Artist: Billy Idol
Album: Devil's Playground
Genre: "Rawk"
Let it be known, that I LOVE Billy Idol. Or rather, I loved that pissy little shit that he used to be in the mid 80's, when "punk" was in it's heyday, and Billy Idol was in his late 20's, slender, scruffy, fairly attractive, with that lovely sneer and snotty attitude that was choice for the "bad boy" lover in all of us. Yum. As much as Erik harasses me about having the hots for Billy Idol, screw it. He was deeeee-lish, and I'm not apologizing for my opinion on that.
One of my all time favourite songs is "Dancing With Myself" because who DOESN'T like a song about masturbation?
Flash forward 10 years. When, I suppose, the royalties from his album sales have dwindled, and he's spent his money on what seems to be an ample amount of plastic surgery and time in the tanning bed. Sure, his sneer is still there. However, I think the Botox for his forehead, and collagen for his lips (I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Angelina Jolie would be envious.) makes it a less... Well... Snotty statement. And now he just looks like a cantankerous 40 year old longing for his years back when the chicks were sucking his dick ad infinitum, and the cocaine was probably what kept him so energetic. (Boy! You've got stamina!) Ah, the mid-life crisis. Couldn't he have just bought a sports car or gotten a 20 year old wife or something?
No, Mr. Idol decides that since his fame has petered out, to return to the world of music and ATTEMPT to release a new album. *sighs* I wish he hadn't. The only thing that sucks about writing my reviews, (and I normally enjoy this part) is that I have to listen to this album AGAIN.
The album starts off with "Super Overdrive" the title sounding like some sort of bad Japanese anime-style comic, and SOUNDING like a rip off of The Rocky Horror Picture Show sung by a musician who used to scream death metal. No. I'm sorry. Wrong on all counts. Do not pass go, Do not collect 200 dollars. Go directly to jail.
"Rat Race" sounds like a ballad that the new "Neo-punk" (see: shite) groups out lately would produce compositionally, but this and "Scream" are probably the closest attempts vocally at sounding like he did in previous albums.