Sunday, March 20, 2005


It got to the point a few days ago, where the incessant squealing of my computer chair was driving me insane. It's been beaten and broken, whirled upon, rolled across the northern tundra in races held by six year olds, (including ME, that shows how damned old the thing is.) and it creaked and groaned and wobbled in the most unhealthy of ways.

All I know was that the noise it made from the slightest movement was driving me nuts, and my lower back was killing me from having to sit in it for extended periods of time immersed in homework. I was half expecting the part holding the chair to snap, leaving me sprawled ever so gracefully across the office floor, probably with a concussion, knowing MY luck.

You know who to ask when you need pricing research done for a new piece of (insert whatever you want to buy here) and have NO time to do it for yourself?

Survey says: My Grandma.

Not even two days after my complaint, she had found a leather desk chair with a hydrolic gas adjustable height for 49 bucks on sale. Holy shizzle! This lady is GOOD! Not only is it amazingly comfortable, but the model name is "Brad" a hot name in and of itself. So I could say, I'm sitting on Brad. Maybe even on his face. Oddly enough, that kinda works with my previous post with adult content. Hrm. I've got a one track mind, methinks. Gad, I'm dirty.

And it only took me an hour to put most of it together, take half of it apart again (because I did it wrong) and put it all together again. That's pretty good for me, anyways.

My bum is SO happy right now.

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