Monday, March 28, 2005

Porkchop Sandwiches!! Oh SHIT!

(Please note that you need a sound card and Quicktime/Windows Media Player to view these cartoons)

I hang out with an awful lot of mid 20-something males at school, and they are commonly found browsing watching these G.I. Joe Cartoons and laughing hysterically from doing so. Okay, I watch them too. Repeatedly.

I'm easily amused. Sue me.

I must admit, the particular one I've selected is my favourite, mainly because of the absurdity of the entire dialogue that's replaced the original. Granted, I really have NO idea what the kids are saying in it, but I think that was the entire purpose, to make them sound mildly retarded. The guy's dialogue, however, is so damned funny when you compare the hysterical tone of his voice, and the calm gestures that he's displaying.

If you're interested in seeing any more of the redubbed safety clips, go ahead and visit this here page.

My Gawd that smelled good.

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