Monday, March 21, 2005

Opening Up A New Can Of Worms...

Album Of The Moment: Michael Buble -- "It's Time"

On March 9th, I had written an opinion piece on the horrifying death of Grant DePatie, an employee at a local Esso Gas Station in Maple Ridge, who had been dragged to death by underage car thieves a few days prior to my piece of writing.

Now, I realized, that by voicing my opinion (quite vehemently) that I was making a statement. It was not something that a few people agreed with, but one that I stood by regardless. According to my eXTReMe Site tracker, almost 90% of the traffic directed to my blog, was based off of Google or various other search engine references to Grant DePatie for the following two weeks. Quite a bit of it still is.

That being said, I was approached by a close friend of the DePatie family this afternoon, in the form of a comment on my blog entry.

It reads as follows:

Graunt's auntie H said...

Dear Linds

I want to say that I really appreciated your article about Grant De Patie on March 9/05.
I knew Grant since he was 11 years old. He used to babysit my son. His mom is my best friend.
I do want to say that Grant didn't have any illusions of heroism. I don't think he thought they would actually hit him, never mind dragging him as far as they did.
His loss will always be felt.
I have started a petition to have this "kid" serve an adult sentence for this willfully brutal crime.
I would love to email you a cover page if you'd care to help.
It may not do anything at all and it might be a complete waste of time. But at least I know I'm trying to do something.
Kids today are getting away with murder and it has to stop.

6:30 PM, March 21, 2005

My reply is as follows:

My heart goes out to you. I'm so sorry for your loss. This story affected me on a level that I can't explain properly in words. I quite simply cannot imagine the anger and sorrow you are feeling at this particular moment in time.

I understand that Grant didn't expect them to hit him, no one would think that someone would willingly run them over with a vehicle for such a pithy amount of gasoline.

While I stand by my statement that these "kids" should be punished under adult legal standards, as consequences of their thoughtless actions; I'm hesitant in ways (for political reasons, this is a long and sordid story of it's own from my past, I hope you understand without me getting into details.) to endorse a petition.

I will, however, wholeheartedly agree to put up a link in a post for other readers who feel the same to visit the link if it is, indeed, a digital petition, or post the address of where they can visit if they feel like signing it in person.

This has left me in a bit of a quandary. Do I stick with my rather boisterous, angry opinion; and agree to help out the DePatie family by endorsing this petition? Or do I do nothing, and therefore devalue the strength of said opinion?

I want to help the DePatie Family, but at the same time, being asked to participate in a political situation, (and it is, more than you would think.) When I've got so much on my plate already... *sighs* It's hard to explain.

I need some time to think on it. I used to be VERY politically active in the community when I was younger, and I found it to be soap-operatic in proportion. Give me a week, if that's feasible, send me the email with all of the information, and when I'm properly informed of all the details, including permissions from the DePatie Family themselves, (Not a slight against you by any means) I will make my decision. My Email address is readily accessible in my profile.


Linds said...

a comment via email from someone that didn't post because anon posts are turned off. I'm putting it up here via request. Anon comments are turned back on, mainly because I have homework to do, and it takes time away/distracts me.

I googled Grant and read your page...pls add this...
thx....We knew Corrine through Pomba..parent of multiple births asc..... plus we were neighbours when Grant was livin with them....sad sad karma....B safe Linds
I Echo all sentiments posted..I know Doug and Corrine...My wife brought them a dinner one afternoon. I have no words for the way a boy was taken so callously.
I keep thinking of Chuck Cadman, and the way his boy was taken from him and his loved ones, also in a brutal manner, and how he went on to change the way youth are tried today.....
I know you guys have been through this before, May Grant's soul and memories keep your family stronger..4EVER
Your friend Ben

Linds said...

Please, if you could be so kind as to put your NAME or pseudonym underneath your anon posts. thx loads.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it has almost been 3 months since the tragic death of our son Grant. We are so grief sticken it's awful. we are all in grief councelling now. Our oldest daughter is so angry at the guy that did this to her brother, her hero before he died. She doesn't smile for the camera when we take pictures now. Our youngest daughter cries for Grant all the time. Our only surviving son said he is the only brother left now, and hates it that Grant isn't here to show him stuff. Like tricks on the BMX bikes, or how to beat the game Zelda. Grant was an awesome brother. Phoning the kids every Sunday evening before they went to bed, and before he started his shift. Telling them to work hard in class, listen to your teachers, get along with your classmates, and have a lot of fun. We miss Grant so much. Grant I love you sweet man. I miss you tons, sweetie. It's true, he really is gone. That's when hate comes in. I hate it that it is true, we'll never see our Grant again. All you people out there reading this. Sign petitions, get stiffer laws. We need this. We need to make a statement that people who do wrong should pay the price themselves.
Grant De Patie...He stood up for what was right!!
Like I've said before, We've been sentenced to life without the possibility of ever seeing Grant again. Isn't that awful.

I miss you Grant, and I love you even more, Mum. XOXOXO Till we meet again. I know you're happy and safe.