Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Music is my Heroin...Tunes to Groove by Version 0.7 (repost, GDHTML!!)


Fiona Apple -- Tidal

Artist: Fiona Apple

Album: Tidal

Genre: iTunes classifies it as "Rock" but I don't necessarily agree with that. It's a mixture of "New Jazz" and "Rock". Creating a very unique sound.

For the record, I've bought this particular album THREE times. Once when I first got it, I lent it to my Choir teacher in grade ten, and I NEVER got it back, I bought it again, three years later, only to have it stolen from my purse at work, and again, this time. It's not leaving the goddamned house.

I LOVE this album. Fiona Apple, in my humble opinion, was a child prodigy. (She's 27 or so, now.) When this debut album came out into mass marketing, in 1995. Filled to the brim with brilliant, emotional piano playing, a sultry, smoky mezzo soprano-low alto voice, and startlingly sexually-laden lyrics. Pretty good for someone that was a 17 year old at the point in time that her EP was released.

I happen to know a little bit about this woman and her background, and she's dealt with some absolutely horrid shit in her early life, including being mildly suicidal at the age of 11, and also being raped at the age of 12, I'm assuming losing her virginity, due to the content of the lyrics. This incident is reflected in the song "Sullen Girl". A dreamy, underwater, ephemeral sounding song, floating on vibrophonic waves, describing how she escapes into herself, and how people tended to view it as her being sullen and anti-social. While most people would curl up and feel like dying inside themselves, Fiona turned this horrifying incident into something that built up her creativity and musical ability.

After learning the basics of traditional piano lessons in her early childhood, Fiona shunned her lessons, preferring to improvise, teaching herself everything she wanted to know about the dynamics of Piano from her keyboards. While keyboards might have been her instrument of choice at that time of her life, she truly TRULY shines while playing a grand piano, accented with digital instrumentation, or strings behind her. She seems the typical New York Beatnik style performer, with her wild talent, moody, intelligent lyrics, exceedingly slim figure, pale skin and enormous, gorgeous ice blue eyes. Contrary to the image she presents herself as, she actually seemed to be quite a cheerful personality when interviewed for her second album "When The Pawn..." was released in 1999. I suppose winning three Grammy's for your debut album would give anybody a reason to smile. Fiona, has confidence to spare in her lyrics.

Unfortunately, she seems to have hit her peak at that first album as well, and I can't find "When the Pawn..." anywhere in music stores around the Lower Mainland. Not even in Virgin Records Megastore downtown, which carries all sorts of obscure shit. (Consider that album on my wish list as a lovely, very appreciated present.)

I had the opportunity to work at CJSF Radio at Simon Fraser University for one of my work experience adventures in Highschool in grade 11. (The other opportunity I had was at BCIT Radio. at The British Columbia Institute for Technology.) By the end of the week working there, I had accomplished conning the station manager (Yeah, I sure twisted her rubber arm.) into letting me have an entire two hour period on the air, to play this entire debut album and give a review on it. I'm sure all 11 people listening (Due to the availability of this particular radio stations signal, and the typical obscurity of the music played on it...) enjoyed it, mainly because they offered to have me back as a regular volunteer host three days a week after that. I regret declining. Radio was always my first choice as a career, and a dream of mine since I was about 9 years old. Just not non-profit, University campus radio. That, and you know, I had history class five days a week for the time spot they were offering me.

My particular favourite tracks on this album, include:

"Sleep To Dream", where she chastises a lover for always having his head in the clouds, and to not treat her love like some sort of toy to play with. The percussion in this is very unique, with a rumbling almost Tympani sound to it, mixed with the clicking, I'm assuming, from drumsticks.

"Shadowboxer" about being burned by a lover before and being tempted by him again. Gad I know I've been there, more often than I'd like to admit. Her vocals descend into low alto ranges, enhancing the smoky, sultry tones.

"Criminal" A two time Grammy Award winning song, about being deliberately cruel to the only person she's ever loved, and needing to know how to behave for him to forgive her. I LOVE this song. I particularly enjoy how she compares herself to the Devil in parts, asking an Angel for advice. This is a great song for describing someone that's known to be temperamental and demanding in relationships, but doesn't want to BE that way. I always, ALWAYS forget the middle part when I attempt to do this song at Karaoke.

"Slow Like Honey" A song about fantasizing about an old lover. Sensual lyrics. It has almost a waltz feel to it.

"The First Taste" A song for the lover that's been teasing her, asking him to make a move before she gets too tired of waiting. This is heavily Bossa Nova influenced. I particularly enjoy the electric guitar with distortion that is subtly enhancing certain portions of the song. That and the unique three part harmony in the middle, replete with discords to make it almost eerie sounding.

"Never Is A Promise" The piano in this is breathtaking. It's fairly repetitive, but SO emotional, you can tell she put amazing amounts of passion into playing this song. The strings are a beautiful subtle enhancement to the way she plays, and the lyrics are gorgeous and meaningful.

"The Child Is Gone" Okay, this song, quite honestly, makes me feel so much sorrow for her that it's often difficult for me to listen to. I'm torn between two different meanings lurking in this song. I know exactly what it's like to lose your innocence at a young age, without your consent. It's a very painful, complicated process when the emotions and feelings swamp you later on in life. Even after counseling. It's easy to get overwhelmed. I've also experienced being pregnant as a teenager, which is also a terrifying thing, in and of itself. (And before you ask, no, I don't have children. I miscarried. That's one reason why my nephew is so precious to me.)

"Pale September" A beautiful song about being in love with someone and sharing a tender loving moment. It's about being able to let go of your inhibitions and worries, and not be so gadawful scared of getting hurt.

"Carrion" Rejecting an old lover that is trying to push his way back into her life. She says no to every single one of his advances. A very empowering song for those that have been hurt by previous partners.

I realize, that I summed up every single track on this album. That being said, I feel that EVERY track on here is phenomenal. I truly think this album is worth every single shoe I'm giving it.

Out of a Glamazon Shoe Rating of 5 shoes, I give Fiona Apple -- Tidal 5/5

1 comment:

Linds said...

Sorry Cryp, darlin. You're gonna have to post your comment again. I was battling with blogger HTML.