Sunday, March 06, 2005

SEE! I Smile! (And A New Cause to Champion!)

SEE! I Smile!
Originally uploaded by Duchessdocktrash.
This is for Rowan, because I promised to post a picture of me smiling.

Mischievous? Yes. It's that damned cocky eyebrow of mine. It has a mind of it's own.

Giant? not so much, but hey, I'm smiling.

Oh, and for anyone else that wonders what it looks like when I am smiling instead of being some overly made up sex-kitten... There ya go. *winks*

I'm going to let it all hang out, so to speak and admit that I'm helping champion a cause for the ever-so-gorgeous Cryptic.

He's asked me to be a recruiter for his "Bewbie" crusade.

Wait, wait... Don't roll your eyes at me! And don't click the "Next Blog" button quite yet. It's REALLY for a good cause. (Really, really!)

What Stray and Cryp have got up their sleeves is something clever, (on a receptive end of seeing LOTS of boobies for them) creative, and a very honourable idea at the same time.

I'll fully admit, that I did send a picture of my knockers to Cryp, but it was neither explicit, nor all too terribly revealing. Just sexy and suggestive. (Because, Damn! I've got nice tits!) Let me reiterate, that I am completely devoted to my sweetheart, Devin.

However, who am I to deny an adorable Aussie his request, and give the poor thing a few little thrills when he's got a sense of humour, (not to mention a body, Va-va-VOOOOOM! Hubba-Hubba!) and good morals and intentions to boot, even if this whole thing did start as a little bit of a male-oriented, bewbie-obsessed, perve-fest, met with skepticism from the majority of female readers. Coming FROM a female, I'm sure it's a bit more palatable.

These bewbie oriented shenanigans have developed into something with quite a socially acceptable motive behind it. Stray and Cryp have decided to donate cashola from their own pockets, through a publicly viewable PayPal account. (This means it's viewable to ensure they are following through on what they say they will do.) All of the proceeds go towards helping find a cure for Breast Cancer. This applies for every picture received from the gals that regularly read Don't Feed The Monkeys, and any girlfriends of those gals that decide to play along with the game and email the boys with a little bit (or a lot, depending on how amply you've been endowed) of bosom-y goodness. It doesn't have to be explicit, it can be fun, and lighthearted, because Lawd only knows that the world needs more laughter.

It's also requested, if you're so inclined, to scrawl "Don't Feed The Monkeys" across your cleavage. It's not neccessary, but fun with a lipliner, and a phenominal skill at writing backwards while looking into a mirror, I'm sure.

These pics will be posted in a "Monkey Bewbie Gallery" (unless asked specifically to NOT be posted) However, complete anonymity is promised. These boys play fair.

It's Bewbies for boobies, so to speak, and there is NO risk to your reputation for sending them in.

I, for one, am completely unashamed to send in a pic of my peaks, to help out those that might lose them because of this terrifying, life-threatening disease. It's a mix of playful, and Karma. (Which I seem to be fixated on, ad-nauseum.) Though cancer runs in my family, so perhaps I've got personal motives as well.

So, that's the lowdown. I'm sending out my war call, my most supreme challenge, to all the ladies in the hizzhouse. Send in a pic of your pair, to Cryptic or Straynjer at and help fund finding the cure for Breast Cancer.

Set up those cameras, and "Release the hounds, Smithers!"

Come on. Be a sport. It's for a good cause; and as a bonus, it makes Cryp and Stray deleriously happy. (And who DOESN'T like a happy pair of Australian mates!?)

*Shakes her head amusedly* Typical boys, but boys with their hearts in the the right place.


The Neurotic Monkey said...

That's very game of you. Also love the phrase "pic of my peaks". Sounds like a Gilbert & Sullivan line, only, you know...dirtier. Looking forward to the Monkey results.

Oh, and thanks fer the kind words on me blog.

Linds said...

I had fun thinking of great ways to describe the baring of breasts. I dunno. *shrugs* I'm strange that way I guess.

I'm all about the kind words, Neurotic m'dearie.

Your entry on Religion had me thinking AND laughing at the same time. Kudos.

Linds said...

*Blushes a lovely shade of crimson*

Ah, Stray, lovey, anything for you boys. It was a completely enjoyable process, for a darned good, lighthearted cause.

I really wanted to word it "my most Extreme Elimination Challenge" However, most people, unless they watch "Spike TV. The Mens Network." or horrible, obscure Japanese game-shows wouldn't get what the hell I was talking about, and think I was talking about some dirty Scheister German porn. So I refrained.

It's always a pleasure to help out boys in need.

Now, all you have to do is ship Cryptic up here for a week long love fest, and I'm a VERY happy camper. *winks*

Linds said...

Or, he can just walk around naked in my house, doing the dishes and cooking and whatnot.

I'll try to keep my hands to myself. I swear.