Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I Sold My Soul To Hershey's...

And I signed the contract in chocolate syrup.

Argus was torturing me today on MSN during my Design Communications class, bragging about his conquest of the local supermarket and the subsequent arrival of 7 chocolate bunnies in his shopping cart at ridiculously low prices. He was bragging about how "gooooooood" it tasted. He's the only guy I know that would squeal like a schoolgirl for chocolate. (And bloody hell, that's adorable, coming from a man that looks as dynamite as he does.) Damn him for being an expressive writer, and knowing exactly how to make chocolate sound irresistible, and damn him for making me imagine his body covered in chocolate and licking it off of his skin in long, sl...OH!

Are you guys still here? Shit! Was I writing that!?

Uhm... I mean... Aw, hell. Nevermind. *looks around sheepishly* Ahem...

Anyways, moving right along.

Argus reminded me, since apparently I'd forgotten that heaps of chocolate is practically FREE the few days after Easter, and I hadn't exploited that fact as of yet, foolish chit that I am.

At the end of class, I walked past Rob in the hallway. I told him I was going to go buy out the selection of chocolate that appealed to me. The poor guy didn't grasp that I was serious. Six half-pound bunnies, two GINORMOUS bags of "Eggies" two Reese's pieces carrots and three chocolate covered egg-shaped marshmallows later, I think he caught on that I was for real. (Not to mention looking at me askance in horror.)

Keeerist, man. I'm not going to sit down and gorge myself on bunny bits. That should last me a two, maybe three weeks at the very least.

That being said, I've already decapitated a bunny, and BOY was it good. Granted, I gave my Colour Theory teacher Heidi a bunny as she walked past me in the parking lot, and also gave my Uncle Jean one when he stopped by about 15 minutes ago as compensation for driving out to Annecis Island from Mission day in and day out. (Not for his kids, it was for him and his wife... Or just him if he's greedy. Whatever. His chilluns sucked back the stuff they got on Sunday already, most likely.) The look of bliss on his face was enough to make me giggle.

What is it about horrible, WONDERFUL cheap chocolate that appeals to the majority of us? (In my opinion, if it doesn't, your one sick, sick puppy.) Why, am I a slave to my craving for this shite? (I LOVE the good, 70% cocoa dark chocolate, for anyone that feels like sending me a very appreciated gift... *hint-hint*)

It appears to be that all of my friends either online, or in real life, are chocoholics, and I'm the leader of the pack. (Okay, probably not, but I do have chocolate in my room/office at all times in case of emergencies, as do most of my friends.) I believe I have a picture of Ryan lying on his back, from a few years back on Halloween, where he dumped his pillowcase on top of him and he was COVERED in his little candy treats.

I've come to a conclusion, that Chocolate isn't just an idle pleasure for my friends and myself, it's a necessity. Judge as you will, think it frivolous, but oh man, that's the shiznit. I'm such a happy girl right now with all this chocolate around.

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