Thursday, March 24, 2005

Aiyah!! (That's Mandarin for OMG!)

Controversy is still well afoot in Glamazon Shoe territory.

Not only have I recieved several comments from friends of Grant DePatie, but from close family friends and his mother. However, I would like to clarify, TO his mother, that I am not a "creep" divulging this information, regarding the fact that you were bothered by one of my statements. My apologies if it did. However this was a piece of information that was relayed to me from the radio. I suppose the media was not well informed at the time it was released, or perhaps exaggerated the story.

As I've said before, I am terribly sorry for your loss, but that loss is no reason to attack someone (Heather) who's only reason for posting was to echo those statements of sympathy, and to clarify that he might have been slightly odd, but that was no reason to dislike him. You're insults to her were uncalled for. That's enough of a reprimand from me. I know grief does terrible, terrible things to people, especially when it is such a horrifying tragic loss of a loved one.

However, that being said, this matter isn't up for discussion anymore. At least not in here. I'm not heartless, though you may think so after reading this statement. Apparently you STOPPED at that line in bold typeface that offended you so much. I was struck by this tragic incident, and was expressing my sympathy with the De Patie Family, the the treatment of the individuals responsible for this horrible act should be punished equivalent to the crimes they committed.

I'm sorry if I came across as being cruel and/or misinformed, that was NOT the intent of the article. The post shall remain as it's written with the addition of an editor's note at the bottom of the entry correcting the wrong information.

If you have the desire to discuss this matter any further, please, create your own damned blog, and get out of mine.

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