Saturday, April 02, 2005

Idle Hands Are The Devil's Work...

Sometimes, I find stupid shit to do, so I don't have those idle hands. I'm such a nerd, that HTML is the way I went about it.

If you have the patience or the interest, and care to read any of the music reviews I've done prior to the most recent, I've gone and created a 2 new sections in the sidebar of Glamazon Shoes, (Which is getting quite crowded. I might change my template soon to accomodate them.) of past and current reviews. One section being the new "Music Is my Heroin... Tunes To Groove By" series, and the old, not as detailed, "Tunes To Groove By." Just for you, my lovely readers, to save you from frantically searching my archives to find the ones I've done previously.

Sure. That's it.

Neurotic and I are still working out the kinks as to what exactly our dual contributor blog is going to be about, but since his music reviews are spectacular, and mine ain't too shabby, we're thinking of going off in that direction.

Now we just need to go template shopping, pick out some flatware, and a nice pattern for the china. *smirks*

Hey, for all Y'all that live in areas that require moving your clocks an hour ahead, don't forget tonight's the night. That's all you're getting for my public service announcements.

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