Saturday, March 26, 2005

Am I A Freak In The Darkness? Or Am I A Misfit?

Hah! That's about right, methinks.

Which drunk are you?

Dude, that's not just drunk...

You're freakin' us out, seriously.

*Disclaimer : Any resemblance to a real life situation is freakin' us out, seriously.

Personality Test Results

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Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

Apparently, at my last birthday party I made out with half of the bar, regardless of gender. A true example of a "classy lassy", indeed. I was wasted before my friends got me to the club. It's not MY fault they kept on giving me vodka, seriously.

Gad that was a good party.

Thanks to Sex Scenes at Starbucks for having this post up on her blog with the link to the test.

And, TWO, count 'em, two, whole, precious, hoarded gold stars are up for grabs, to anyone that can tell me WHAT BAND, and WHAT SONG that title of this entry ("Am I a freak in the darkness, or am I a misfit?") is from. (Right on your forehead like Rod and Todd from the Simpsons, if you tell me the correct answer.) Cryptic is the leader right now in Gold Star collection, for guessing the "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure" question a while back.


The Neurotic Monkey said...

limp bizkit, "secret tack". I wished to Christ I didn't know that. And you made out with half the bar? How unlucky for the other half.

Linds said...

Cheeky bugger.

I probably made out with more than half the bar, but I'm going to remain modest and say a mere half was relegated to my oral shenanigans.

(GAD! I love that word. Shenanigans, shenanigans... Shenanigans.... HeeheeHEE... It just ROLLS off your tongue. I'm also fond of the word "Penitant" but only because of Indiana Jones movies... I digress.)

I actually heard that line from the cover of George Micheal's "Faith" done by Limp Bizkit, but since you got the band right, and seem to know more about pop culture than I could ever hope to aquire in my short existance, I'm givin ya the 2 gold stars anyways. *Licks the stars all seductive-like and sticks them on your forehead WITH her tongue*

As usual, Neurotic m'dearie, you're always a welcome visitor in Glamazon Shoe Turf.


The Neurotic Monkey said...

Are you calling me a flirt or is that an instruction to flirt?

TWO GOLD STARS! Suck on that, Everyone that Said I Was A Loser and Would Go Nowhere! Yeah, I'm lookin at you, Grandma! Suck it!

And what I didn't get about "only a penitant man shall pass" is that while a penitant man would bow before, I don't think he would do that little somersault move that Indy pulls. But then, maybe that's more of an Orthodoxy thang.

And one of the best jokes in "Super Troopers" involves shenanigans. And now that guy's directing Dukes of Hazzard. What frickin bizarro universe did I wake up in, eh?

Other good words: Malarkie, haberdasherie, Zimbabwe (I know it's a proper name, but it's still a word dagnabbit), and onomatopoeia.

The Neurotic Monkey said...

I meant to write "secret track". It's the one off 3 Dollar Bill Y'all. And, thanks to google, I just found out it actually has a name -- "Stereotype Me". So we all learned something today.