Friday, March 25, 2005

Coming Soon To a Glamazon Shoe Entry Near You!

Album of the moment: Ak1200 -- "Shoot To Kill"
(Fancy-shmancy Industrial Electronica.)

A review of the new Billy Idol -- "Devil's Playground" album. (Hint: HORRIBLE! I am NOT impressed with the previously delectable Mr. Idol and his newest release. Expect some scathing commentary.)

ANOTHER controversial opinion piece. (Hint: It involves the religious right in the US, who is ever-so-fun to pick on, being the damned Commie-Pinko that I am.) That is, IF I get around to writing it before it's yesterday's news. I would write it tonight, but I need to research a few things first to ensure I'm not relaying incorrect information.

That, and I'm damn tired.

Apparently, I seem to be collecting boys on my map. That's pretty rad. I always enjoy collecting boys. (Thanks guys!) Well, except for Shaun, who decided that his icon needed to wear a dress in order to get that close to me. I'm just teasing you, hon. Damned teensy icons!

I know Melissa would be right on top of me, and with a bosom like that smothering my face, I might just die happy.

Hey, I can appreciate a nice rack. It doesn't make me a dyke. Although with the haircut I just got, It's getting progressively shorter everytime my hairdresser gets NEAR my head. I might just be the epitome of "looking like a bull-dyke" soon.
(Not that there is anything WRONG with that, It's just not my cuppa tea. I like the cock.)

Also, not in another post, but worth mentioning NOW before I forget again. (Yes, I've got a short-term memory like a sieve. Sue me.) I watched a wicked flick in my History of Design class, about the development of Skateboarding entitled "Dogtown and Z Boys" on this Monday just passed. Check it out if you get the chance. The moves in this are mind blowing, the skaters featured are legendary, having a fluidity and grace that have defined an era of skateboarding technique evolving from the surfing community in California. The music is GREAT, and the development of skateboarding marketing is a fascinating end note to the documentary.

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