Tuesday, April 05, 2005

So, A Nazi, A Jew and The Pope Walk Into... What? Bad timing?

Album of the moment: Ween-- "Quebec"

Yeah, the title has nothing to do with the entry, I just thought it was damned funny.

At this particular moment in time, I'm so fucking fed up with doing homework, that the thought of doing more is quite honestly, repugnant. NOT TONIGHT, SEZ I! I've opened up a few programs, only to stare blankly at the screen, thinking *I'd rather write an entry, than work in illustrator/photoshop/indesign for one more second.* So, that being said, here I am.

Boy howdy, I bet you missed me, eh?

I'm tired. How are you?

I slept in again today, and my diet at this point in time requires SO much caffeine that I'm worried for my health. Knowing that I need to drink coffee, until my fingers vibrate, (Which usually ISN'T a bad thing) and eating whatever my Grandma makes for me to sustain my level of 'alert' which is rapidly eroding under my feet. Thank gad she cooks, otherwise I'd be living off of take-out crap, and whatever junk food I have stored in 'the dungeon'. Most people in class right now have gained about ten pounds because they sit there, eating, trying to regain that energy they had before the final crunch of term, knowing that they need that get up and go, which has unfortunately, left the building.

The allure of sleep, is much more enticing than the notion of sex, and THAT, dear friends, is saying something about my state of being. Even if I WAS to partake of that delightful carnal carousing, I'd probably fall alseep mid-"Who's Your Daddy" and that, poppets, would suck.

I mentioned that I got a job, Yessss indeedydoo, I'm doing minor design work, and consulting with Chris, a friend of mine that I met through The Jewish Princess. Starting rate is nice, but it should go up once he gets some more clients. Apparently he's quite impressed and I designed exactly what he was asking for after a five minute brief discussion over MSN. Granted, it took me an hour and a half to actually MAKE what he wanted, but I grasped the concept and created what he was looking for.

Today during our meeting after school, I had the opportunity to show him the other stuff I've been doing design wise. He said that my History Of Design/HTML final assignment was gorgeous, and considering he works with webdesigners/Graphic designers all day long, I'm really happy hearing that from someone in the industry. (My final assignment is my "History Of the Romance Novel Cover" website, done in a very subtle tongue-in-cheek style for those of you not in the know.) I will have that up and running online, once I get it finished to my satisfaction.
The link will be posted in here as well as it being put in my portfolio for design.

He's flat out stated to me the fact that there might be a huge increase in business for his company, and that he thinks he could toss quite few jobs in my direction. That's a relief, because the notion of being unemployed for the first time in almost six years of steady employment had me mildly depressed. Okay, terrified. I admit it.

Anyways, I want to crawl into that big soft bed of mine and become happily entangled in my sheets, and myriad of pillows.

And if the post was too long for you, tough titties. It's coming in spurts now (Ew, and at the same time, I'm mildly aroused.) and this is the best it's going to get until I have some sleep under my belt.

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