Monday, March 28, 2005


Because of the fact that Blogger comments take friggin EONS to pop up on the screen, I've jumped on the bandwagon.

Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to The Glamazon Shoe Diaries, and it's MUCH faster than waiting ages when time, (as I well know) is so short in abundance. I'm sure Cryptic, with his HaloScan affinity, will be tickled pink. That is, if he had time to read blogs instead of having University give him a chauffed asshole by working him so hard. Poor Cryp. I feel your pain. I really do.

Unfortunately, that means that comments that I had up from Blogger before this integration of outside forces are hidden, but not lost. (Because daggumit, I archived them all, being the smart cookie I am.) I haven't quite yet figured out how to reinstate them. So it's not that I'm phenomenally unpopular, I'm just HTML retarded at the moment.

I'll get on that. Y'know, when I have time. Tell Shera what's on your mind already.

And Hey, ladies, it's absolutely delightful that I'm gathering these fine examples of gentlemen on my guest map, (well, except for the fact that Shaun decided to wear a dress... *sniggers like a 'tweeny' in Sex-Ed class*) but I know for a fact that I have female readers that are lurking. You know I love the wimmins too.

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