Tuesday, March 08, 2005

This Stinks!

Music of the moment : Josh Groban -- "Remember When It Rained"


So, last night, I'm on my way outside for my last smoke of the night, I open the back door, open the screen door, step outside and close the door behind me. Pretty self-explanatory.

I glance up, and lo and behold, Pepe Le Pew, our resident skunk, is gamboling gaily about the back yard. Heart stops. I scared the bejesus out of him, but HE scared the holy hell out of me. Boom, I'm back in the house. I had NO idea I could move that quickly at one thirty in the AM.

No, he didn't spray me. (Thank gawd) He took off for the hills. (Okay, he went behind the garage.) I've come to the conclusion that we are going to have at least 2 huge tins of Tomato Juice in the house at all times. Okay, so I'm a little paranoid. Whatever. That would be an interesting phone call to The Electronics Media Department at school for me having to miss class. Johnathon would probably bust a gut laughing.

My grandmother, upon seeing me race in the house like I had possessed dogs nipping at my heels, and lean against the kitchen counter, hand pressed against my chest, proceeds to burst out laughing, and continue to do so, for about five minutes. Even after calming down, she managed a couple of giggle fits while trying to drink her bottle of water. Sure, it was damned funny. I was more chagrined than anything else.

It's quite common to have the scent of skunk permeate the walls of the house, and waft into the dungeon. That's pretty impressive, considering my bedroom and office are located dead centre in the basement of our house, and I have no windows. At least they were hibernating in the winter. (Skunks hibernate, right?)

Did you know that baby skunks, are TOTALLY adorable, and wrestle about like puppies when playing? It's quite charming to watch, unless of course, Mama is around the corner.

Did you know, that skunks really dislike the smell of ammonia and Mothballs? Hypocrites.

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