Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I've Changed My Mind...

You know what....

As hesistant as I am to say this, Go for it. Discuss amoungst yourselves.

Before you do so There are a few things I'd like you to note:

1.) Realize that I will ask you to create your own forum on this topic, if it does dominate the entire blog.

-- If discussion continues to be heated after approximately three weeks to a month from now, I WILL request that you start your own forum. I understand that people need to collaborate, commiserate, and discuss topics which affect them, and I'm giving you a venue with which to do so.

2.) Realize that I will be posting my typical nonsensical, trivial, life of moi ramblings, music reviews and everything else that has been and will be included in my blog. That was the original concept of this blog, and that fact is NOT going to change.

3.) Realize that I can, and will use my own discretion in deleting comments posted on entries.

-- I'm openminded enough to recognize different viewpoints, but anything found offensive, or insulting will be removed. Use a modicum of maturity when posting comments, please.

4.) Anonymous posts are still NOT permitted.

This is the most poignant rule, and unless someone decides to plead an exceedingly strong argument that is believable, and can manage to pull the wool over my eyes. (Not an easy feat, when I'm of the mind to disagree.)

-- I'd like to see people being able to back up their arguments/statements and having an identity, (even one that is easily available, such as a free blogger one) this helps identify individuals, or the characters they choose to portray, when they choose to put across a viewpoint or opinion.

If you're wondering why I've changed my mind, I could say I'm a woman, and entitled to change my mind every three minutes. However, that's bullocks.

If you wanted a REAL reason, I've found other current events that I'm going to post other opinion pieces on, that might possibly bring about the same amount of controversy. It's time I came out of political retirement. Well, to a degree.


Orion_skie said...

You tell'em!

I for one value your opinion.


Linds said...

I'm just worried how the dichotomy of having serious political discussion compared to the usual fluff that goes in here is going to affect my little bubble of happiness, known as the Glamazon Shoe Diaries.

That is, if anyone else comments. I could be getting ahead of myself. *hrm.* Whatever. My next opinion peice is going to piss some people off.

C'est La Vie.