Sunday, March 27, 2005

Grabbing Life By The Numbers...

Cause, y'know, we're all REALLY just numbers, aren't we?
  • You must tell 9 people about this game. (Damn, sorry guys.)
  • Devin is the one you love. (Yes, this has been established. Repeatedly.)
  • Erik is the one that you like, but can't work it out with. (Yup, I knew that too. *Sighs*)
  • You care the most about Crystal D. (Aye, that seems about right. Although I hate to categorize my friends into who I love more than the other. In all honesty I adore them all and would be lost without them.)
  • Crystal B. knows the most about you. (She should, she's known me for over 10 years now, and raised hell with me every single year we've been buds. Be it at Mavericks, or the freaky-deaky "shoplifting" incident when we were 16. Yea, I was a bad girl when I was growing up.)
  • Ryan is your lucky star. (Whatever the hell THAT means. I thought he was my ex-roomie and one of my best friends. Come to think of it, I've never won the lottery when he's in town. Get to work, bitch! :P)
  • "Little Bird" by Annie Lennox is the song that matches Devin. (That's fitting, I've sung it to him over the phone when I've gone to Karaoke, and also included it in a compliation disc I sent Stateside for him.)
  • "Since You've Been Gone (Sweet, Sweet Baby)" by Aretha Franklin is the song that goes with Erik. (Hmm, interesting. I've usually associated that one with Dev as well, but I also adore the song. Who knows.)
  • "Silence" by Delerium (Featuring Sarah McLachlan) is the song that tells you the most about your mind. (Ooo. Pretty song, but whoa, disturbing lyrics.)
  • "I Just Wanna Make Love To You" by Etta James, is how you feel about life (LOL! You've gotta be shitting me? I wanna make love to the world? I know I'm a randy girl, but I CAN keep my knees together at times. I know, I know, it just means I'm passionate. C'mon, give me some credit here. I would've thought it would be "Stormy Weather" by Billie Holiday, given my mood/situation as of late.)
Take this test!

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