Thursday, April 28, 2005

Oy. Exhuberant 5 Year Old + Hungover Auntie Linds = Exhaustion.

I spent the better part of last night at Mavericks with The Jewish Princess, who decided to take me out to "Beach Night".

Needless to say, seven $2.50 highballs later, (I even got cranberry and vodka, it's amazing what a good pair of tits gets you from the bartender) and I was feeling a little tipsy. I was in bed by three, and up at sevenish. I'm not sure exactly when I was up, but it was early, since TJP had to go to work and I was a glorious houseguest crashing on her futon. Remarkably headache free, actually.

Spent the large portion of the morning with Crystal and her very energetic son Kirk. (My nephew) searching out used, over priced books for her college courses. Explain this to me... Why is it that books for college courses, cost almost as much as the damned course? Somehow, that reeks of unfair to me.

I'm not too terribly coherant right now, because my nephew decided to touch EVERYTHING in the bookstore and surrounding area, and he's a handful when he's happy (He usually is around me, for some reason...) So most of my morning was chasing around a very athletic monkey child. A gorgeous child, but a monkey child nonetheless.

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