Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Drowning in Homework...

I'm bogged down in a multitude of assignments, including creating my own corporate identity. (That involves making a logo, and plastering it along with a colour scheme over EVERY piece of stationary and CD liners, la la la.... Imaginable.) I like my company name, but I really find everything else regarding it completely uninspiring. Boring as fuck, actually. I'm totally unhappy with it.

I've been assigned a website that is due at the end of term for my History of Design. The topic? "The Design Of The Romance Novel Cover." I'm sure Melissa will appreciate this quite a bit.

Ever notice that Romance Novel covers all have similar themes? It's usually some smoking hot guy, half topless, with some woman, curvaceous bosom suggestively thrust forward, her lips mere millimeters from his, her hand possessively on his chest, flames in the background ala Gone with the Wind infamy, and gold coloured, embossed title referring to "The Last Kiss" or some shit like that.

Every novel ends up "happily ever after". Every novel, has fantastic sex. Granted, I'm talking about the OLDER romance novels. The more contemporary ones tend to be slightly different, with one exception.

Every novel has the same plot recipe, consisting of:

One Very wealthy very beautiful woman, between the ages of 28 and 32."
Add one "Uber wealthy, hot, sexy man between the ages of 29 and 35."
One cupful of "Sparks fly and unmitigated lust."
Three pounds of "Hot Sex"
One cup of "Some sort of communication mishap"
One sifted, level scoop of "Guy or girl leaves the other due to being pissed off and hurt and not realizing they loved the other after *GASP* a WHOLE week!"
Three tablespoons of "They miss each other to the Nth degree"
One fluid ounce of "One of them comes back to the other"
One glorious golden "He asks her to marry him, and she accepts."

Sprinkle "Hot Sex" liberally throughout.

Yes, a tried and true method of writing a romance novel. Maybe *I* should give it a go, since I've got the recipe down pat, and always enjoy writing erotica.

The question I have to ask, is DOES THIS EVER HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE? Hell no. Not to anyone I'VE met. It's escapism. Through and through.

Annnyways. I wanna go home. Enough fiddling with my logo. Right now it ain't gonna get any better.


Orion_skie said...

*grin* totally looking forward to it. And you can let me know if you need a "fantastic rack"....or even if not. *HUGE HUGS*

Jack Steiner said...

Romance novels just leave me high and dry. Not that it really matters.