Sunday, March 13, 2005

"Blogging To Hear The Keys Rattle..."

(Entry title courtesy of Devin Pike.)

Album of the moment: Sarah McLaughlin -- "Solace"

I enjoyed my evening at Elizabeth's House warming party. I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to start calling her "The Jewish Princess", whenever the hell I get the chance. (She's converting to Judaism.) It might be politically incorrect, but I really don't care. It's damned funny. Plus, it's got a nice ring to it.

Ever since her trip to Israel, to visit her then Boyfriend (now Fiance,) she's become quite infatuated with the Jewish culture. (I'll just refer to her in this entry as T.J.P. unless I feel particuarly vehement about typing it out.) About 80% of her new, (GORGEOUS!) apartment decorations are various bits and doodads from Israeli shops. I can't imagine how much bringing all that back must've cost her. Her luggage must have weighed a ton.

The evening was rollicking fun, as per usual, and I got to see at least 10 people I haven't hung out with in over two months. Old Karaoke buddies, and people I've gotten to know from living with The Jewish Princess in "The Slut Shack" (Hey, my DAD gave it that monicker.) prior to being in my current residence, "The Dungeon." It consisted mainly of "The Blues Brothers" drinking game (GREAT flick!) and because we didn't have the rules, we just drank when Luc yelled out "DRINK!"

I'm sure he would have had much more fun if he didn't actually have to drink along with us, and just got to tell US when to drink. Unfortunately enough for him, we were on to his game, and it was "No dice, baby."

About halfway through the movie, we were tipsy enough that the movie lost it's interest, (as good as it is) and I was fairly easily distracted by Murray and Chris, who were in the back of the living room, busy playing walkie-talkie with their compatable cell phones. YELLING at top volume into the phone to see if they could create feedback when they were held together.

Yes, retards, but loveable retards. And, by the hammer of Thor, it actually worked.

Only my friends would do shit like that, I swear. They were practically YODELING for fucks sakes. It was all I could do to not burst out laughing or yelling at them to shut the fuck up. (I let T.J.P. do that, it's her apartment, anyways.)

Later on, at about midnight, Chris busts out the Karoke CD's. (Only the most initiated Karaoke Dork carries about their own discs. All of us qualify. *sighs*) Thank Jeebus, (Or Moses, being in T.J.P.'s place) that we didn't have a mic on hand because I'm sure that The Jewish Princess would have been handed an eviction notice not even two weeks after moving in. She made me sing "Bring Me To Life" by Evanescence, (I'm amazed I hit pretty much every note, given my mildly inebriated condition) and by the end of it I was pretty hoarse.

It's nothing that liquor can't fix, mind you.

I missed these people. I'm dissapointed I'm missing Chris and Claire's wedding in Mexico, but it's a little steep for me financially, and in the middle of my last term in school.

I've got some incriminating pictures on my cell phone, of wanton, Jewish Princess/Alison (aka. "Turbo Tongue") behaviour. (Okay, me too... but Murray MADE me!! I swear!) If I can figure out how to transfer the gaddamned pictures onto my laptop, via bluetooth, I'll make sure to post them up on here. It's nothing too saucy, but it was still damned funny to watch T.J.P. using OxyClean to wipe melted chocolate off of Alison's ass. (Her CLOTHED ass, you dirty mofo's.) I was just the photographer, and I was cursing myself soundly for forgetting my Digital Camera at home, so my celly was the only other option.

I can't help it if I used to be the flirtatious, smartmouthed WanderSlut** in this particular circle of friends, but I'm attempting to be celibate, and doing remarkably well, much to Murray's amazement. I CAN keep my knees together when the mood strikes me. I've gone over three months, and that, (for me) is a stellar achievement. It's a good way to strengthen self control.

It'll be worth breaking that streak come (pardon the pun) May. Best birthday present to myself, EVER.

**Please note, the term WanderSlut, is ruthlessly stolen from Anne Rice's novel "Blood Canticle". Thx, Annie.**

1 comment:

The Neurotic Monkey said...

I've only been to karaoke once (or at least, have only participated once). It was a drunken affair involving the Righteous Brothers, some off key singing, and a guy climbing on tables. Good times.

Random factoid to add to yer earlier posts:

--Fiona Apple is the basis for the boy genius in "Magnolia". She dated PT Anderson for a long time, including when he wrote that movie, and he based a lot of the stuff about being a child prodigy on her.

--The company that she's signed to refuses to release her third album. They say there's no viable hits on the record. A small protest occurred outside of the office of the company, but only about 20 people showed up altogether, with a bunch of them being from the Howard Stern show who had originally planned on making fun of the protest before seeing how sad it was.

--hope you get an early birthday present.

take care. cheers!