Friday, March 25, 2005

*Gasp!* Unmatched SOCKS!

Album Of The Moment: K-os -- "Joyful Rebellion"
(Fantastic Canadian Hip-Hop artist, who has some wicked ol' school flava, reminiscent of De La Soul.)

Unmatched socks, have apparently become what my Grandmother has decided the Antichrist should be. I could think of a myriad of different things that would be better suited to the title, but I guess she HAS to bitch about something. I'm sure being 74 gets boring sometimes, what with being able to sit down, read a book or newspaper whenever you want, and watch all your favourite soaps.

Now, I realize I'm lucky that I live with this woman. She's amazingly loving in a brusque sort of way, and she's got a great sense of humour that has me cackling with laughter on a regular basis. She also folds my laundry, and given the fact that I'm so busy a majority of the time, that's friggin GREAT, and saves me scads of time. Sometimes, she even makes dinner, which always tastes good, and I love to tease my dad that I get Grandma's cooking and he doesn't, having to suffer with his own. (Which is great, and probably the reason why I love my Grandmother's cooking.)
No, she doesn't make me lunch with love notes inside, and harps on me constantly about making my bed, so it's not all sunshine and roses.

The only downside of her folding my laundry, which she finds theraputic, and tends to get a little miffed at me if *I* put my grubby mitts on the stuff, (and heaven forbid that I fold them incorrectly) is the fact that she teases me mercilessly about thong underwear, ("HOW can you girls wear those things?" "I dunno grandma, they're comfy when you get used to them.") and that god only help me if I have unmatched socks. That's an inexcusable sin in the house of Grandma. She's asked me TEN times today, where the other black dress sock is. I have no friggin' idea, lady.

It's useless to explain to this woman that I probably threw it out, and WHY I throw out socks that have holes or serious wear in them. The reason being that I have about three THOUSAND pairs of socks. (Seriously.)

That, and she doesn't know that I have an lingerie fetish, so I have about 25 to 30 matching bra and panty sets, with the appropriate accoutrement including garter belts, thigh-high stockings, corsets, and anything else your dirty little mind can come up with. No, I'm not going to give myself an excuse, I also LOVE to shop for them. And I'm also not going to post any pictures, so put it back in your pants, Sailor.

I got a comment from her about the zillions of bras I own. She actually said "How many tits do you HAVE, to need all those bras!?" Classic.

All I could do, was laugh.

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