Thursday, February 17, 2005

100 Things...

1.) I'm my own worst critic.
2.) I love bright colours.
3.) I love people more than I show.
4.) I fall in love at the drop of a hat, and never really STOP loving the people I love.
5.) I take criticism poorly. Unless it's constructive criticism.
6.) I worry. Constantly. About everything.
7.) I'm stubborn.
8.) I think of myself as very annoying, but somehow, never end up changing the way I behave intentionally. It just happens.
9.) I love sunsets.
10.) My favourite season is Autumn.
11.) I'm very supportive of my friends endeavors.
12.) I never sleep the night through solid.
13.) I love to entertain people.
14.) I need music playing constantly while writing, or being creative.
15.) I totally kick ass at Tetris and Dr. Mario.
16.) I never had a Nintendo Entertainment System until I was 20. And I STILL kick ass at Tetris and Dr. Mario.
17.) I love my friends more than I love myself.
18.) I'm seriously contemplating becoming an ovo-lacto vegetarian.
19.) I still crave the pizza I had while in New York City in 1999.
20.) I've had a computer around me since I was six years old.
21.) I've been bitten by dogs seven times.
22.) I hate clowns.
23.) I love cats.
24.) I love touching skin. I'm a skin junkie.
25.) I see art in everything.
26.) Any photograph of me taken by anyone else I usually hate.
27.) I have 11 first cousins.
28.) I'm an only child.
29.) I was born a twin, but my sister died before we were born.
30.) We shared the same middle names.
31.) I used to sleepwalk when I was younger, and my mom says I was usually looking for my twin sister when she asked me in my sleep.
32.) My "nephew" Kirk, is my sunshine.
33.) So is Devin.
34.) I have 7 best friends. Including my mom.
35.) They mean more to me than life itself.
38.) I believe that Aretha Franklin has the voice of an angel, because it always makes me happy.
39.) I have a horrible addiction to shopping. It's detrimental to my bank account.
40.) I used to edit my Moms writing when I was eleven.
41.) I used to be a communist.
42.) I gave lectures on feminism and various topics on socialism in Seattle, Chicago, New York City, and San Francisco.
43.) I worked in a publishing house in Manhattan, and wrote articles for a global socialist newspaper when I was 19 years old.
44.) I devour Sci-Fi and Fantasy novels.
45.) I read my books over and over again.
46.) My television in my bedroom isn't even plugged in.
47.) I used to be a total bar star.
48.) I used to attend Karaoke 5 nights a week.
49.) I used to follow around one particular Karaoke host, because he had the best selection of music, and he flirted with me.
50.) He's seen my tits, but I never fucked him.
51.) He is my father's age.
52.) I don't care what you think about that.
53.) I have 18 years of vocal training, six of it in Jazz.
54.) I'm commonly angry at myself.
55.) I'm very good at hiding how angry I am at myself.
56.) I'm almost always lonely.
57.) People ask me for advice on a daily basis.
58.) I love to flirt.
59.) I haven't had a decent kiss in months.
60.) In 2003, I got drunk on Valentines Day, alone.
61.) I only drank half a mini-mickey of Fireball. (Cinnamon-flavoured whiskey.)
62.) When my parents came home they laughed at me.
63.) I get possessed by my writing.
64.) I'm getting a hair-cut today.
65.) I cry at commercials.
66.) I cry during comedies.
67.) I'm disgustingly romantic.
68.) I can be clingy.
69.) I REALLY try to NOT be clingy.
70.) I was a total control freak when I was in my late teens and early 20's.
71.) I don't smoke pot.
72.) My favourite colour is Blue. Usually.
73.) I dislike the colour green, by itself in art.
74.) I don't own a single item of yellow clothing.
75.) I do, however, own a yellow bracelet whose proceeds go to finding a cure for cancer.
76.) The word "Hope" holds significant meaning for me that I can't explain in words.
77.) The words on my yellow bracelet say "Have Hope."
78.) The day after I found out Devin had heart problems, my other bracelet that makes my wish come true when it falls off, (it represented hope) fell off.
79.) I really fucking hope that it works the way I was told it works. It's probably a bunch of bollocks.
80.) I hate it when people log off when they are chatting with me and don't say goodbye.
81.) It makes me feel unimportant.
82.) I have a messy room.
83.) However, I enjoy doing laundry.
84.) Socks are one of the best Christmas presents.
85.) I get upset if I don't get socks for Christmas from my parents.
86.) I love the clothing and styles of the late 30's, 40's and early 50's.
87.) I grew up watching Bugs Bunny, and Red Dwarf.
88.) I own way too many purses and shoes.
89.) I'm a clothing chameleon.
90.) I've had my hair almost every colour imaginable.
91.) I used to dye it a different colour once a month.
92.) I've had basically the same colour for almost a year and a half now.
93.) I want my hair long again but am too frustrated with it being in the middle of short and long.
94.) I have a huge fetish for lingerie.
95.) My music collection is taking over my bedroom.
96.) I love posters of 1940's and 50's pin-up girls.
97.) I love corsets.
98.) I love breathing more.
99.) I miss my old cat, Tiffany.
100.) I could have done a better job on this.

1 comment:

Belen Sanchez said...

I liked it... too many things in common...