Wednesday, April 06, 2005


My birthday is just around the corner. I'll be 25 on May first. A milestone year, or so they say. (I'm sure it's not going to be spectacular, considering how much shite I went through being 24.)

That being said, If anyone feels like getting me a present that I will never forget, and that will be quite useful, check this out. (I would LOVE the 3rd from the top, on the left hand side, and if you're feeling generous, the 3rd from the top on the RIGHT hand side. That would rule.)

This is going to get technical, and probably bore you to tears, but it's worth mentioning.

That colour system, my darlings, is the smartest thing an ink manufacturer has EVER done. Pantone has monopolized the market on ink and colours by creating these books, that have become design standard for printing press inks, because the inks are the same formula everywhere globally, thusly you can make the EXACT colour you want simply by following the 'recipe' for that colour. (They also neglect to mention that they cost an arm and a leg.) My Design Communications instructor, Ivana has one of these, and brought the thing in to show us what the Pantone Colour System is.

For a beginner designer like myself, unless I took out a mortgage on my LIFE, I couldn't afford those. Plus, it's got that neat-o Pantone colour detector included *FREE!* with the kit. Please. I've gotta pay 600 bucks Canadian for a veritable gay pride banner of colour swatches attached by a Chicago screw!? You better damned well believe that laser color detector is included and shipping and handling is free, You evil design dictating motherfuckers.

*Le sigh.* A girl can always dream. You know I'm obsessed with design, when I'm asking for Pantone chips instead of a Dairy Queen cake. Frig. I'm getting old.

Hey, If I can't get to go see "Spamalot" then I might as well ask for something useful. I've already SEEN New York City anyways. Although, that does mean I could stop by the Italian district in Manhattan, and get a slice of that pizza that haunts my ever so savory dreams. (Seriously. Best pizza EVER.)

Hmmm. One thing at at time, girly. But to be honest, I'm going to be a millionaire before I'm 50. I swear.

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