Tuesday, March 22, 2005

My Apologies For The Inconvenience...

For the time being, there will be no anonymous comments allowed to be posted on this blog. I'm sorry if this puts anyone out from writing a comment. It's not that difficult to create a free blogger account if you feel that it's absolutely necessary to write a comment. Politics are volatile, indeed.

However, that being said, please understand that this blog is my haven. It's my place for creativity, expression and development in writing/HTML programming ability.

I appreciate the fact that I have increased traffic, and that my writing is being read by a larger than average readership at this moment in time, my opinion piece, was just that. An opinion.

That being said, In ways, yes, it was an opportunity for the community to voice theirs as well, however they had found my writing, be it though Google, or perhaps emailed to them from someone who thought they would find it interesting.

I just want to reiterate that if I sense that this blog is taking a direction away from the original intended purpose, which was mainly for my enjoyment and development as a writer, I will request that you create your own blog, (It's free on Blogger) and continue your discussions there. I rarely delve into politics, for my own personal reasons. Think of it as a semi-personal journal that's been commandeered and written by other people.

I realize, that this probably sounds quite stupid, to whine about getting an increase in traffic on my site... and it probably is, I'm not going to deny it. I just really think that it shouldn't be dominated by only one, very melencholy, very controversial topic in current events.


NewsBlog 5000 said...

Is this to do with that sex revenge thing, because I thought that was kind of cool, in a very wrong sort of way.

Linds said...

LOL! No, it's more to do with controversial current events in the world at this moment in time.

I thought it was pretty damned cool myself.

Uhhmmm.... In a wrong sort of way.

Yeah. That's it. Wrong.