Sunday, March 20, 2005

Apparently, I'm Ambivalent... Not that it matters, really.

Your childhood experiences show that you are an Ambivalent. As a child, you probably received plenty of love and affection from your parents but were also allowed to form your own sense of independence. Your parents may have upset you and let you down at times, but your childhood needs were essentially met. Therefore, as an adult, you have traits that are common in both Isolators and Fusers, two polar opposites. This means that your relationship style includes many interesting contradictions. You've been known to both push people away and expect them to dote on you at the same time. Freedom is just as appealing to you as being showered with affection.

As an Ambivalent, you're uniquely qualified to have a successful relationship with a partner from either category: Fusers or Isolators.

In your case, "happily ever after" depends on which role you find yourself adopting more often. If you're usually the outgoing one in the relationship, often seeking affection and attention, you're more of a Fuser. This means that your perfect partner is actually your opposite type, an Isolator. You may have guessed just the contrary, that your best match would be someone who would shower you with all the love and affection you crave. But happiness for you means partnering with someone who will respect your privacy and support you when you want to do independent activities, much like your parents did.

If you're often a private person who likes her space, you're more of an Isolator. This means that your perfect partner is actually your opposite type, a Fuser. Contrary to what you might have thought, your best match is not someone who gives you all the space and freedom you crave. Instead, your best bet for long-term happiness is partnering with someone who dotes on you, someone who shows his affection and expresses his emotions easily and often, just as your parents did.

Huh. go figure. I thought I would be clingy. Innnntomolesting.

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