Tuesday, April 19, 2005

A Little Kindness Never Hurt Anybody.

Music of the Moment: Norah Jones Artist's Choice, from Hear music (Fantastic Starbucks compilation of Jazz and bluegrass)

Aretha Franklin -- "I Never Loved A Man (The Way I Loved You)" from the album "Aretha's Best -- The 1960s"

Sometimes you have to tell yourself, that no matter how mired down in your own depression you can get, that making someone else smile, or helping someone else out when you're at your lowest point, can make life worthwhile. I'm still trying to believe that some days myself. I know that even though I'm down right now, I have to repeat in my head, over and over again that I'm not as alone as I feel, and that I have my friends.

I don't know what brought upon this sudden overwhelming feeling of weepy-ness... I wish I could figure it out. Perhaps it's that I'm talking to a new friend on Yahoo who is from Iran, and unlike many of the men that message me on Y!messenger, he actually has the desire to have a conversation with me, instead of trying to talk dirty to me. Refreshing, indeed. Although he did compliment me, he didn't dwell on it, more emphasizing the fact that he was enjoying talking to me because it gave him a chance to exercise his skills at English, and I took that to heart, and had a conversation with him. I'm glad I did, since he opened my eyes to how solitary North Americans seem to live their lives. He told me how lonely he can get, and how he needs more practice after living here for almost 15 months, his spoken english isn't much better than his written. (However, his written English is better than some of the North American's writing/speaking I've heard/read.)

The thought that North American culture isolates individuals from other nations without a thought, lost in it's own muck of self absorbed rot, mildly disturbs me. I'm not going to get into a huge diatribe on this, because I don't have the energy, and I need to have a shower before I go for a long walk with Crystal (Because I always have my friends). That being said, it's definitely food for thought, and it gives everyone an opportunity to realize that they aren't the most important person on the face of the planet, and maybe if they looked outside themselves for a moment, and helped someone else along out of their lonliness, the world would be a better place.

The best and most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. (Helen Keller)

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