Jazz Singer, which I've been told I could achieve easily, but I despise the noteriety and fame attached with musicians, valuing my privacy more.

iii) I've dreamt of being able to own my own restaurant down in New Westminster in this picturesque location that utterly captured my imagination with it's brick inlaid alley that serves as a patio, whitewashed brick walls that scream to be painted with a mural, twinkling mini lights wrapped around white tall slender birch trees, and deep, uniquely designed, romantic looking dining room. I wanted to create the perfect dining atmosphere for romance.

2.) If you could live anywhere, where would you live? What type of residence would you live in?
I'm an urban girl by heart, and though I love nature, I miss the hustle and bustle of the city life after about two weeks of being away from it. Perhaps on the edge of the city, or depending, right in the core of downtown. I love to decorate, so sorry if these get a bit detailed.

i) "Cute, quaint 'Bronx' style" Two level classical walk-up loft apartment in a brick apartment building, brick walls, left the natural dark tones that they gather when they age. The balcony recessed and surrounded by bricks, that have been covered in ivy over the years. Perfect for remaining cool and content while reading a novel, sitting on the balcony with music playing in the background. Furniture is clean and contemporary, classical jazz musicians such as Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald, Billie holiday, etc. done in a hand painted realistic style in the main living area. Greenery everywhere, from ferns in pots, to miniature palm trees growing near the huge windows. Kitchen is spacious and has stainless steel appliances.
with paintings in an art deco style, reminiscent of the 1920's with lovely, tall slender ladies attending the bar in their gowns in the upstairs bedroom section of the loft; the bed being huge and begging you to dive into, a white duvet, a million soft pillows, and sheets of 800 thread count egyptian cotton, in cream and sage green.

ii) "Modern dynamo": A swank 3 bedroom condo in the Downtown core, surrounded by life and a scenario that never becomes boring, with a view that looks over the mountains and the water. Clean, crisp lines, sage green and cream walls, with earth toned accents in accessories, dark mahogany furniture. A dream office loaded with Apple and electronic goodies. Perfect for contemporary living.

iii) "The Family Missus": A 4 bedroom, Den and office, middling to large sized semi-Victorian style house, filled with light from many windows. A wraparound balcony. Sage green siding and cream trim, the balcony done in dark mahogony stained wood, that trait continuing in the rest of the house. Huge master bedroom with a full on bath suite attached. An 8 person whirlpool hot tub and a small pool in the back of the house is a must, as well as a pool table and game room in the fully furnished basement. Soft, inviting furniture that tries to eat you when you sit down in it, perfect for reading a book in by the fire, with a cat on your lap, drinking hot chocolate in the wintertime, and equally as stimulating for creativity, the office being a vertiable electronics playground. Lighting is tasteful and sedate, enhancing relaxation and mood. Unique, tasteful, colourful art on the walls. The garden has a waterfall, grows Jasmine in the summer, and Stargazer lilies in October, Daffodils in the spring, Ferns and Roses all year round, (quite a few of them should be "sunrise" roses.) Ivy climbing up trellis' in the back yard. The house should be filled with laughter, heard quite frequently all day long, welcoming friends into it, as a place to relax and be social, as well as being a haven for privacy when they are not there.

Yes indeedydoo, I've got preferences haven't I? Hey, it's a dream house, let me describe it to perfection. I wholeheartedly admit, I'm a hedonist, and yes, I can be quite materialistic. Such is Moi. I'm an atypical Taurus and love to live in style. I want somewhere I can live in comfort, but still be close to the ones I love, who shall invariably live with me... I hope. Either that, or my cats will. I also want an environment that stimulates creativity. A place where my friends can stop by for a cup of coffee, or a shoulder to cry on when they need to be heard. These would be a marvelous places to live.

3.) If you could meet anybody, alive or dead, fictional or realistic, who would it be? What would you ask them?

I would love to meet Ella Fitzgerald and ask her what the deal was with her and Louis Armstrong. You know something had to be up, right?

4.) What's the first thing you notice in someone of the opposite (Or same, if that's your bag) sex?

With men: Voice, eyes, haircolour, face, hands. and then the rest.

With women: Voice, eyes, lips, smile, face, haircolour, hands, and then the rest.

I have a fetish for a nice set of hands, and a wonderful voice.

I must confess, yesterday I talked on the phone for the first time with my pen pal in Aussie, and I spaced out because he had the most amazing DEEP voice and sexy aussie accent. I don't really remember what he said. *blushes* Sorry Andy.

5.) If you could play any instruments to perfection, what would it be?

I would love to play the guitar as well as B.B. King, the Piano the way that Aretha Franklin or Ray Charles does. Effortlessly, and filled with soul.

6.) Do you believe in soul mates, or having the perfect partner?

I'm disgustingly romantic, so yes, I believe in soul mates. However, that being said, not just one for every person, there are many many people that are a match to my soul, but only one that I would be happy with for the rest of my life.

7.) When you're lonely, what do you do to console yourself?

Write, Cry, seek out my friends, who are always there for me. So if you read emotional garbage in here every once in a while, it's usually because I'm lonely.

Come to think of it, that happens pretty often.

8.) What are two food items that you would consider "comfort foods" or ones that remind you of your childhood?

Chocolate, but that's a given. My mothers Lasagna, or her Shephard's pie.

9.) Who was your very first best friend?

It's a toss up, There's Matthew, who I knew when I was younger than five, but I don't remember more than that I played with him every single day, and that we were inseperable until he moved. There's Elizabeth, but our friendship has been through twists and turns, I've known her since I was in Kindergarten. There's Aiden James Varga, and if he reads this, or googles his name, I want him to send me an email, because I miss him terribly, and would love to rekindle a friendship with him.

10.) When you were a child, did your parents ever marry you to a little girl/boy because it was cute?

Yes, My parents married me to Matthew, when I was four. However, I think that was because we asked them to. Sorry boys, I've been living in sin and apparently cheating on my husband for the past 20 years. Whoops.

11.) What simple stupid thing annoys you beyond measure?

When people sit next to me right before my stop on the skytrain. Annoying, Yep. Stupid? Very.

People that have the hems of their jeans stuck underneath the tongue of their shoe. Annoying? Yup. Very stupid? Yes.

12.) Whats the most embarassing thing that has ever happened to you?

To quote Devin, "Hooboy."

Here goes.

When I was 13, I had a crush on this guy named Blair Andrechek.
I went to the park one day with my friend Nita, and coincidentally enough he was there too. I decided to show off that day by jumping off the swings in front of him from a spectacular height, and land on my feet, unphased, in front of him. sure enough, I did, and in the process, my button up shirt snagged the 'S-hook' on the swing and my newly developed 'girls' were left bold and breezy in front of him. He was agog, I was humiliated. I ran behind the nearest tree, and to this day, I can still hear my friend Nita laughing so hard she was crying.

Granted I started laughing too, but fuck, that was soooooo embarassing.

I run into him all the time, and I think he still remembers, because he blushes quite a bit.

13.) What do you consider your favourite colour? Your lucky number?

Blue, (any shade of it) Sage green, rich browns, pink, (and I hate admitting that) a combination of metallic red and metallic cream, right next to each other, and black, of course. (but that's a shade, and not a colour.) Lucky number? I dunno. 7 would be such a typical answer, but according to numerology, I think I'm a 1.

14.) If you could sleep with any person, who would it be?

Celebrities: Ewan McGregor, Harrison Ford (but only in Raiders of the Lost Ark)
Real people: Devin, Dean, Cryptic.

15.) Gold, White Gold, Platinum, or Silver? (Or does it matter?)

White gold or Silver anything. Real yellow gold looks fake to me.

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