Saturday, March 19, 2005

Ahh... Saturday...

Scene opens on a glorious Saturday morning in "The Dungeon".

Camera focuses in on Linds, hair perfectly mussed, lips a rosy pink, parted ever so slightly. Sleeping the blissful exhausted sleep of the student in her queen sized bed, surrounded by cream and sage green coloured pillows underneath a pure white goosedown duvet and 400 thread count cream sheets. Her stereo is softly playing Stevie Ray Vaughan in the background, who is always a great musician to sleep to. Ignore the fact that she might be drooling on her hand ever so slightly.

Of course, It's pitch black in there, so you can't see a gaddamned thing.

Flash over to a six foot-three inch tall, sturdy as hell, bearded, longhaired, relatively biker-looking dude, with a great laugh and a wonderfully warm personality, despite his intimidating look, walking down the stairs to the dungeon, and trying to turn the lights on in the "office" section of "The Dungeon". He always seems to break my lighting fixtures. Yup, my Dad. (And I STILL call him "Daddy" hee-hee! I'm such a Daddies girl.) Follow that up by having my Uncle, and an electrician friend of theirs, hell bent on drilling holes in my ceiling, and yarding a few hundred feet of cable cord through said holes to install a cable outlet in my Grandmothers bedroom.

That's a helluva way to wake up in the morning.

I can't say I've never had three strapping lads in my bedroom before. Just not men twice my age, and related to me. Okay, I lie. I've never actually had THREE strapping lads in my bedroom at the same time.

Hell, I haven't even had ONE strapping lad in my bedroom lately. *grumbles*

Anyhoo, as I said in the most recent post before this one, I've got SHITLOADS of homework. Sorry for the lack of entries. It's been insanely busy. "hell month" is upon us at Langara Electronics Media Design.

That being said, I've got creativity up the wazoo, and where I was feeling the stuff I was producing earlier was shite, The house has been a' rockin.

Keep it real.


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